DRUGGED OUT WORKFORCE? This website has been consistently adamant in favor of the decriminalization of marijuana and other drugs. Government should not be wasting its...
“JOBS GOVERNOR” TOUTS PHANTOM RECOVERY … For the third straight month, South Carolina’s workforce remained at its lowest level in recorded history … further proof...
PALMETTO WORKFORCE “STILL SHRUNK …” For the second month in a row, South Carolina’s labor participation rate remained at a record-low level of 57.9 percent...
“JOBS GOVERNOR” HAS NO ANSWER FOR CHRONIC JOBLESSNESS S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley has been aggressively touting the reduction of the Palmetto State’s unemployment rate in...
S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley has been taking victory laps around the state recently touting her economic record – hoping to use the Palmetto State’s “improving...