This website has written extensively on the debacle that is Bull Street – a spectacularly failed, government-subsidized redevelopment project in downtown Columbia, South Carolina. Earlier...
“DEATH BLOW” Government-run public utility Santee Cooper has delivered a death blow to the state of South Carolina’s $14 billion V.C. Summer nuclear power project...
FISCAL CONSERVATIVE SLAMS “REFORM …” Tom Davis – who is reportedly on the cusp of entering the Palmetto State’s 2018 gubernatorial election – is blasting...
REJECTED CONTRACT RAISES QUESTIONS Soon-to-be former South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC) Catherine Heigel chose to reject a short-term, monthly consulting contract offered...
KEY VOTE COMING … Just how unpopular is one South Carolina school district’s plan to locate a new elementary school near a pristine, rural lakefront...
MAGISTRATE “NON-TROVERSY” This website hasn’t often had the occasion to support South Carolina chief justice Donald Beatty. We did not back his election to the...