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LIVE FEED – ‘Murdaugh Murders’ Trial: Day Eighteen

News and notes from South Carolina’s ‘Trial of the Century.’

Welcome back to our ongoing coverage of the double homicide trial of disbarred South Carolina attorney Alex Murdaugh – the man at the center of the ‘Murdaugh Murders’ crime and corruption saga.

This is day eighteen …

Murdaugh stands accused of killing his wife, 52-year-old Maggie Murdaugh, and youngest son, 22-year-old Paul Murdaugh, on his family’s hunting property in Colleton County, S.C. on June 7, 2021. He pleaded not guilty to those charges and is currently standing trial in Walterboro – part of the Lowcountry region of the Palmetto State which the Murdaugh family ruled like a fiefdom for more than a century.

Today’s proceedings are scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. EST with a debate among attorneys over the admissibility of evidence and testimony related to a September 2021 roadside shooting involving Murdaugh. This roadside shooting – which you can read more about here – resurfaced yesterday during testimony from Murdaugh’s sister-in-law, Marian Proctor.



Jurors are expected to arrive at the courthouse at 10:30 a.m. EST, at which point we are hoping to learn whether the Covid-19 outbreak which prompted the excusal of two members of the jury earlier this week has worsened. If so, circuit court judge Clifton Newman could conceivably delay proceedings until the threat of the virus has abated – something both prosecutors and defense attorneys have previously indicated was amenable to them under the circumstances.

Barring any delays, the state is expected to call its star witness – senior special agent David Owen of the S.C. State Law Enforcement Division (SLED) – to the stand at some point today. Owen was slated to begin his testimony on Tuesday afternoon, but was forced to leave Walterboro due to the death of his mother.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his entire family on their loss …

To view yesterday’s live feed, click here …



At the opening gavel of each day of the trial, we will launch two new polls asking readers to weigh in on 1) whether they think Alex Murdaugh is guilty or not guilty of murdering his late wife, Maggie Murdaugh and, 2) whether they think he is guilty or not guilty of murdering his late son, Paul Murdaugh.

The goal of our daily polls is to track how perceptions of Murdaugh’s guilt or innocence related to the murders of his two alleged victims have evolved over the course of the trial.

As of late yesterday, 85 percent of respondents believed Murdaugh was guilty of killing his wife compared to five percent who said he was not guilty and eight percent who said they were unsure – numbers which were slightly better for the defense than the previous day. These percentages were identical to the responses received when our audience was asked about whether they believed Murdaugh killed his son.

Here are today’s polls …




Based on the information you have now, is Alex Murdaugh guilty or not guilty of the murder of Maggie Murdaugh?

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    Based on the information you have now, is Alex Murdaugh guilty or not guilty of the murder of Paul Murdaugh?

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      THE FEED …

      5:13 p.m. EST – Judge Clifton Newman is now addressing attorneys – telling them the defense “opened the door” to the discussion of the roadside shooting incident when it asked questions on cross-examination about Murdaugh’s relationship with Curtis Eddie Smith.

      “The court reverses its decision and will allow examination of witnesses regarding that relationship,” Newman said.

      No argument from the defense … they clearly opened that door.

      5:10 p.m. EST – Grubbs is asked a key question about Maggie Murdaugh’s phone between 9:00 p.m. and 9:31 p.m. on the night of the murders …

      “If the screen is off and the phone is locked, that phone is not going to record an orientation change.”

      Grubbs: “That is correct.”

      5:08 p.m. EST – Grubbs is being asked whether he identified a time after 9:17 p.m. on the night of the murders when Maggie Murdaugh’s phone turned off.

      Answer: “I believe it turned back on at 9:31.”

      5:05 p.m. EST – Grubbs is now being asked by Conrad about Maggie Murdaugh’s cell phone …

      5:02 p.m. EST – Grubbs is now being asked if anyone handling Paul Murdaugh’s phone at 10:18 p.m. would have seen a missed text message notification from Rogan Gibson.

      “Yes,” he responds.

      5:01 p.m. EST – Grubbs is now being asked about the “last text that came to Paul’s phone” – the “yo” message received from his friend Rogan Gibson. This text was “not read” occurring to Grubbs.

      4:58 p.m. EST – Grubbs is now being asked about Paul Murdaugh’s cell phone data on the evening of June 7, 2021 – specifically the last time it turned on prior to his murder (8:49 p.m.) – and the next time it turned on (10:18 p.m.).

      (Click to View)

      Document introduced showing Paul Murdaugh’s screen activity on the evening of June 7, 2021 (Colleton County)

      4:55 p.m. EST – Conrad introduces state’s exhibit 530 into evidence – a sheet detailing the battery life of Paul Murdaugh’s cell phone. Prosecutors are documenting how Murdaugh recharged his phone within minutes of his battery running out.

      (Click to View)

      Document introduced showing Paul Murdaugh’s battery life (Colleton County)

      4:54 p.m. EST – Grubbs is being questioned by Conrad about Paul Murdaugh’s cell phone usage, specifically the number of times he ran his phone battery to zero.

      4:53 p.m. EST – State moves to qualify Grubbs as an expert in cell phone forensics. No objection from defense. He is qualified.

