Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio’s South Carolina “Coup”

“CONSERVATIVE” SENATOR LINKS UP WITH LIBERAL LOBBYIST … || By FITSNEWS ||  With the eyes of the political universe focused on U.S. Senator Ted Cruz and...

Marco Rubio Versus The Media

NO “PROCESS STORIES” || By FITSNEWS || A South Carolina political operative working on the presidential campaign of U.S. Senator Marco Rubio is trying to...

Glenn Beck Rolls Out His Poll Results …

LINDSEY GRAHAM DEAD LAST IN PRESIDENTIAL SURVEY || By FITSNEWS || We’ve never had much use for conservative commentator Glenn Beck, but lots of people...

Jeb Bush’s Campaign Will Cost Chris Christie, Marco Rubio

AND LIKELY HELP RAND PAUL …  By FITSNEWS  ||  We won’t be supporting former Florida governor Jeb Bush, New Jersey governor Chris Christie or U.S. Senator Marco Rubio...

Rick Perry To SC: “You’ll See Me Again”

TEXAS GOVERNOR RAMPS UP PRESIDENTIAL SPECULATION By FITSNEWS || Texas Governor Rick Perry stopped short of announcing his 2016 presidential candidacy during a Veterans Day swing through...

Scott Walker Openly Mulling White House Bid

VICTORIOUS WISCONSIN GOVERNOR FRAMES UPCOMING PRESIDENTIAL RACE … By FITSNEWS || Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is openly mulling a White House bid in 2016.  Not...