by ROBERT ROMANO || In April, CTIA, the nation’s leading wireless trade association, rolled out its standard for 5G, promising 10 gigabits per second speeds at the top...
Two-and-a-half years ago, former U.S. president Barack Obama‘s appointees to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) imposed so-called “net neutrality” rules on the internet. Intended to...
“HELLO?” Taxpayers in Laurens County, South Carolina have been paying $3,300 a month to telecomm giant AT&T for a phone line that isn’t even being used....
IS THIS A CONFLICT? Pamela Lackey – the president of AT&T South Carolina – is one of the most influential and politically active corporate cronies in...
THE ANATOMY OF AN INSIDER SHAKEDOWN … South Carolina’s “Godfather of Pork” was angry … Accustomed to calling the shots in Palmetto politics with nobody standing...