Ted Cruz

Scott Walker Surges In Iowa

WISCONSIN GOVERNOR LEADS IN EARLY CAUCUS POLLING || By FITSNEWS || An early mile marker in the race for early-voting Iowa went to Wisconsin governor Scott Walker –...

Could Ted Cruz Win South Carolina’s Presidential Primary?

IN A WORD, “YES” || By FITSNEWS ||  Let’s face it … we live in a world of labels.   And in no arena are...

Donald Trump Knows How To (Tea) Party

“THE DONALD” PLANS SPLASHY LANDING IN MYRTLE BEACH, S.C.  || By FITSNEWS ||  This website didn’t exactly go into “swoon mode” when New York real...

Programming Note: Tea Party Convention Edition

HEADING TO THE COAST …  || By FITSNEWS ||  This website has waxed and waned when it comes to the Tea Party movement … which exploded on...

Mitt Romney … Really? Again?

HAVE “REPUBLICANS” LEARNED NOTHING? || By FITSNEWS ||  Well, well.  The left-leaning “Republican” billed by the liberal press as the party’s most “electable” presidential candidate is back … despite the...