      4:49 p.m. EST – The state has called David Grubbs to the stand. Grubbs works in the office of S.C. attorney general Alan Wilson as a cyber crime expert. He is being questioned by assistant South Carolina attorney general John Conrad.

      4:49 p.m. EST – Jim Griffin conducts a brief re-cross of Owen, asking him whether it is “common procedure” to ask family members of crime victims to solve their cases.

      Owen: “No, but it helps if we have information>”

      4:48 p.m. EST – Assistant attorney general John Meadors has completed his re-direct examination of SLED senior special agent David Owen.

      4:43 p.m. EST – Meadors is sounding almost like a Baptist pastor, whipping himself into a frenzy asking Owen whether Murdaugh – at any point prior to September 4, 2021 – “ever mentioned anyone else who could have murdered my wife and my son.”

      Owen: “He did not.”

      4:42 p.m. EST – A good point here …

      4:40 p.m. EST – Assistant attorney general John Meadors is doing a good job hitting some of the high points of the state’s case. I’m not sure it’s enough to undo all of the damage done by the incredibly effective cross-examination by Murdaugh attorney Jim Griffin, but he is doing well …

      4:37 p.m. EST – Wow … this is vastly different from the results of our daily polls, which have been hovering above 85 percent guilty for the better part of the past week …

      4:34 p.m. EST – Meadors now asking Owen about the witnesses whose accounts have contradicted statements made to law enforcement by Alex Murdaugh – names Shelley Smith and Blanca Simpson, two witnesses whose testimony seemed to really resonate with jurors.

      4:33 p.m. EST – Meadors getting into a good rhythm on his re-direct now, getting Owen to remind jurors of the blood belonging to Maggie Murdaugh that was found in Alex Murdaugh’s Suburban.

      4:31 p.m. EST – Meadors now asking about the June 7, 2021 crime scene – asking whether it was secure, whether swabs were taken, etc. Clearly seems to be attempting to rebuild some faith in the integrity of SLED’s investigation.

      4:30 p.m. EST – Meadors digging deep into the roadside shooting incident now, chronicling how Alex Murdaugh gave SLED agents a description of the individual who allegedly shot him on the side of the road on September 4, 2021 but then later changed his story.

      Meadors: “Prior to that day had Alex Murdaugh ever mentioned any other name of anyone that might have been involved in his son’s or his wife’s murder?”

      Owen: “No sir.”

      4:27 p.m. EST – Meadors now questioning Owen about Curtis “Eddie” Smith. Asking him when Murdaugh first “introduced” him into the narrative of this case.

      Owen: “September 4, 2021.” (The date of the roadside shooting).

      4:25 p.m. EST – Meadors is asking Owen to tell the jury whether Murdaugh volunteered to produce the missing ‘Sea Foam’ shirt identified by his housekeeper Blanca Simpson.

      Owen: He did not.

      4:23 p.m. EST – Murdaugh attorney Jim Griffin has concluded his cross-examination of Owen. Assistant attorney general John Meadors is now conducting the state’s redirect examination.

      4:21 p.m. EST – Griffin now asking Owen whether he knew if Curtis “Eddie” Smith was skimming money from drug gang members. Owen responds that he did not.

      4:19 p.m. EST – Just saying …

      4:16 p.m. EST – Court is back in session … Murdaugh attorney Jim Griffin continues his cross examination of SLED senior special agent David Owen. He begins by asking Owen whether he identified any life insurance policies on either Paul or Maggie Murdaugh.

      Owen: “I did not.”

      4:01 p.m. EST – Court is in recess …

      3:59 p.m. EST – Griffin is now grilling Owen about allegations of Curtis “Eddie” Smith owing various “drug gang members” money for drugs provided to Alex Murdaugh. Griffin asked Owen whether he ever looked into their cell phones.

      Owen: “I didn’t have their phone numbers. In my experience, they use burner phones.”

      3:57 p.m. EST – Griffin is now asking Owen about the interplay – and “overlap” – between the double homicide investigation and the investigation into Alex Murdaugh’s alleged financial crimes.

      Owen: “We were looking at the totality of the circumstances and seeing if there were any paths that crossed.”

      3:54 p.m. EST – Griffin is now pivoting away to the weapons and discussing the timeline issue, asking Owen whether the discrepancies in Murdaugh’s responses to law enforcement about his movements on the night of the murders were “material” given the time of death.

      Owen: “If I’m trying to build a timeline, yes.”

      3:53 p.m. EST – Yes, it is …

      3:51 p.m. EST – Murdaugh attorney Jim Griffin now getting SLED senior special agent David Owen to admit that statements he made to the statewide grand jury were not accurate.

      3:49 p.m. EST – Griffin now grilling Owen over allegedly lying to the statewide grand jury. Owen calmly responds that he did no such thing.

      3:47 p.m. EST – Griffin now confronting Owen on lying to Alex Murdaugh during the August 2021 interview.

      “I’m allowed to use trickery to elicit a response,” Owen responded.

      Asked again, Owen repeated the answer.

      3:45 p.m. EST – Taking over for the amazing Jenn Wood … (Will Folks)

      3:42 p.m. EST – Griffin asks Owen to confirm that Murdaugh contacted him multiple times for updates. Owen says they communicated multiple times via phone and text. He also states he planned to update Maggie’s parents regardless of Murdaugh’s request for him to do so.

