2016 Republican Presidential Primary

PC Police: Selective Enforcement

DONALD TRUMP AND BARACK OBAMA HELD TO TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT STANDARDS || By FITSNEWS || Billionaire real estate mogul and 2016 “Republican” presidential candidate Donald...

Rick Santorum Hosting National Security Forum In SC

CHRISTIAN WARMONGER HEADED TO PALMETTO LOWCOUNTRY || By FITSNEWS || Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum will bring his “Onward Christian Soldiers” presidential campaign back to early-voting...

Donald Trump Surges In New Hampshire Poll

MOGUL, REALITY STAR EMERGES AS GRANITE STATE’S “ANTI-BUSH” || By FITSNEWS || If Donald Trump‘s 2016 presidential campaign is a joke, somebody forgot to tell “Republicans”...

Ivanka Trump Headed To New Hampshire

|| By FITSNEWS || We know “The Donald” loves to make splashy landings, but our bet is his daughter will turn more heads in New...

Rand Paul Wants To “Blow Up” Tax Code

GOP CANDIDATE UNVEILS “FAIR AND FLAT TAX” PROPOSAL || By FITSNEWS || U.S. Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky wants to “blow up” the federal tax...

Donald Trump Postpones SC Campaign Stop

|| By FITSNEWS || Billionaire real estate mogul and reality television mega-star Donald Trump has postponed his scheduled appearances in early-voting South Carolina on the...

Jeb Bush: Previewing His Announcement

“REPUBLICAN” ESTABLISHMENT RONTRUNNER PREPARES TO MAKE HIS CASE …  || By FITSNEWS || Former Florida governor Jeb Bush will make his first trip to early-voting South...