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Prioleau Alexander: About Bernie Sanders’ New Book

Rage against the (capitalist) machine …

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Bernie Sanders has released a book entitled, “It’s Okay to Be Angry About Capitalism.” Tickets
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Bruce Cooley February 20, 2023 at 12:56 pm

You are an idiot. I won’t be wasting any more time reading your drivel. And fitsnews will just fade away too.

Anonymous February 20, 2023 at 1:50 pm

Conservatives can be funny, just ask them to explain socialism. Just replace the FITS graphic at the top with The Onion and it reads as intentional satire. Right wingers found out how to be funny: don’t write jokes, just embrace being the joke.

RT February 20, 2023 at 5:14 pm

So, you know that the definition of capitalism is not ‘charging money for something’…but that’s the point. Americans are told to project everything wrong with our system onto ‘socialism’ and everything good about our system, like the 8 hour work day, Social Security, Medicare, we’re supposed to accept that those things came about as a result of the natural progress that comes with capitalism. But you know the reason we have those things in a capitalist system is not thanks to the magnanimous CEOs, but rather because of tireless socialists pushing our gov’t to put society first, and not capital, which is really all the question of socialism vs capitalism boils down to. They try to make it more complicated, but it’s really just do you center people first, or capital? We all know there are infinite examples of leaders calling themselves this and that–christian, religious, moral, democratic — it doesn’t mean anything. But if you take away the connotations and just say what we’re talking about, it’s literally just saying that 1) the people who do the work, should 2) also manage the distribution of wealth therefrom. The people work the land, should reap what they sow, the people who work the factories should determine the profits from what they sell, who run the business should profit from it. If Hitler said he wanted to do that, it wouldn’t make it wrong, but he didn’t, he just added the word socialist to the NDP because there was literally no way to win an election without being a socialist or communist.

Red Uprising February 21, 2023 at 9:11 am

The discourse on socialism versus capitalism is intentionally broken in America to protect the institutions of power that capitalists enjoy. Telling a worker that under socialism they actually get to keep a sizable portion the surplus of value they create, rather than watch it go to some rich douche on his yacht in the Bahamas, is not good for the rich douche on his yacht in the Bahamas.

The elitist who wrote this tripe will paint Sanders as an elitist for being decently wealthy and owning multiple homes but will gush at Elon Musk becoming the “savior of free speech” by buying Twitter and ultimately changing the website to make sure everyone sees his brain fart tweets first.

Nanker Phelge February 20, 2023 at 5:17 pm

“Sure, those pesky death panels from a few years ago weren’t exactly great — but that wasn’t a crime.”

WTF are you even talking about here? Are you on drugs? And can you share?

“That is socialism — a system that sucks you in with promises of free stuff, and once you get there (and find shared poverty with all your fellow citizens isn’t all that terrific) the system won’t let you out.”

How horrible if each citizen of this country got free health care and “the system” won’t let you out unless you want to pay for private. The horrors!

E Prioleau Alexander Author February 21, 2023 at 9:23 am Reply
E Prioleau Alexander Author February 21, 2023 at 9:24 am Reply
E Prioleau Alexander Author February 21, 2023 at 9:25 am Reply
RC February 21, 2023 at 9:43 am

Person who thinks society could be improved also participates in said society. What a story!

Bob February 21, 2023 at 5:28 pm

Does FitsNews give a space for this dense blabbermouth’s blog posts because it’s makes Will Folks takes sound less stupid?

Mike Zemke Top fan February 22, 2023 at 9:38 pm

Fits News gives space to viewpoints that obviously makes many of the above commentators uneasy, just so that we can have a discussion of ideas, rather than simply tuning into the MSM to have our personal views reinforced. Sorry it makes so many of you uncomfortable, but I come here to hear alternative view points on current topics, and Mr. Alexanders are often quite thought provoking if not downright hilarious. Here again is a big difference between capitalism and democratic socialism: you have the choice to not visit FitsNews and your delicate viewpoints will remain protected. If you don’t like it go somewhere else, but I give you credit for at least reading it. In a socialist world there is only the party line and nothing else is allowed. You have no choice. In the end history has shown us that socialism only succeeds in equalizing misery for everyone, but the dear rulers. They reap the rewards of the production of the masses rather than the capitalist robber barons. That is probably why Bernie is such a strong supporter of socialism: he know what side of the fence he will end up on.

Bryan Shain Top fan February 23, 2023 at 7:37 am

We don’t even know how a truly socialist society would work. Before anyone can get anything organized, sanctions are put against them, and coups are funded by private entities, and all sorts of things to protect the bottom line interests of deep pocketed private wealth. Democratic socialism still works under a capitalist framework. It still involves free trade, and a top down structure, but with higher taxes on those individuals and corporations, and the same taxes we currently pay in order to fund safety nets for everyone that actually work and benefit the entire population. We give too much credo to private contractors, and the military industrial complex, the prison industrial complex, and a myriad of other things that keeps the institutions that are in place never changing. Things will only continue to get worse until we can educate people, and fix the mess we’re in. Neither the GOP nor the Dems want to do this. The Dems will kowtow and submit to the GOP’s worst in order to maintain compromise, and the old adage of trickle down and deregulation of everything continues barreling forward. They are the parties of private capital, and protecting private capital full stop. Much like the train derailment in Ohio, this can be blamed on the systems that allowed it to happen, not a single political entity. Imagine asking the state of South Carolina to actually act and to help the people of South Carolina instead of kowtowing to identity politics, and culture war nonsense? We are not the brightest down here, but we deserve to be very well taken care of and have the chance to become better. I know the state doesn’t like black people hence why we have such a high child poverty rate, and low median income, but the state will eventually have to face its sins and work better, or become worse off. You want to talk about Bernie and socialism, and the side of the fence he’ll end up on? It’s the side of the fence we’d all end up on. It’s the side of capitalism, but with the perks and safety nets that maintains people’s ability to consume, and provides us a way to progress societally while being able to maintain individual beliefs and not being forced to conform so easily. We are not the nation we were after WWII, and we won’t ever be at that point again unless we take care of all the people the same way, and we take care of EVERYONE.

Luisa Zoeller February 25, 2023 at 9:25 pm

Socialist Democracy is all of us pitching in for the betterment of society.
Which means regulations which keep corporations from polluting air water and soil.
It is libraries, public education, judges, parks, highways, bridges, etc.
It is not poverty. It is how most advanced nations govern.
The opposite of Democratic socialism is oligarchy.

The author of this article is crucially misinformed.

No not all of us are greed driven, some of us are social workers, teachers, scientist who ensure water is safe …we are proud of what we do to keep our communities health & safe.


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