      3:40 p.m. EST – Owen tells Griffin that when Murdaugh was taking his clothes off to hand them over for evidence on June 7, 2021, he gave him privacy when he took his shorts off. The clothes were put into the evidence bag in the doorway of the bedroom. Owen says he can’t recall what he put on after he changed. Griffin asks if Owen can say for sure that he did not put on khaki pants. Owen repeats, “I do not recall what he put on afterward.”

      3:37 p.m. EST – Griffin asks Owen to confirm if there was no DNA on Alex’s shirt. Owen says there were two spots containing the DNA of Paul Murdaugh on Alex Murdaugh’s shirt.

      3:34 p.m. EST – Owen confirms that neither Paul nor Maggie’s clothes were tested for DNA. He also testifies that there was DNA found under Maggie’s fingernails of an unknown, unrelated male. He also confirms that Tom Bevel asked him to check the inside of the pocket on Paul Murdaugh’s shirt for blood.

      3:30 p.m. EST – Griffin asks Owen about his testimony to the Colleton County Grand Jury. Meadors objects. Griffin asks to complete the question. Griffin asks about the outline that he presented to the grand jury. Owen confirms that his presentation to the grand jury stated that an expert found multiple particles of blood spatter on Murdaugh’s shirt. Owen states he had not seen Sarah Zapata’s report that confirmed no blood was found on the shirt.

      3:28 p.m. EST – Owen confirms that he has never asked Murdaugh for the blue shirt, khaki pants or Sperry shoes.

      3:24 p.m. EST – Griffin pulls up the Snapchat video of Alex found on Paul’s phone and asks about Murdaugh’s response to changing clothes. Owen states that Murdaugh told him he didn’t remember when he changed clothes on August 11, 2021.

      Snapchat video of Alex Murdaugh taken by Paul Murdaugh on June 7, 2021

      3:21 p.m. EST – Owen confirms no DNA or blood on the inside of the raincoat. He also admits there is no way to know when the GSR was deposited on the inside of the raincoat. Griffin asks Owen if he noticed any wet spots in the back of the suburban or in the backseat. Owen responds, “No, sir.” Owen tells Griffin that no blood was found in the house at Moselle.

      3:17 p.m. EST – When asked if investigators have found anything that could have been wrapped around the weapons and Owen responds, “We have a blue raincoat that has numerous particles of GSR.” Griffin hones in on the raincoat. Griffin points out that Shelly Smith had stated the rain jacket was laying over the retirement rocking chair and asks if Owen showed her a picture of the raincoat laid out or balled up. Owen believes he opened it up to show her the color.

      3:13 p.m. EST – Griffin asks Owen if he agrees not searching Almeda until September of 2021 was an opportunity missed and Owen says yes. Griffin is now focusing on the evidence taken from the Suburban. Owen confirms that one speck of gunshot residue was found and only one drop of blood. Griffin asks if they rule out that the weapons were in the back of the suburban unless they were wrapped in something and Owen agrees.

      3:10 p.m. EST – Griffin points out that they had information from Rogan Gibson that indicated he heard Murdaugh on the phone at 8:44 p.m. and Owen states Gibson was only 99% certain and needed to gather additional information before confronting Murdaugh with that information.

      3:08 p.m. EST – Owen says they searched the route from Moselle to Almeda by car, but not by foot. When Griffin asks why they didn’t search the Almeda property until September of 2021, Owen states he did not have probable cause to do so.

      3:04 p.m. EST – Owen tells Griffin that Murdaugh was the only person in “the circle.” Griffin is going through the timeline stating that based on what they are alleging, Murdaugh would have had to murder Paul and Maggie Murdaugh sometime after 8:50 p.m on June 7, 2021 and dispose of the murder weapons on the way to Almeda.

      3:03 p.m. EST – Owen states no other credible leads came up in the Murdaugh investigation and that investigators followed up on many leads. The State has no further questions. Jim Griffin has begun cross-examination for the defense.

      3:00 p.m. EST – Meadors asks Owen about Paul Murdaugh’s phone. He confirms that Murdaugh stated the phone had popped out of Paul’s pocket and that investigators have had the phone since June 7, 2021. On April 8, 2022, they were able to access Paul’s phone and found the 8:44 p.m. video with Alex Murdaugh’s voice at the kennels. Owen says until March 8, 2021, no one knew about that video except Paul Murdaugh.

      2:58 p.m. EST – Owen states Maggie Murdaugh’s phone was recovered on June 8, 2021 on the side of the road. He says the family, either Buster or Alex, gave them the passcode allowing them to do a full extraction. A logical extraction of Alex Murdaugh’s phone was done on June 10, 2021. They got Alex Murdaugh’s phone in September of 2021. He says that some information had been cached out due to the amount of time, but they were able to determine some phone calls had been erased from Murdaugh’s phone.

      2:55 p.m. EST – Murdaugh was also inconsistent about the amount of time he spent riding around the property with Paul. Owen says Murdaugh never told investigators that he went to the kennels prior to going to his mother’s home. Owen confirms that the criminal case against Paul was nolle prosequi in August of 2021. Owen confirms that the financial investigation that opened in the fall of 2021 against Murdaugh overlapped with his homicide investigation.

