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The Trump-Russia Scandal Was A Witch Hunt … Now What?

Digesting what the Durham report does – and doesn’t – mean.

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As I have often pointed out, it is important to separate former U.S. president Donald Trump from the
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stephen henry Top fan May 22, 2023 at 1:54 pm

You are too smart a man to believe that the Russia-Trump investigation was a witch hunt.

Homer Simpson Smarts May 23, 2023 at 9:14 am

This is the guy who praises Alexander Prioleau, who are you kidding?

PGT Beauregard III Top fan May 22, 2023 at 3:15 pm

This is hilarious, but a fiction. The IG’s report handed Durham his only crime, and demonstrated, along with the Republican lead US Senate investigation, that Russia intervened on the side of the Trump campaign in a full-fledged cyber and humint espionage campaign, the Trump campaign solicited the help, and were desirous of the illegal intervention into the U.S. election. Durham took out all the paper from his personnel file, and used it as toilet paper in service to his Dear Leader Barr.

Say what? May 22, 2023 at 5:25 pm

Republicans think everyone is as stupid as they and their base are. FitsNews being the bastion.

The only witch hunt was the Durham Report itself. It failed on every level to find any criminal wrong doing by the FBI or any Federal Law Enforcement. And pointed out how many ties Trump still has the Putin.

Why the heck is a trump STILL praising Putin any and every chance he gets? That is all the proof you need as to Trump’s allege CS to Russia.

You would have been wise to ignore

Your Average Republican May 23, 2023 at 9:13 am

Oh, so NOW you’re going to believe what Donald Trump says.

Don’t you know by now, we only pay attention to what he says based on our feelings? Our feelings that Trump is our God-King and Daddy can do no wrong?

Nanker Phelge May 22, 2023 at 10:43 pm

Will, your continued claims of being “agnostic” and “indifferent” to Trump are constantly refuted by the other actual words you write.

Saying something doesn’t make it so, Skippy.

Mind the Wood May 23, 2023 at 9:11 am

Dude, Will has been shining Trump’s shoes with his tongue since he was invited on the plane.

rpinck Top fan May 23, 2023 at 8:26 am

JFK, RFK, MLK? FBI has always been “weaponized.”

CongareeCatfish Top fan May 23, 2023 at 9:50 am

I don’t know that “witchhunt” is the right word to describe Crossfire Hurricane and the related Mueller investigation. That term, relating back to the Salem witch trials, is really meant more to connotate wild, dogged, irrational, ignorant persecutions….but the people engaging in it really do believe that they are on the side of righteousness. Now there were surely some involved at mid to lower levels of those investigations who were not in the “know” of the inner circle who held that kind of fervor and bias, but when you get to the top eschelons, I don’t think you can place them in the “witchhunt” category. They were in the “hoax” category – they had plenty of evidence and knowledge before them that the whole thing was pretty much manufactured whole cloth, and intentionally pushed it anyway – starting when the CIA got wind of the machinations of the Clinton campaign back in August of 2016 and directly told the White House that Team Clinton was ginning up/manufacturing a fake scandal, and later when British intelligence told the FBI and CIA that they had no corroborating evidence wanted no part in Steele’s work product. The list of additional evidence showing that the top tier knew this investigation had no meaningful predicate and support is really long. We need a Church Committee II to rein in the FBI and push out the rot. Outside of the armed services, the FBI was probably the most respected federal agency or institution in the eyes of the people going back decades (in spite of the MLK stuff). It has fallen so, so far.

Yawn May 23, 2023 at 6:27 pm

This blog post is no surprise.

Fits”News” has been posting Russian propaganda fur years.

Few idiots are as useful as Will Folks.


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