
Palmetto Political Stock Index: 9/24/2023

Surviving a sex scandal: Can one embattled South Carolina congressman learn from another?

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Republican Disasters September 24, 2023 at 10:28 am

Republicans water-carriers are now like

“It’s no big deal that Republican politicians in Washington are trying to destroy the economy AGAIN just to appease our dear leader trump. Don’t be such a wussy. We managed to survive every other time they screwed up!”

Welfare Will Folks already got his handouts from the taxpayers that he’ll never have to payback.

Are there any policies affecting Americans that Republicans are NOT on the wrong side of?

Don't Google That September 25, 2023 at 9:08 am

I heard Sticky Fingers was bought out by Lauren Boebert. I also heard they’re changing from Memphis style to Alabama style BBQ.

Uh, yeah…nope September 24, 2023 at 10:43 am

“ In every corner of South Carolina and stretching to the northernmost parts of Alaska, Americans were asking one another last week, “How the hell do you just lose a $90 million warplane???”

I have literally not heard a single person ask this question (and I talk with people across the country and world in my line of work).

What a strange way to attack our efforts with NATO in repelling war criminal Putin’s invasion of Ukraine? You Putin apologists are really struggling and ineffectual.

World's Most Expensive Crop Duster September 25, 2023 at 9:10 am

You can totally support Ukraine and still question the F-35 program’s seemingly endless costs and screw ups.

It’s come to this September 24, 2023 at 10:56 am

The GQP has officially become the Anti-Military Party.

Their leader, trump, openly disrespects disabled veterans, their senators are harming the functioning of our military and aiding our enemies by holding up promotions and their media toadies and congresspeople constantly attack our military and give aid to Russia by attacking our efforts with NATO.

Besides religious nuts, white-nationalists and libertarian minded ultra-wealthy, who do Republicans expect to get votes from? They’ve lost the military vote.

Ron September 24, 2023 at 3:47 pm

Republicans are a disgrace.

Trump calls for a retiring General to get the ‘death penalty’, while the openly racist, Rep. Gosar says he should be ‘hung’.

Why? Because he spoke the truth about his time with trump.

That’s today’s GQP. Openly hostile and actively working against our military.

Bob September 24, 2023 at 12:06 pm

The Biden/Democrat strategy for 2024?

Stand back while the Republicans keep kicking themselves in the nuts…over and over and over and over again.

The halfway sane Republicans have left the Party to a bunch of deeply dumb, angry and incompetent fools/crooks.

Everything Republicans stand for is highly unpopular with a vast majority of voters. Especially younger, new voters. Prepare for another Blue Tsunami!

Orange is the New Orange September 25, 2023 at 9:14 am

If Trump wins the nominations he’ll just ghost Biden at the debates like he has his fellow Rethuglicans. With any luck maybe he can blame it on the jail time.

Nanker Phelge September 24, 2023 at 2:36 pm

The only reason Haley is rising is because DullSantis is tanking, bigly.

If Vivache gives another debate performance similar to the last, viewers will be wanting to shoot their tvs.

If your hate boner for Biden lasts 33 months, please see a doctor immediately.

Appius Top fan September 25, 2023 at 9:08 am

Somebody has been reading DFW.

Terrible labor take.

Lorraine Murphy Top fan September 25, 2023 at 9:27 am

Your cavalier attitude towards government shut down is funny satire and somewhat true but you didn’t mention the bigger picture. The really big picture is the world is watching and they lose confidence in America. The US credit rating was down graded recently as a result of constant gridlock in our government. I submit that might be a more newsworthy story for everyone.


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