US & World

White House Supports Warrantless Spying On Americans

Fourth Amendment be damned …

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Spoiler Alert February 19, 2024 at 11:24 am

Pre-2001: White House definitely does NOT support warrantless spying on Americans, honest to Jeebus, pinky swear, cross my heart and hope to die! Any claims to such actions by government must surely be pinko commie scum lies!

2001: White House supports warrantless spying on Americans.
2004: White House supports warrantless spying on Americans.
2008: White House supports warrantless spying on Americans.
2012: White House supports warrantless spying on Americans.
2016: White House supports warrantless spying on Americans.
2020: White House supports warrantless spying on Americans.
2024: White House supports warrantless spying on Americans.
2028: White House supports warrantless spying on Americans.
2032: White House supports warrantless spying on Americans.
2036: White House supports warrantless spying on Americans.
2040: White House supports warrantless spying on Americans.

I mean I could go on but, well, I’m trying to keep my folder at the NSA small so my taxes don’t have to pay for more servers.

GQP’s sole purpose February 19, 2024 at 3:57 pm

Quit committing so many crimes and traitorous acts and you don’t have to worry about the federal government coming after you.

George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn were all found guilty of crimes related to helping foreign governments. No conspiracy there. Just crimes.

The GQP is nothing more than a criminal organization working against the best interests of America. Thousands of GQP voters are in prison for attacking the Capitol. The GQP is led by a rapist, fraud and insurrectionist. Those are facts determined by multiple courts, in multiple jurisdictions.

Of course criminals are going to complain about being exposed by law enforcement. And that’s what this blog post is all about. Covering up for criminals.


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