Donald Trump

Jeb Bush To Participate In Tim Scott Town Hall

Establishment “Republican” Jeb Bush will travel to South Carolina this weekend to participate in a town hall event hosted by U.S. Senator Tim Scott.  You...

SC Establishment “Republican” Wants To Take Out Donald Trump

KATON DAWSON FORMING ANTI-TRUMP PAC IN SOUTH CAROLINA Having run the presidential campaign of former Texas governor Rick Perry into the ground not once but twice,...

Ex-Establishment Backer Supports Donald Trump

LET “THE DONALD’S” TEA PARTY BEGIN … Who is Allen Olson? He’s a “tea partier.” Or at least he was prior to jumping on board...

Lindsey Graham’s Presidential Campaign Hits A New Low

“CANDIDATE” BARELY QUALIFIES FOR SECOND-TIER DEBATE … Liberal U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham‘s presidential campaign is an increasingly bad joke – but we’ve known that for months...