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America Needs A Third Way

Escaping the “inevitable asphyxiation of the American dream …”

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It’s a positively dismal time to be an American voter – and an even worse time to be an
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Bob September 11, 2023 at 1:03 pm

Why do chicken little republicans always think the country is about to collapse?

Oh yeah, because every Republican POTUS since Bush Sr has left the economy way worse off than when they first took office.

I can see why republicans are always depressed and paranoid.

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VERITAS Top fan September 11, 2023 at 9:50 pm

. . . as we watch the United States IMPLODE under the puppet-on-stick overly-medicated O’Biden. Who is ACTUALLY directing the impending funeral of America? Obama leftovers. Your point, Bob, escapes me in your cloud of smelly fart comments.

Geriatric Theatrics September 11, 2023 at 11:19 pm

Trump will be lucky to last a year in a Georgia state penitentiary with his age and obesity. Moping around eating prison food is probably the only thing worse than a cold AYCE McDonald’s buffet.

At least Biden doesn’t suffer mid-day reboots like your head Senate guy.

Tom September 11, 2023 at 1:14 pm

The only interest you and the right have in a Third Party, is its ability to sideline the Independents who cannot stomach Trump. You know Trump cult members will always vote for Trump. Consequently, a third party is not a threat to him, because a third party will not win the Presidency and will only take votes by independents who would have voted Biden.

Trump meets all of your criteria for what you want. A man who will do whatever it takes for him to make money and have power. That makes him totally bribable and an authoritarian whose penchant to go after anyone who does not pledge loyalty to him will help offset the fact that Republicans are not even close to a majority in this country and their numbers are shrinking, far more rapidly than Democrats.

Biden is an old-fashioned center-left Democrat. He has done nothing particularly liberal, and whether you like it or not the economy is booming under Biden.

Most Americans are center-left and center-right. What the right wants is a person who will gut Social Security and Medicare and abandon our world alliances all to give more tax cuts to rich Americans. A bad time for taxpayers? Really? Taxes are at historic lows, especially for the rich. That is why we are running up massive deficits.

Nanker Phelge September 11, 2023 at 9:55 pm

“But then the woke left began its “Indictment-palooza” against him – and its multi-pronged assault against DeSantis.”

The “woke left” “multi-pronged assault against DeSantis” killed his campaign? Anyone with 2 neurons to rub together can see that DeSantis was/is his own worst enemy. Most of us saw it from the start when week after week he kept getting RISING on the fEaRNews political index boner meter.

A third party has in fact taken over. It still calls itself “Republican” but it is really the Trump party.

Hope you didn’t spend too much time coming up with this “think piece.”

Spoiler Alert September 11, 2023 at 11:13 pm

The “third way” is Trump running third party to twist the knife in the GOP one last time.

Mark Buyck III Top fan September 11, 2023 at 10:28 pm

Who you got n mind Will?

Alex, Not Murdaugh Top fan September 12, 2023 at 7:35 am

What makes people think we have a two party system any longer? Going on about saying it is broken while pitching snot balls at each other doesn’t seem to be resolving much and seems to have the echoes of road rage.
The “system” such as it is now is working exactly as it is intended by the parties in control. Often times it looks like a “divide and conquer” military strategy while liberties are sold by whatever figurehead is on the front page. If the power brokers that own US didn’t want these seemingly out of control agendas to happen, they wouldn’t.
Historically when societies get to somewhere close to where we are, the results tend to be some sort of major reset. I don’t claim to have the answer but rest assured, none of the commenters here have the answers. Sorry, you too Will. Love ya anyway.

Michael Top fan September 12, 2023 at 9:08 am

Agree with almost all of your analysis. But a new way would be a 2nd party, since Dem and Repubs have been a uniparty for years, all the way down to the local level. The woke commandos are very serious about destroying all opposition. Don’t believe that? Ask anybody thrown into Pelosi’s gulag in DC, or anyone now being prosecuted for being associated in any way with Trump.

shotwell Top fan September 13, 2023 at 4:47 pm

Will, you are right on target. Where is that good candidate that you suggest? He/she better get started soon organising the grassroots.

Anonymous September 13, 2023 at 8:18 pm

As a PROUD Independent of long standing….(and as an IRAQUISTAN Vet…) the only hope is to draft Senator Tammy Duckworth for Prez.

Seriously wounded in Iraq Senator Duckworth knows a thing or two about sacrifice and commit


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