      2:52 p.m. EST – Owen tells Meadors that it wasn’t one inconsistency that stood out in his mind, but multiple. The first inconsistency was the time Murdaugh said he spent at his mother’s home on June 7, 2021. In the first interview Murdaugh told investigators he was at his mother’s for “a little while.” In the second interview on June 10 , 2021, it changed to 25-30 minutes. In the third interview it was 45 minutes to an hour.

      2:47 p.m. EST – Owen clarifies that before the August 11, 2021 interview, they had already spoken to Blanca Simpson. Owen says that several months later, Simpson told him about the conversation she had with Murdaugh about the shirt he was wearing. He asks if he had the emails (assuming he means texts) between Blanca and Maggie’s phone at that time and Owen says he did not. Owen says that Murdaugh told him he had been at his mom’s house 45 minutes to an hour and that Shelly Smith had been interviewed before August 11, 2021. Smith told investigators that Murdaugh had been there 20 minutes. Owen said that he has not received a list of guns from Murdaugh.

      2:45 p.m. EST – Meadors asks if on August 11, 2021 if they considered Murdaugh a suspect. Owen says that he was the only known suspect at that time and confirms that was the same day that the case was transferred to the State Attorney General’s office after Duffie Stone recused himself.

      2:40 p.m. EST – Owen asks Murdaugh if he killed Maggie. Murdaugh replies “No. Did I kill my wife? No, David.” Owen then asks if he knows who did and he replies, “No, I do not know who did.” Owen then asks if he killed Paul. Murdaugh replies no. When asked if he knows who killed Paul, Murdaugh responds “No.” Murdaugh asks Owen if he thinks he killed Maggie and Paul and Murdaugh responds, “I have to go with the evidence and the facts take me.” He states further, “I don’t have anything that points me at anyone else at this time.” Murdaugh asks if that means he is a suspect and Owen confirms that he is still in this.

      2:36 p.m. EST – Owen says that the problem he’s encountered is that people talk in the community, but when the police show up, they shut down.

      2:31 p.m. EST – Murdaugh says that one of the dads of one of the kids in the boat crash was telling people in the community that they couldn’t be friends with the Paul and the Murdaugh family and with them. They had to choose. Nate Tuten is who told Murdaugh that information.

      2:28 p.m. EST The jury is hearing the remainder of the August 11, 2021 interview of Alex Murdaugh by SLED. Agent Owen asks Murdaugh how far the boat crash lawsuit has progressed. Fleming tells them that he doesn’t believe Murdaugh should discuss the boat crash case unless his lawyers for the civil case are present. Murdaugh says he doesn’t mind talking about it and says it has made some progress.

      2:25 p.m. EST – Court has resumed. Agent Owen has taken the stand for continuation of his direct examination by prosecutor John Meadors.

      2:12 p.m. EST – In case you missed it, Will Folks interviewed Jarrett Bouchette, attorney for Curtis Eddie Smith, on our live stream during the lunch recess.

      Attorney for Curtis Eddie Smith with Will Folks on February 15, 2023

      1:04 p.m. EST – Court has gone to recess for lunch. They will return at 2:20 p.m. EST.

      1:00 p.m. EST – Murdaugh tells Owen that Luce lived somewhere between Beaufort and a plantation that Barrett Boulware owned. He describes Boulware as his granddaddy’s contemporary.

      12:56 p.m. EST – Owen says with the media thrown into the mix, he feels he needs to ask every question possible. Investigators ask Murdaugh again about camera systems at Moselle. Murdaugh said they had discussed getting camera systems for security, but that since nothing had ever gone missing it had not been a priority. Murdaugh says the only thing that had gone missing that he can remember discussing with Maggie was some drills. When asked how long ago that was, Murdaugh replies that it was since C.B. Rowe was hired. He mentions another boy they had working at Moselle named Matt Luce. When asked what Luce did, Murdaugh said Luce came in to help him in late fall of 2020. He says Luce is maybe 35 years old.

      12:53 p.m. EST – Alex asks again if Owen is certain Paul was shot first. He starts crying and mentions that Maggie would have known he was dead. Owen says that if they are looking at two shooters maybe it happened at the same time.

      12:50 p.m. EST – Murdaugh offers to sign any authorization needed to access the data from his Suburban. He explains that since they don’t have Paul’s phone passcode, they’ve only done a partial download of the data and not a full extraction. Fleming tells them there has to be a way for them to authorize Apple to open the phone.

      12:48 p.m. EST – Owen tells Fleming in the interview that he isn’t going to ask anyone at the law firm or in the community to go out and ask questions about the homicides, but tells him that he isn’t going to stop them from asking questions.

      12:44 p.m. EST – Murdaugh asks Owen if either Paul or Maggie lived after they were shot the first time. Owen says not long and says the shooting happened very quickly. Murdaugh asks Owen if it was one person, two persons, three persons – Owen tells John Meadors this is the first time Murdaugh asked that during the entirety of the investigation.

      12:40 p.m. EST – Murdaugh asks Owen if they know the guns were in the truck. Owen says they could have been in the truck. Murdaugh says Nolan Tuten told him he believes he saw the guns three weeks before the homicides. Murdaugh confirms that Paul usually kept the Benelli with him. Owen tells Murdaugh that Nolan Tuten had not seen the .300 Blackout since March during turkey season.

