Hunter Biden: All Hell Breaks Loose

Plea deal collapses …

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As scrutiny intensifies regarding familiar allegations of corruption involving the Biden family, a f
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Nanker Phelge July 26, 2023 at 10:41 pm

Shokin had previously investigated Burisma but was NOT investigating Burisma at the time of his sacking.

Shokin was corrupt. Period. Democrats, Republicans, the EU, and the IMF had been calling for his firing months before Uncle Joe delivered his ultimatum.

These are pesky little facts that Will Folks knowingly and repeatedly ignores.

If Hunter Biden did anything illegal he should be prosecuted for it. If anything he should be prosecuted for trading in on his name for peanuts instead of getting a big $2 billion deal like Jared got from the Saudi terrorists.

Another pesky fact Will leaves out is that the US Attorney who has been investigating Hunter since 2018 was appointed by Trump and kept on by Biden. Of course that wouldn’t go with his narrative that old, demented Joe is masterminding this deal for his son.

Bill July 27, 2023 at 2:31 am

You forgot to mention the millions of dollars a year the Saudis spent at Trump Hotels while he was President. The fact the Saudis just bought the PGA so that Trump golf courses could get tournaments. The Chinese Patents Xi gave to Ivanka. The pardons Rudy and Trump were selling for 2 million each. I could go on and on but Maga Cult members don’t care about real corruption.

J Monday Top fan July 27, 2023 at 6:18 am

It’s about time the Teflon fell off of the Bidens. Both Hunter & Joe Biden need to be tried for treason against our country. Let’s go after the real bad guys.

Frances Garber July 27, 2023 at 7:48 am

The PGA may have sold to the Saudi’s but don’t give Trump credit. Money talks. Not Trump’s money. There is always greed. The Trumps made their courses first class, making them good venues.
At least we were energy independent for a few years.

Bill July 27, 2023 at 1:44 pm

Strange that the PGA never wanted to use Trump’s courses until they were bought out by the Saudis.

We have never been energy independent. The only oil “we” own is the national oil reserve. The rest of the oil is owned by multinational oil companies, who sell their oil to the highest bidder. If we seized control of the oil companies and refused to let them sell to foreigners, we could be oil independent, but that would be “socialism.” By the way, we are producing more oil today than we were producing when Trump was president. The reason we have to import more oil now than under Trump is because the economy is so better than it was under Trump. Of course, you would know that if you did not watch dumb downed right-wing media. Don’t believe me. Read it in the WSJ.

Frederick Barton Top fan July 30, 2023 at 11:02 pm

Gas sure was cheaper when Turnip was in. Did you do as you’re told and get the Wuhan jab and the endless boosters. Trump caught the Wuhan and said he got the jab. I don’t think he did. Trump fibs now and again. The Bidens are such common trash. How in the fuck is the Biden boy going to pass a drug test. Best get two samples so one can be tested independently of Garland DOJ. make it a MAGA day!

Jennifer Cox Top fan July 27, 2023 at 5:28 pm

The Biden family is the proverbial swamp from DC- they could give lessons to the cosa nostra. I’m thankful this judge made this ruling and threw out the sweetheart deal and Hunter may actually be held accountable for his actions. I’m guessing from the photos taken at the last “family” get together at the WH, even Jill is at the breaking point with Hunter.

MaryContrary Top fan August 1, 2023 at 10:15 pm

Good ruling by the judge! The Biden family is just plain trashy.


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