KATON DAWSON FORMING ANTI-TRUMP PAC IN SOUTH CAROLINA Having run the presidential campaign of former Texas governor Rick Perry into the ground not once but twice,...
EX-NEW YORK GOVERNOR SAYS TRUMP IS “SPEWING NONSENSE” Former New York governor George Pataki – whose 2016 presidential campaign continues to founder – is going...
“CANDIDATE” BARELY QUALIFIES FOR SECOND-TIER DEBATE … Liberal U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham‘s presidential campaign is an increasingly bad joke – but we’ve known that for months...
WISCONSIN GOVERNOR DROPS OUT OF PRESIDENTIAL RACE || By FITSNEWS || Wisconsin governor Scott Walker – one of the two early frontrunners for the 2016 “Republican”...
WISCONSIN GOVERNOR DEALS WITH RUMORS OF PRESIDENTIAL RETREAT … || By FITSNEWS || Another day, another rumor of a “Republican” presidential campaign on life support...