National Politics – 2016

Our coverage of the historic 2016 United States presidential election. This section features over 1,000 articles from our archives …

Nikki Haley Muffs Jeb Bush Visit …

BUT DID SHE DO IT ON PURPOSE? || By FITSNEWS || We’ll have a post up soon on the real news associated with former Florida governor...

SC Union Battle Helps Scott Walker’s 2016 Bid

BOEING FIGHT A BIG BOOST TO WALKER’S PRESIDENTIAL CHANCES || By FITSNEWS || Wisconsin governor Scott Walker scored a big win in early-voting South Carolina...

GOP Voters Done With Chris Christie

… AND LINDSEY GRAHAM || By FITSNEWS || Looks like we can stop kicking New Jersey governor Chris Christie around … at least as it...

Rick Perry Won’t Be A Fool Again

CRONY CAPITALIST, BORDER SECURITY CANDIDATE VOWS TO DO BETTER IN 2016 || By FITSNEWS || Former Texas governor Rick Perry‘s 2012 presidential campaign went from...

“Quinndom” Blasted For Neo-Confederate Roots

“THE SCANDAL WILL RISE AGAIN …” BUT DOES THIS HIT PIECE MISS THE MARK? || By FITSNEWS || There’s a sprawling piece in Buzzfeed this week...

Rick Santorum Headed Back To SC

“ONWARD CHRISTIAN WARMONGER” || By FITSNEWS || Fiscally liberal, socially conservative “Republican” Rick Santorum (a.k.a. Jesus H. Warmonger) is bringing his brand of “Onward Christian Soldiers” back...

Scott Walker Has A Mitt Romney Problem

ANOTHER “ETCH-A-SKETCH” CANDIDATE? || By FITSNEWS || A leading Iowa “Republican” blog is taking after Wisconsin governor Scott Walker for the malleability of some of...