SC Politics

Donald Trump Endorsement Showcases Nancy Mace’s Strength

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Two years ago, former U.S. president Donald Trump did everything in his power to take out congresswo
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A Name March 10, 2024 at 7:27 pm


Nancy completely melted down and embarrassed herself on national tv today when asked why she supports a sexual abuser and rapist, when she is a victim of rape herself.

It’s nice and all that Nancy’s daddy put up the money to originally start this blog, Fits”News”, but all the gushing blog posts in the world will not make Nancy look like a serious person. She’s a national joke who is trying to give ol’ Granny Boebert a run for her money in the vapid “please look at me. Look I’m on TV!” department ;-)

Nancy Mace's Empty Spray Paint Canister March 10, 2024 at 10:49 pm

It’s simple really, money and power. Some people really will do anything for it.

Many politicians stand for nothing at all, just lip service to the gullible. Conservatives are just in an era where the wonks are back to being called nerds and the conspiracy theorists, outright Nazis, and Cancun enthusiasts can give literally no effort and they get elected.

I hope Willie is getting something good for these pieces. Maybe he can get a hand me down RV from “Clearance” Thomas? Or at least one of those yacht vacation polos. That’s way better than the double wide T-Rav promised him.

Losers gonna lose March 10, 2024 at 9:39 pm

I’m guessing this post was written last night?

Nancy made a major fool of herself on TV today. I guess she’s following her fellow Trump cultist, Lyndsey, by yelling like a child and trying to play victim when asked simple questions about their support for the rapist and wannabe dictator?

Republicans truly have nothing to run on and now they can’t even explain their support for their dearest leader without having a total meltdown in public.

Nancy Mace's Empty Spray Paint Canister March 10, 2024 at 10:55 pm

She literally is copying the Graham playbook, be the loudest ahole at reelection time and then watch as rubes line up at the polls.

It’s more honest than the budget Antifa thing though.

Nanker Phelge March 10, 2024 at 9:53 pm

If by “strength” you mean ability to lie down and be totally submissive to Dementia Don then you are correct.

Republican National Committee March 11, 2024 at 1:07 am

Hold our collective beer!

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The Colonel Top fan March 11, 2024 at 9:53 am

Wow, the heading of this page has a picture of a Mace (in the story photo) and Biggs (in a political add).

Mace looks rough, maybe DC is beating her down. Playing “swamp games” is generally a self-inflicted injury and if you play it long enough it can’t help but beat you down (Nancy Pelosi anyone?). Why she’d agree to talk with a known political hack and wiener, like “Steffie” Stephanopoulosis beyond me. I guess keeping your name in the news is important.

On the other hand, Biggs looks deranged or maybe she’s being goosed with an icicle?

David B. Reynolds March 11, 2024 at 10:29 am

Again….nothing but cowards adding their pithy comments to these articles. If you are afraid to use your name, don’t participate in the conversation.

Seymour Butts March 11, 2024 at 11:33 am

Come on Nancy, you’re not fooling anyone.

A Name March 11, 2024 at 1:12 pm

A coward would be someone like Nancy, who just flips and flops and sucks up to a rapist and sexual abuser just in the hopes of getting some votes to keep giving FoxNews a reason to put her on air.

The whole Republican Party is nothing but cowards. You seem to be a followers of these cowards. I can see why you are so butthurt ;-)

Mary Elizabeth Hinson March 11, 2024 at 6:05 pm

It is unbelievable that anyone with a history of sexual abuse, much less rape, would support Donald Trump. People like Trump are the reason women are reluctant to come forward when they are raped or assaulted by men. It’s not just that a jury found this man to have sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll; he admitted on tape that he has molested numerous women in the past. Why would I not believe Ms. Carroll when Trump himself says he has groped women without their consent? Groping women is just a way of asserting power over women, just like rape. Anyone man would do that has no moral boundaries.

The fact that a man with no morals and who has done what he has done can still be President of the United States makes all victims afraid to speak. It’s very clear that none of the political leaders of South Carolina think this behavior is unacceptable; which also tells you what they think of women. That includes you, Nancy.

GT March 11, 2024 at 2:20 pm

Is it like where Lauren Boebert got Trump’s endorsement and she can’t even poll at the top of her primary group in a deep red district?

Nancy is an ass. A complete embarrassment. She even co-founded this blog. Sad.

JustCallMeAva Top fan March 11, 2024 at 6:46 pm

Winning the Trump voters won’t be enough to get her elected in that district. I guess she’ll scream “voter fraud” then, but then, she knows a lot about being a phony.

Lord Barfington March 19, 2024 at 10:35 am

How embarrassing for Charleston to be represented by such an imbecile.


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