Donald Trump

What The Campaigns Are Sharing …

SCOTT WALKER’S “FIRST IN THE SOUTH” DEBUT … || By FITSNEWS ||  We’re either provided (or forwarded) all of the official emails released by the 2016...

Will Donald Trump’s “Surge” Ultimately Help Jeb Bush?

NO … IT WON’T || By FITSNEWS || The flamboyant, filterless GOP presidential frontrunner says his rapid rise won’t ultimately wind up helping the electoral prospects...

Donald Trump Versus El Chapo

IMMIGRATION DEBATE CONTINUES TO SHIFT IN “THE DONALD’S” FAVOR … || By FITSNEWS || Donald Trump‘s high-profile battle with the Mexican government (and the forces of...

Nikki Haley Doesn’t Diss “The Donald”

SOUTH CAROLINA GOVERNOR WEIGHS IN ON TRUMP’S IMMIGRATION STATEMENTS || By FITSNEWS || South Carolina governor Nikki Haley – whose national star is ascending in the...