CANDIDATE MAKES CLOSING ARGUMENT TO VOTERS … How well does playing the “Trump card” work in South Carolina’s fifth congressional district? Let’s consider the campaign...
WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? Martha Stewart was never convicted for insider trading. The Department of Justice got her on a series of process violations, including...
IN YOUR WALLET … You may have experienced the frustration of someone driving slowly in the left lane followed by the exhilaration of finally passing...
HENRY McMASTER STAFFERS “RED-FACED” OVER SCGOP SPEAKING SLATE … South Carolina governor Henry McMaster and his staffers are fuming over a decision by state “Republican”...
SERVICE WEAPON REPORTEDLY UNACCOUNTED FOR … A brewing inmate labor scandal at the Anderson County, S.C. detention center just jumped to a higher energy level...
KEN GLASSON CHARGED WITH CRIMINAL SEXUAL CONDUCT … Former congressional candidate, mayoral aspirant and Mount Pleasant, S.C. town councilman Ken Glasson was arrested just after...
“HOLY CITY?” NOT HARDLY … After the gruesome Planned Parenthood fetal body parts scam of 2015, we remain shocked that anyone with a conscience can continue...
“A BATTLE FOR ACCOUNTABILITY WAS LOST …” South Carolina Senator Tom Davis issued the following statement on the passage of H. 3516: Since this debate...
AMBASSADOR “ENDORSES” IN PALMETTO STATE CONGRESSIONAL RACE … United States ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley took a break from trying to launch another Cold...