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Is Peter Strauss The Man Behind Alex Murdaugh’s Missing Millions?

Case of suspended South Carolina attorney eyed in connection with missing money of notorious convicted killer, confessed fraudster …

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For months, our media outlet has been focused on the financial fallout from convicted killer Alex Mu
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Goody3 Top fan December 20, 2023 at 11:52 am

LORDY!!! That was about as clear as mud ………NOT a comment re Jenn’s reporting – it’s just so damned complicated! I’ll need to re- re- re- read this one! AND make some Venn diagrams of my own.

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VERITAS Top fan December 20, 2023 at 2:33 pm

We all know that AleX Murderer was a career criminal since right out of law school. He had good teachers: his father and grandfather. I believe Murdaugh’s crimes are expansive and involve attorneys, judges and law enforcement; that he does have millions in hiding; and, his wife and sons were nothing more than props and became disposable. If/when more is discovered, it will be shocking the extent of his crimes and why he was able to do what he did in South Carolina and beyond. AleX Murderer is a predator with no conscience and can never be released back out into society.

Anonymous December 21, 2023 at 12:16 pm

um ok

MICHELE HOLLEY Top fan December 21, 2023 at 6:41 pm

What I question is why anyone stealing money would use this financial arrangement to hide funds. Most individuals stealing or obtain monies by illegal means are not reporting these funds to the IRS, thus they would not have a need for a tax shelter to avoid paying taxes. As to the aspects of using these structures to offshore monies the necessity to establish and register a USA business entity would in my opinion only serve to draw attention to yourself.

Funds can only leave the US by wire transfer or physical transport of cash, gold,etc. Wiretransfers are easily traceable and On the other hands if you have smuggled cash out of the US why not just go ahead and deposit in Swiss accounts or the like.

Captive insurance structures are a perfectly legal loophole to avoid taxes if there use adheres to the criteria in your article. It is the misuse or fraudulent use to evade taxes that is a problem.

In that Alec was not reporting the stolen funds to the IRS why would he need a tax shelter type company that would only draw attention to himself which would be plain stupid in my opinion I think this is just another rabbit hole.

Anonymous January 24, 2024 at 4:39 pm

We were on hhi when Calverts went missing.Right from the beginning the idea of Dennis committing supposed suicide to the way they haphazardly seemed to look for the Calverts was suspect.
The sherrif seemed to be doing nothing.
Somet bad things going on in HHI


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