FITS has received the following statement from “independent Republican” petition candidate Tom Ervin in response to the SCGOP’s issuance of a letter instructing him to...
WILL FORMER REPUBLICAN LEADER RALLY BEHIND HIS GOVERNOR? There’s a lot of talk in the political world these days about “manhood.” Liberal opinion writer David...
2014 GENERAL ELECTION BATTLE IS ALREADY UNDERWAY Former lawmaker and circuit court judge Tom Ervin – who brands himself as an “independent Republican” – has...
DEMOCRATIC GUBERNATORIAL NOMINEE POPPED ON WOMEN’S ISSUES The Republican Governors’ Association has launched a new television advertisement blasting South Carolina Democratic gubernatorial nominee Vincent Sheheen....
STEVE FRENCH SAYS HE’S THE “ONLY CANDIDATE SAFE FOR CHILDREN” South Carolina’s libertarian gubernatorial nominee is slamming his major party rivals for their abysmal record...
COLUMBIA, South Carolina (March 27, 2014) – Steve French has filed as the Libertarian candidate for governor today, offering the voters of South Carolina a...