Palmetto Political Stock Index: 9/17/2023

A sex scandal you should be following?

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There was big buzz in Republican vice presidential circles earlier this month as South Dakota govern
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Thanks, dummy September 17, 2023 at 12:21 pm

Thanks for pointing out that the Republicans’ Benghazi 2: Impeachment Boogaloo is solely based on “payback” for Trump’s two totally justifiable impeachments. Not based on any actual impeachable offenses, just political theater.

Republicans Confusion September 17, 2023 at 12:56 pm

Why aren’t Republicans protecting Hunter’s 2nd Amendment rights from the out of control Federal law enforcement. That’s two of Republican’s biggest talking points?

All I know is Trump is going to beat Obama in 2025, unless World War II breaks out first!

IANAL, Also I'm Not a Lawyer September 18, 2023 at 8:13 am

I heard he took the advice of FITS’ very own founding editor calling for the civil disobedience of gun laws.

Republican Values September 17, 2023 at 4:37 pm

Trump should pick ol Granny Boebert as his running mate.

Something tells me the voters in SC can really relate with her behavior in public.

Nanker Phelge September 17, 2023 at 10:08 pm

Once again Will and Alan Wilson’s fluffer skip the juiciest political items of the week…

• Tim Scott suddenly has a “girlfriend”

• Lauren Boobert’s classy theatre etiquette

• Donald Trump, believing he is running against Obama and that Biden is going to get us into WWII

Biden Crime Family Murdered the Dinosaurs September 18, 2023 at 8:15 am

Looks like Biden’s been playing with Obama’s time machine again.

Flossip Top fan September 18, 2023 at 9:16 am

Congratulations Will on semi-questioning GOP hypocrisy. On the other hand, they claim to be the party of “faith and values” and on the other hand, they’re literally giving hand jobs to their boyfriends in public or carrying out a well-known extra-martial affair. But the so-called “Christians” in this state and elsewhere in the GOP strongholds will merely turn their heads and claim it’s not for them to “judge” although, to be clear, they have a long history of being pretty damn judgy about everything else. The only things the GOP has going for them are culture wars and stoking up fake indignation. What have the GOP done with control of the House, exactly? No bills. No ideas. No policies–just endless bs and press ops. Remember this when the GOP loses again in 2024.


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