Mike Huckabee

Meanwhile, In New Hampshire …

|| By FITSNEWS || Jeb Bush – the left-leaning establishment choice for the “Republican” presidential nomination – is the early favorite in early voting New...

Rick Manning: Maryland’s “Tax Man” Is Democrats Fresh Face?

MARTIN O’MALLEY EXPOSES DECREPIT DEMOCRATS’ WEAK BENCH || By RICK MANNING || The Republican Party has an impressive group of presidential aspirants to choose from in...

George Pataki Also Got The Ethanol Question Right

|| By FITSNEWS || Former New York governor George Pataki – a left-leaning “Republican” who flirted with a presidential campaign in 2008 and 2012 –...

SC Presidential Electorate: Old Timers Rule

AND YOUNG VOTERS ARE NOWHERE TO BE FOUND …  || By FITSNEWS ||  We recently posted an item revealing the extent to which younger “Republican” voters...

Young “Republicans” Support Pot, Gay Marriage

GOP IN FLUX … || By FITSNEWS ||  This is not your father’s “Republican” party … According to new data from the Pew Center, a whopping...

SC Presidential Poll: Scott Walker Leads, Lindsey Graham In Second

BUT TAKE THE DATA WITH AN OCEAN OF SALT … || By FITSNEWS || Wisconsin governor Scott Walker leads the pack of 2016 presidential hopefuls...

Scott Walker Surges In Iowa

WISCONSIN GOVERNOR LEADS IN EARLY CAUCUS POLLING || By FITSNEWS || An early mile marker in the race for early-voting Iowa went to Wisconsin governor Scott Walker –...