      12:37 p.m. EST – Owen tells Murdaugh that he believes Paul was shot first based on where he was located. Murdaugh cries and says he thought they thought Maggie first because she was shot in the back of the head. Owen says they may honestly never know who was shot first, but he thinks it was Paul for the simple fact that if he saw his mother get shot, he wouldn’t run to the feed room unless that is where a gun was located. Owen tells Murdaugh they already established the family guns were used and asks if they came from Paul’s truck at the house, where were they and how did they get down there? Meadors asks Owen what Murdaugh’s response was and Owen tells the court that the response was nothing.

      SLED agent David Owen holds shorts worn Alex Murdaugh during Murdaugh’s murder trial at the Colleton County Courthouse in Walterboro, Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023. Grace Beahm Alford/The Post and Courier/Pool

      12:34 p.m. EST – Murdaugh says he rode around the property at Moselle for a substantial length of time. When asked if they went down to the river, Murdaugh says they rode all over.

      12:30 p.m. EST – Owen reminds Murdaugh that he told the dispatcher the last time he saw Maggie was an hour and a half to two hours prior to finding them at 10:06 p.m. Murdaugh says he believes that is accurate. Owen tells the card reader at the law firm shows him going in at 5:30 p.m. They tell him that his brother, Randy Murdaugh told investigators when he left at 6:00 p.m. that Murdaugh was still there.

      12:27 p.m. EST – Murdaugh is told that the video obtained from Paul Murdaugh dropping his truck off on the Friday before he died did not show him removing any weapons and Agent Croft asks where he might have stopped to swap his weapons out. Murdaugh tells the investigators that Paul didn’t go to the baseball game the weekend before he died with his mom and brother because Paul didn’t like crowds and wasn’t into ball that much.

      12:24 p.m. EST – Agent Owen questions Murdaugh what his intentions were when he picked up Paul’s phone the night of the homicide. Murdaugh said it “popped out” and he didn’t have any intentions. Agent Croft asks Murdaugh how long he believed they were at the dinner table on June 7, 2021. Murdaugh says maybe 20 minutes. Agent Croft asks him to clarify the last time he had seen any long guns in Paul’s vehicle. Murdaugh responded Paul always had guns in his vehicle.

      12:22 p.m. EST – Owen asks Murdaugh why he said, “I should have known” during the 9-1-1 call. Murdaugh says he doesn’t recall saying that but that “I guess in all the threats, I was convinced it is was something to do with boat wreck.” When asked if he had ever gotten into any physical altercations with Paul, Murdaugh said only once when Paul was intoxicated at Moselle and that this did not occur recently.

      12:19 p.m. EST – Owen tells Murdaugh the .300 Blackout cartridge casings found around the house and shooting range that match the shells found by Maggie Murdaugh. Owen told the court that this is the first time that he had approached Murdaugh with that information. Owen tells Murdaugh that Nolan Tuten told him that the .300 Blackout went missing during a Hampton Halloween party in 2020.

      12:16 p.m. EST – Murdaugh says he understands a .300 Blackout was used on June 7, 2021. He says he is certain they had purchased a third gun. Owen tells him that John Bedingfield does not have the ATF paperwork signed by Murdaugh because he never signed it.

      12:12 p.m. EST – Owen says that other shotguns located at Moselle were also loaded with alternating bird shot and buck shot. Murdaugh says when he grabbed the gun at the house during the 9-1-1 call, he just loaded it and wasn’t paying attention. He says there are three guns missing from the family collection. A black Benelli, a brown camo Browning and a green camo pump shotgun. When asked if he has the serial numbers for those guns, Murdaugh says he should have them for the Benelli and Browning but has no clue from where the pump shotgun came.

      12:09 p.m. EST – Owen asks Murdaugh if he has learned anything new about threats to Paul and his family. Murdaugh says nothing really good and there was just so many things on the internet, but nothing new. Murdaugh tells Owen to the best of his memory, when he went to the house to get a gun he went to the side door and just grabbed one. Owen asks him how he usually loads his shotguns. Murdaugh says he normally puts it in the chamber and pushes the button. When asked what kind of shot he loads, Murdaugh says all kinds. He says he loads bird shot, buck shot, slugs… When asked if he loaded bird shot and buck shot at the same time, Murdaugh says not normally and clarifies that you load shots for what you are hunting.

      Alex Murdaugh cries listening to an interview he did with SLED special agent David Owen during his trial for murder at the Colleton County Courthouse on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. Joshua Boucher/The State/Pool

      12:07 p.m. EST – Owen asks about Murdaugh’s phrasing on the 9-1-1 call. Stating that Murdaugh said “here” during the call and asking if a dog was out. Murdaugh says that he doesn’t recall a dog being out. Murdaugh says obviously there was no one else out there and he was certain there was not a dog loose.

      12:04 p.m. EST – Murdaugh tells Owen that he didn’t go back down to the kennels before leaving to visit his mother. Owen tells Murdaugh that he has a video from the kennels with his voice and Maggie’s voice in the background. Murdaugh tells Owen that Rogan Gibson told him about it and that he thought it was Murdaugh’s voice. Murdaugh asks if the video is around 9:00 p.m.

