“CANADIAN BIRTHER” STORY GAINING TRACTION … U.S. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky is getting desperate … Wait … hold up: Rand Paul is still running for president?...
HOW THE DISENFRANCHISED CONSERVATIVE ELECTORATE IS SHAPING UP IN EARLY-VOTING SOUTH CAROLINA There’s a huge buzz in political circles regarding “microtargeting,” or the use of data to identify, persuade and...
ATTACKING SUPPORTERS … EMBRACING TERRORISTS A couple of interesting developments on the campaign trail for U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida … neither of them...
EVANGELICAL SEEKS TO REVIVE FLAGGING CANDIDACY … This website has never had much use for former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee … and we’ve said as much...
ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST? The once front-running campaign of former Florida governor Jeb Bush is cancelling more than $3 million in television advertising in...
WHO? Former New York governor George Pataki has suspended his virtually non-existent campaign for the presidency – another establishment “Republican” bowing to the seemingly invincible...
“REPUBLICAN” PENIS-MEASURERS DISAPPROVE … While her male opponents engaged in a penis-measuring contest over who would be the toughest on terrorists, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly...
DOES TEXAS SENATOR HAVE CONFLICTING VIEWS ON PRIVACY? One of the most strident adherents for limited government has been culling through reams of social...