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Alex Murdaugh Hit With 22-Count Federal Indictment

Convicted killer charged with fraud, conspiracy and money laundering …

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Convicted killer Alex Murdaugh has been indicted by federal prosecutors on 22 counts of wire fr
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The Colonel Top fan May 24, 2023 at 11:19 am

And now it begins…will “Elick” stay at McCormick in “VIP custody” or will he get sent to a “Club Fed”? This is what “Harmbo” have been after all along.

Part of me says let the Feds have him so SC doesn’t pay the cost but then I remember that my tax dollars (and money borrowed from China) pay for his incarceration regardless of where his DA resides. Let the Feds try him, but since all of his (known) miscreant behavior was in South Carolina, committed against South Carolinians, we ought to just retain custody of his “Slim- Jim eating”, not as fat as it once was, derrière.

Since I’m paying for part of Big Red’s housekeeping regardless of which house he’s kept in, how about this, take him out of VIP custody at McCormick and send him to Lee with the rest of the “never see daylights again” where he belongs.

Chinese MAGA Hat May 24, 2023 at 3:00 pm

China only owns about a trillion dollars of the national debt, and Japan actually holds more.

The whole China meme with the national debt is just boring conservative drivel. The real crime is the fact that the GOP is funded by countless corporations that have moved manufacturing and service jobs overseas. That’s how China actually owns us, but the GOP ain’t about to fix that.

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The Colonel Top fan May 24, 2023 at 4:48 pm

You are correct that China holds less than Japan ($1 trillion vice $1.2 trillion) Between them they hold 8-9% of the total debt – but, last time I looked, Japan was not an existential enemy.

Clemson McDaniel III May 24, 2023 at 4:25 pm

US Attorney Adair F. Boroughs comment along with the charges says there must be public trust in SC lawyers? How possibly can he say such a thing? We all know the self dealing through the legislator of the appointment of Judges. Every legal jurisdiction in the State is self dealing. Daddy passes his roll down to his son or God forbid his daughter. There is NO justice and NO trust in this self dealing State. Ohh if the public only knew what goes on behind closed doors of these courts, law offices and clubs of this State. Murdaugh is a microcosm of the SC justice system!

9" May 31, 2023 at 6:18 pm

Just shut up! Alex won’t stop crying and you’re ruining my visit


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