      12:01 p.m. EST – Meadors stops the video and asks Owen if Murdaugh denied having a conversation with Paul about the injured dog. Owen says Murdaugh told him he didn’t have a conversation with Paul but with Rogan Gibson after the homicides. Murdaugh tells Owen when arrived back to Moselle, he went in the driveway with brick gates. He says Maggie and Paul’s vehicles were at the house and he doesn’t know how they got down to the kennels. He says that Maggie walked down to the kennels a lot but it would be highly unusual for Paul to walk down there. When asked if maybe Maggie had asked him to walk worrying about Paul’s health, Murdaugh says Paul would have talked her into driving.

      12:00 p.m. EST – Murdaugh tells Owen that he did not make any stops on the way to or from his parent’s house on June 7, 2021. Owen asks if Murdaugh and Paul had discussed any injuries to any dogs. Murdaugh says they did not, but that Rogan Gibson and him had discussed the dog’s tail and possibly his leg being broken. The video is stopped as Judge Newman requests the audio be turned up louder.

      11:56 a.m. EST – Owen questions Murdaugh about what route he would have taken to his parent’s home. Murdaugh details the route while looking at a map. Murdaugh tells Owen that his mother has Alzheimer’s really bad and had been particularly agitated with his father not being there. He states they checked on his mother more in the days and weeks leading up to his father’s death. When asked how long he would say he was at his mother’s house that night, Murdaugh told investigators about 45 minutes to an hour.

      11:54 a.m. EST – Owen asks Murdaugh when he changed his clothes after the video was taken. Murdaugh asks him what time the video was taken and Owen says it was around dusk so 7:30-8:00 p.m. Murdaugh says he guesses he changed his clothes when he got back to the house. Owen asks Murdaugh about Maggie going with him to his parent’s house in Almeda. Murdaugh states that Maggie didn’t usually go with him and they didn’t really have it planned.

      11:52 a.m. EST – Murdaugh states that after dinner he dozed off on the couch. He believes the TV was on but he wasn’t watching it. Meadors asks Owen on the stand if during the interview being viewed was the first time he had addressed the tree video on Paul’s phone. Owen confirms it was the first time.

      11:48 a.m. EST – Murdaugh tells Owen that Maggie arrived at Moselle a couple hours after him and Paul. He states Maggie was worrying about him and about him worrying about his dad. Maggie planned to stay at Edisto that night. Murdaugh states that it didn’t totally surprise him that Maggie came home. Murdaugh states they all sat down to eat the dinner that Blanca made. The conversation around the dinner table was normal. When asked how Maggie’s appointment was in Charleston, he says he thought it went well, but can’t remember exactly what doctor she went to see that day.

      11:45 a.m. EST – Murdaugh states he left work around 5:30 p.m. – earlier than usual – and arrived at Moselle around the same time as Paul Murdaugh. He explains they rode around the property talking. They started out going to look at the sunflowers because Paul was worried about them. Murdaugh says Paul’s feet had been swelling up and they were worried about his blood pressure and stress and they were trying to get him to go to the doctor.

      11:43 a.m. EST – Murdaugh tells Owen he can’t remember exactly what time he went into the office the morning of June 7, 2021, but that there is a key fob that allows them into the office and that they can check those records. He says he knows Maggie got up early to go to her doctor appointment in Charleston but can’t recall if she left before him.

      11:40 a.m. EST – Owen continues to explain to Fleming that with any homicide investigation they need to start with the people closest to the individuals. They need to ask Murdaugh questions to rule him out. Murdaugh tells Fleming and Owen he is okay with answering questions.

      11:35 a.m. EST – Fleming tells Owen he believed they were there to get an update and asks why they are asking him questions. He asks Owen if they are asking the questions to further the investigation or if they are asking questions because the believe he is a suspect. Owen says they are asking questions to further the investigation. Fleming says he isn’t comfortable with them asking him questions as a suspect.

      11:31 a.m. EST – Court has resumed after a short break. John Meadors is continuing his direct examination of SLED agent David Owen. Owen tells Meadors that the interview was voluntary and Cory Fleming attended the interview with Murdaugh. Fleming is a criminal defense attorney from the Beaufort area and a friend of Alex Murdaugh’s. They are beginning to play the interview for the jury. Owen identifies SLED agent Jeff Croft in the video.

      Evidence shown in Alex Murdaugh’s trial for murder at the Colleton County Courthouse on Wednesday, February 15, 2023. Joshua Boucher/The State/Pool

      11:19 a.m. EST – Murdaugh’s third interview is entered into evidence. The State points out that the interview is lengthy and Judge Newman gives the jury a short break before listening to it.

      11:16 a.m. EST – Owen states no guns were found near Maggie and Paul’s bodies. Owen states the next conversation with Murdaugh occurred on August 11, 2021 at the SLED Lowcountry Regional Office. He confirms this interview began at approximately 11:09 a.m.

      11:13 a.m. EST – Murdaugh called Owen after he returned on vacation on August 3rd or 4th, 2021. They scheduled an interview for August 11, 2021. Owen states that he knew about the boat crash and knew it was important to rule out the individuals involved in that crash and their loved ones. Owen states the first time he heard about the boat case was during the 9-1-1 call and that is why they followed up on it.

