Columbia, SC – Today, former U.S. Senator and Heritage Foundation President-elect Jim DeMint announced the launch of the Palmetto Policy Forum, an independent, South Carolina-based...
GOVERNOR URGED TO SELECT AN INTERIM SENATOR WHO WILL CARRY ON DEMINT’S LEGACY Three of South Carolina’s strongest fiscal conservatives urged S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley...
Today Rep. Trey Gowdy (SC-4) released the following statement on the announcement of Sen. Jim DeMint (SC). “Jim Demint was more than a congressional colleague....
(COLUMBIA, S.C.)–South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson issued the following statement: “Jim DeMint has been a consistent champion of the conservative cause. I am certain...
Washington, DC—South Carolina Congressman Jeff Duncan made the following statement regarding Senator DeMint’s announcement that he will be resigning from the Senate to lead the...
POLITICOS REACT TO SENATOR JIM DEMINT’S SURPRISE RESIGNATION U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) dropped a bombshell on the national political scene this week when he...
EMBATTLED SC GOVERNOR GIVING KEYNOTE ADDRESS AT HERITAGE FOUNDATION EVENT After a brief break due to the hacking scandal that continues to rock her Department...