National Politics – 2016

Our coverage of the historic 2016 United States presidential election. This section features over 1,000 articles from our archives …

Marco Rubio Lied About His Fundraising

SENATOR HAS A “PINOCCHIO PROBLEM” What little use we once had for U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida evaporated earlier this year when he cast...

Jeb Bush Versus Marco Rubio: The Status Quo Undercard

ESTABLISHMENT POLITICIANS AT EACH OTHER’S THROATS … Former Florida governor Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio – one of the Sunshine State’s current U.S. Senators – are in...

South Carolina (Black) Democrats Still Love Hillary Clinton

MINORITY LOVE FROM STATE’S PERPETUAL MINORITY PARTY KEEPING CLINTON AFLOAT Democrats in early-voting South Carolina aren’t bailing on their party’s frontrunner Hillary Clinton … at...