2016 First in the South

“The Donald” Rebukes Obamatrade

TRUMP: CONGRESS MUST “STAND UP AND DEFEAT THIS RAW POWER GRAB” || By FITSNEWS || Billionaire real estate mogul and reality television star Donald Trump...

“The Donald” Makes Additional South Carolina Hires

TRUMP STAFFS UP IN EARLY-VOTING PALMETTO STATE || By FITSNEWS || Billionaire real estate mogul and reality television star Donald Trump is expanding his team...

Rand Paul Still Touting Electability

BUT CAN HE MAKE IT THROUGH A “REPUBLICAN” PRIMARY? || By FITSNEWS || U.S. senator Rand Paul of Kentucky touted his electability as a trio of...

Ted Cruz Welcomes The Competition

|| By FITSNEWS || The first announced GOP presidential candidate of the 2016 election cycle suddenly has plenty of company … which according to him...

2016: Mike Huckabee Is In …

SOCIAL CONSERVATIVE ANNOUNCES PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDACY  || By FITSNEWS || Former Arkansas governor and ex-Fox News host Mike Huckabee threw his name in the ring for...

5,129 Votes … No Consensus

“FIRST IN THE SOUTH” POLL RESULTS … || By FITSNEWS ||  Beyond a few Captain Obvious preconceptions, we didn’t have much of a sense as...

2016: Carly Fiorina Is In …

LONGSHOT GIVES IT A GO …  || By FITSNEWS || Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina officially entered the “Republican” presidential primary this week –...

“Republicans” Still Tap Dancing Around Gay People

GOP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF LIBERTY …  || By FITSNEWS || Reporter Leslie Larson of Business Insider has a fascinating piece up this week...

Blind Hogs And Acorns, Mike Huckabee And “Obamatrade”

PROPS TO FORMER ARKANSAS GOVERNOR … || By FITSNEWS ||  This website is not fond of Mike Huckabee … as we’ve noted on several prior occasions.  We don’t...

Bobby Jindal Opposes Gay Marriage

LOUISIANA GOVERNOR SUPPORTS RIGHT OF STATES TO REGULATE RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION || By FITSNEWS || We’ve long admired Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal for his support of...