Liberal Ex-Republican Eyes Dems’ “First In The South”

LABELS CHANGE … BIG GOVERNMENT IDEOLOGY REMAINS || By FITSNEWS || A liberal Democrat who used to be a liberal “Republican” is coming to South...

Rebuking Ex-Im Crony Capitalism: Props To Jeb Bush

ESTABLISHMENT “REPUBLICAN” TO THE RIGHT OF … MARK SANFORD? || By FITSNEWS ||  This website has made it abundantly clear Jeb Bush is not our...

Carly Fiorina Blasts Tax Code

FORMER CEO, 2016 CONTENDER ALSO RAILS AGAINST D.C. BUDGET PROCESS || By FITSNEWS ||  Former Hewlett Packard CEO and aspiring “Republican” presidential contender Carly Fiorina...

Ben Carson To Address Balanced Budget Amendment On SC Stop

|| By FITSNEWS || Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson will be in Columbia, S.C. this week to address the need for a balanced budget amendment at...

Winthrop Poll: Scott Walker, Jeb Bush Remain Out Front In SC

EVANGELICAL CANDIDATES STRUGGLE …  || By FITSNEWS || Wisconsin governor Scott Walker and former Florida governor Jeb Bush remain the early favorites of early voting...

Marco Rubio Is In …

… BUT HE’S NO FRIEND OF FREEDOM OR FREE MARKETS || By FITSNEWS ||  Three years ago, this website would have viewed a presidential announcement...

Carly Fiorina: Clinton “Not The Woman For The White House”

LONE FEMALE GOP CONTENDER QUESTIONS HILLARY’S TRANSPARENCY, TRUSTWORTHINESS || By FITSNEWS ||  The lone female “Republican” actively mulling a 2016 presidential bid is not impressed...

Lindsey Graham Wants To “Put Wood” On Rand Paul

LET’S HOPE IT’S NOT “DOUBLE ENTENDRE” DAY … || By FITSNEWS || There’s an interesting story out this week from reporter Alex Isenstadt of Politico …...

Hillary Clinton To Launch 2016 Campaign

|| By FITSNEWS ||  Stung by a scandal over her inappropriate (and potentially illegal) use/ abuse of a since-deleted private email address for government business,...

Citadel Cadets: Pawns In 2016 Game

ONLY WARMONGERS GET TO USE THEM AS POLITICAL PROPS …  || By FITSNEWS || Rand Paul couldn’t win for losing on foreign policy this week … The...