Jeb Bush

Glenn Beck Rolls Out His Poll Results …

LINDSEY GRAHAM DEAD LAST IN PRESIDENTIAL SURVEY || By FITSNEWS || We’ve never had much use for conservative commentator Glenn Beck, but lots of people...

Scott Walker Surges In Iowa

WISCONSIN GOVERNOR LEADS IN EARLY CAUCUS POLLING || By FITSNEWS || An early mile marker in the race for early-voting Iowa went to Wisconsin governor Scott Walker –...

Sarah Palin Is Exploring A White House Bid, Too

FORMER VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE EYES 2016 RACE  … || By FITSNEWS || Just when you thought the parade of “Republican” retreads was at an end...

“The Donald” Not Interested In Independent Candidacy

TRUMP FOCUSED EXCLUSIVELY ON FIGHT FOR “REPUBLICAN” NOMINATION || By FITSNEWS ||  Billionaire real estate mogul and reality television star Donald Trump is not interested in...