
John Kasich: “Medicaid Jesus” Hit With Pay-To-Play Allegations

MORE CRONY CAPITALIST PROBLEMS FOR OHIO GOVERNOR This website doesn’t like Ohio governor John Kasich very much.  It’s not just that he’s another status quo...

Marco Rubio Wanted Florida To Be “First In the South,” Not South Carolina

SENATOR SUPPORTED IOWA AND NEW HAMPSHIRE’S EARLY-VOTING STATUS … BUT DISSED PALMETTO STATE In case you missed it, South Carolina is on the verge of losing...

Jeb Bush To Participate In Tim Scott Town Hall

Establishment “Republican” Jeb Bush will travel to South Carolina this weekend to participate in a town hall event hosted by U.S. Senator Tim Scott.  You...

SC Establishment “Republican” Wants To Take Out Donald Trump

KATON DAWSON FORMING ANTI-TRUMP PAC IN SOUTH CAROLINA Having run the presidential campaign of former Texas governor Rick Perry into the ground not once but twice,...

Ex-Establishment Backer Supports Donald Trump

LET “THE DONALD’S” TEA PARTY BEGIN … Who is Allen Olson? He’s a “tea partier.” Or at least he was prior to jumping on board...

Lindsey Graham’s Presidential Campaign Hits A New Low

“CANDIDATE” BARELY QUALIFIES FOR SECOND-TIER DEBATE … Liberal U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham‘s presidential campaign is an increasingly bad joke – but we’ve known that for months...

Donald Trump Headed To Anderson

“FIRST IN THE SOUTH” FRONTRUNNER HOLDING UPSTATE RALLY GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump will be back in early-voting South Carolina this week. Trump will hold...

Marco Rubio Lied About His Fundraising

SENATOR HAS A “PINOCCHIO PROBLEM” What little use we once had for U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida evaporated earlier this year when he cast...

Jeb Bush Versus Marco Rubio: The Status Quo Undercard

ESTABLISHMENT POLITICIANS AT EACH OTHER’S THROATS … Former Florida governor Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio – one of the Sunshine State’s current U.S. Senators – are in...

The Rand Paul Tragedy

CHOOSING POORLY … || By FITSNEWS || Back in December of 2013 – when this website was daily singing his praises – U.S. Senator Rand...