      11:10 a.m. EST – Owen confirmed Maggie’s doctor and verified that she had been there on June 7, 2021. The office stated that Maggie did not appear to be in distress and the visit was a “normal” visit. On July 28, 2021, Murdaugh asked if his car could be returned. Owen told Murdaugh the car was inoperable. Murdaugh asked if he could get some personal belongings out of the vehicle stating he had some clothing and golf clubs in there. He stated he was going on vacation with Maggie’s family and needed his golf clubs.

      11:09 a.m. EST – Another search of the waterways, ponds and land surrounding Moselle was conducted on June 16, 2021. During this search they located a number of .300 Blackout casings by the shoot house and the pond.

      11:06 a.m. EST – Owen states the interview on June 10, 2021 began at 1:54 p.m. When asked if Murdaugh was clear that he had not gone down to the kennels, Owen responds, “Yes, sir.” During this interview, Murdaugh consented to do a logical extraction of his cellular phone. Owen states during that week at some point, he spoke with Marion Proctor and her husband. He confirms that Maggie Murdaugh’s Mercedes was searched after obtaining a search warrant. They also searched the waterways around the area and a land search in conjunction with Colleton County Sheriff’s Office.

      11:03 a.m. EST – After interviewing Gibson, McAllister and Croft went back to Moselle and spoke with attorney Lee Cope and Alex’s brother, John Marvin Murdaugh. They gave him consent to search the home at Moselle. Owen states that on June 9, 2021, he contacted John Marvin Murdaugh and told him that they needed to sit down and have a more proper interview. The interview was scheduled for June 10, 2021.

      11:01 a.m. EST – The surveillance videos they obtained were taken at night and it was difficult to discern what was on them due to the darkness. Owen states that Agent Croft and Agent McAllister interviewed Rogan Gibson at lunchtime. He learned later that afternoon that Rogan had relayed information about the phone call between him and Paul with Maggie and Alex Murdaugh in the background and that there was possibly a video on his phone.

      10:58 a.m. EST – Owen states he did not interview Rogan Gibson, but that he was interviewed on June 8, 2021 by law enforcement officials. Owen confirms that he interviewed Dale Davis and responded back to their Walterboro office to relay what they had learned so far. They assigned tasks to other agents and one of the tasks was to canvas the neighborhood. They sent CCSO officers out to check for surveillance videos and interview neighbors.

      10:56 a.m. EST – Owen testifies that C.B. Rowe arrived on the scene at 7:00 a.m. and he interviewed him at that time. Rowe provided an alibi and statement of events for Monday, June 7, 2021. Rowe had taken his father to the doctor in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina on Monday.

      10:54 a.m. EST – Owen secured Paul’s phone from the scene for evidence, he states that when he collected it, the phone was dead so he was unable to put it in airplane mode. He states Paul’s phone ended up being a significant piece of evidence in this case. Owen left the crime scene at 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. on June 8, 2021.

      Judge Clifton Newman listens to a video interview introduced at evidence during the Alex Murdaugh trial at the Colleton County Courthouse in Walterboro, Wednesday, Feb. 15, 2023. Grace Beahm Alford/The Post and Courier/Pool

      10:51 a.m. EST – Owen testifies that once they completed processing the scene around the kennel area and sheds, Murdaugh’s Suburban was secured and towed to the Colleton County Sheriff’s Office for later processing.

      10:42 a.m. EST – Murdaugh went into the master bedroom to change under Owen’s supervision. Owen states he gave him a little privacy, but is certain the clothing given to him by Murdaugh was what he was wearing. Owen confirms the shoes admitted into evidence and states they were damp when he collected them. He collected the shoes and clothing at 1:40 a.m. on June 8, 2021. Owen states he packaged the clothes separately so as not to cross-contaminate them per protocol.

      10:40 a.m. EST – When asked how Murdaugh’s clothes appeared, Owen said he had on a white t-shirt, green khaki shorts, and tennis shoes. He confirms he didn’t see anything on his clothing or notice anything out of the ordinary about his appearance. Owen states he needed to get Murdaugh’s clothes, but Buster had arrived on the scene so he gave Murdaugh 10-15 minutes before he went up to the house to collect his clothing.

      10:37 a.m. EST – Owen states that due to the weather, he conducted his first interview of Murdaugh in his patrol car. During the first interview, he tells the court that Danny Henderson was in the car as an attorney. Owen says if there is an attorney present, he allows them to sit in on the interview if requested. Owen says that Murdaugh did not appear to be under the influence of any substances during the interview.

      10:34 a.m. EST – Within 30 minutes, his supervisors pulled him aside and told him SLED would be the lead on the case. At that time, the roles between Owen and Rutland switched. Based on his training, he treats every death investigation as a homicide and states that it was paramount to his investigation to speak with Alex Murdaugh.

      10:30 a.m. EST – Owen states he arrived around midnight on June 8, 2021. He was briefed upon arriving at the scene. When SLED originally arrived, it was to assist the Colleton County Sheriff’s Department and Detective Laura Rutland was assigned to be his liaison.

      10:26 a.m. EST – Court has resumed. The State has called SLED Special Agent David Owen to the stand.

      9:54 a.m. EST – Court will recess for 20 minutes.

      9:52 a.m. EST – Judge Newman states all the jurors were tested for Covid this morning and all tested negative.

