SC Politics

South Carolina Senator Could Challenge Congressman Embroiled In Sex Scandal

Will Richard Cash mount a primary challenge against Jeff Duncan?

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A South Carolina state senator said to be contemplating a 2024 primary challenge against incumbent U
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CongareeCatfish Top fan January 8, 2024 at 9:42 am

Upstate voters: if these affairs bother you [and they should], ask yourself why they don’t bother you when they were committed by Trump, multiple times. It’s a fair question. Is it because his affairs were not committed while in office? That seems to be about the only justification that I can think of. Meanwhile, DeSantis is the best governor in the country, a military veteran, and still married to the wife of his youth without any rumors of marital misconduct. Think about that if this aspect of character matters to you.

Walker Hough January 13, 2024 at 11:24 am

I am a fan of DeSantis. I believe him to be the best conservative running for President. I do not like Haley based on her actions while governor and some issues that came up during her first campaign. I have never trusted her. I’m concerned about what actions Trump may take in retribution to ‘even the score’ so to speak. Our government, under Democrats, has been socialized and weaponized instead of following the procedures to govern under our Constitution! In my 80 years of life I have never been this concerned over the survival of our Federalist Democracy! I fear another 4 years of Democrat rule will end this USA many of us love and sacrificed so much to defend her!! I believe DeSantis is our best hope in 2024.

Tom January 17, 2024 at 1:35 pm

You guys are totally self-unaware. Give me an example of Joe Biden socializing anything. As far as our Democracy, is it a Democrat who said he would be a dictator on day one? Is it a Democrat who said he would end the Consitution if necessary for him to stay in power? Is it a Democrat who directed a mob to attack the US Capitol to stop the election of his successor? Is a Democrat who chanted lock her up in his first election and now says he plans to arrest his political opponents if reelected and wants to kill generals who will not support him is suppressing US Citizens who oppose him. Was it a Democrat who said he admired Putin, XI, and Kim Jong Un, and the way they rule their countries with an iron fist? Donald Trump and the Republican Party are the greatest threat to our Federalist Democracy in our lifetime. How you cannot see that is beyond me. Its because you are fed a constant stream of lies by Fox News and the right-wing media and Donald Trump.

Since Biden took office, Stock Market Up. GDP way up, unemployment is at a near record low, the home value of the average middle-class American up, manufacturing returning to the US at a record pace, the Russian economy in near collapse, the Russian army decimated without the loss of a single American life, the Chinese economy taking a backseat to the US economy and moving toward recession, the net worth of the average American at a near-record high and higher than under Trump, corporate profits up, we are producing more oil in the US than under Trump; and deficits lower than under Trump.

Rob January 14, 2024 at 10:05 pm

Hypocrites – adultery, living with a DC lobbyist while the wife is back in South Carolina

Conservative Christian Values we know too well

Frank January 17, 2024 at 1:54 pm

How in the name of God, could anyone who really believed in Faith and Family possibly support Donald Trump? The man has run around on all three of his wives and brags about groping married women and going backstage at the Ms. America Padgent so he could ogle young girls while they were changing clothes. Donald Trump is the Seven Deadly Sins embodied in one man.


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