2016 First in the South

Why Nikki Haley Is Picking A Fight …

… AND WHAT IT MEANS FOR “REPUBLICAN” PRESIDENTIAL WANNABES || By FITSNEWS ||  All of a sudden, S.C. governor Nikki Haley is picking a fight...

SC “Republican” Empires: A 2016 Vacuum

NO CLEAR “FIRST IN THE SOUTH” CONSULTANTS ANYMORE … || By FITSNEWS ||  For years there were three main consulting empires which pretty much dominated...

Rand Paul Hosting Charleston SC Fundraiser

|| By FITSNEWS || U.S. Senator Rand Paul and his wife, Kelley Paul, will attend a major fundraiser for his “Rand Paul Victory Committee” in Charleston, S.C. next...

Marco Rubio’s South Carolina “Coup”

“CONSERVATIVE” SENATOR LINKS UP WITH LIBERAL LOBBYIST … || By FITSNEWS ||  With the eyes of the political universe focused on U.S. Senator Ted Cruz and...

Romano: The Importance Of Being “First”

AFTER IOWA, N.H. AND S.C. – “FUHGEDDABOUDIT” || By ROBERT ROMANO ||  Being first has its advantages. Since the advent of the Iowa caucuses in...

Ted Cruz Is In …

… TEXAS SENATOR LAUNCHING PRESIDENTIAL BID THIS WEEK || By FITSNEWS || One of our favorite lines from the movie Spaceballs was when the evil...

Why Rick Santorum’s “Holy War” Sells In SC

BECAUSE WE’RE CRAZY … AND STUPID || By FITSNEWS ||  We recently addressed former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum‘s patently insane “Jesus H. Warmonger” approach to American...

Nikki Haley Muffs Jeb Bush Visit …

BUT DID SHE DO IT ON PURPOSE? || By FITSNEWS || We’ll have a post up soon on the real news associated with former Florida governor...

SC Union Battle Helps Scott Walker’s 2016 Bid

BOEING FIGHT A BIG BOOST TO WALKER’S PRESIDENTIAL CHANCES || By FITSNEWS || Wisconsin governor Scott Walker scored a big win in early-voting South Carolina...