      9:50 a.m. EST – Harpootlian argues that any scheme concocted by Murdaugh was concocted after he realized he wasn’t dead. Judge Newman states that the evidence “does not survive the logical relevancy test and goes more towards showing the propensity to commit violent acts, which would cause it not to survive the 403 analysis.” He grants the motion to exclude this evidence at this time.

      9:47 a.m. EST – Dick Harpootlian counters, “This is linked to the financial crimes, not the murder, we’re here trying the murder. And yet, all the evidence, not all, but a significant amount of the evidence we’ve heard over the last three and a half weeks… It’s been about the financial crimes.” He further argues the defense would oppose going forward on any roadside shooting evidence stating that the prejudicial far outweighs the probative.

      9:43 a.m. EST – Waters states the Farris fees are “very crucial and temporally connected to everything that happened on June 7.”

      9:40 a.m. EST – Creighton Waters tells Judge Newman, “One thing about this case, Your Honor, is it’s intricate and complex on a scale that I think none of us have ever seen. And so we have to, we have to look at it within that vein, and in that context, and what we have here, Your Honor, why this is relevant evidence of consciousness of guilt, it really doesn’t matter what exactly happened on the side of the road, because that’s not the focus of what the state is seeking to do. What the state is seeking. to do and what we believe is relevant and admissible in these roles is to show what the defendant said about it. And the fact that that was not true.”

      9:37 a.m. EST – Court has resumed. Judge Newman is hearing motion arguments from the State first.

      9:01 a.m. EST – Looks like Maggie Murdaugh wasn’t the only one who referred to her son, Paul, as a “little detective.” Check out this clip from Alex Murdaugh’s second interview with SLED on June 10, 2021.

      8:33 a.m. EST – We are officially one week away from the launch of Netflix’s ‘Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal.‘ There has been a ton of buzz about this show, which has been billed as the most extensive treatment of this still-unfolding saga yet to be released.

      In case you haven’t seen it, here is the trailer …

      (Click to View)

      8:07 a.m. EST – Social media really buzzing this morning about the possible drug angle to the Murdaugh double homicide introduced via yesterday’s testimony from Marian Proctor

      7:53 a.m. EST – The big question before today’s proceedings get underway: Will more jurors test positive for Covid? And if so, how will presiding judge Clifton Newman handle any additional positive tests? Remember, two jurors and one alternate have already been excused – meaning there are only fifteen jurors remaining. Twelve are required for deliberations.

      7:44 a.m. EST – As of this writing, there is no motion at the Lexington County, S.C. detention center related to Curtis Eddie Smith – Alex Murdaugh’s longtime friend and alleged check casher/ drug dealer. Smith was referenced extensively during yesterday’s proceedings, and judge Newman indicated a desire to hear what he might say if called to the stand.

      7:30 a.m. EST – In case you missed our recap of yesterday’s proceedings (which were dominated by the testimony of Maggie Murdaugh’s sister Marian Proctor, here it is …



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      BANNER VIA: Grace Beahm Alford/ Pool

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      Elizabeth Caron Top fan February 15, 2023 at 10:11 am

      First if all, props to Fitsnews in covering this story.
      I haven’t read all the the comments posted here so please excuse my question if it has been posted.
      They keep seeking a motive. It’s been stated there was not life insurance on Maggie or Paul, but what about Maggie’s will? It’s my understanding that Maggie’s will was changed. Mr. Murdaugh name, AM’s father, was written over Maggie’s sister. Maggie’s sisters name was scratched out. Is that not motive if AM made that change to her will knowing his father’s health was failing and thinking he would inherit everything? I wonder if that will submitted into evidence.

      stephen henry Top fan February 15, 2023 at 11:42 am

      Something is wrong with John Meadors. Either he is mentally challenged or one of the most unprepared, inarticulate, purely weird-acting prosecuting attorney to ever appear on a national stage. WTF was AG thinking when he was brought on to team?

      Gx Top fan February 15, 2023 at 12:28 pm

      Can we get a ticker on the number of times he has lied about being down at the kennels after dinner?!? It’s up to 8 or 9 times now. 3 or 4 in the 3rd interview alone. Just letting him hang himself. People focused on motive….just stop. You’ll never understand why he did it, and it doesn’t matter. The defense’s case will be a bunch of hired/paid experts that will swoop in and criticize the investigation as sloppy, etc. But, none of that will change the lies. #heguilty

      Obamaroid Ointment February 15, 2023 at 2:28 pm

      What was judge just smiling about? He looks to be in a good mood.

      Charlotte Shull Top fan February 15, 2023 at 4:26 pm

      I wonder if Alex covered himself with a trash bag as well as the weapons before using them? Then discarded them with the clothes when he drove old truck back to house?

      Michael Pappas February 15, 2023 at 5:12 pm

      FITS NEWS: regarding your surprise at the difference in the daily poll and live chat – they’re asking two different questions. The daily asks if people think Alex is GUILTY, which gets and 85% affirmative rate. The daily chat is asking whether people thinks he’ll be CONVICTED, which is likely why it’s lower. I’ve discussed this case with many folks who will tell you they think AM committed the murders, but have doubts he’ll be convicted.

      bilg February 15, 2023 at 7:27 pm

      Has either side established where the two guns were generally known to be kept? Were both in the immediate, i.e. Feed Shed, area or locked away in house? Did AM plan to kill both which begs the question why two guns. If he shot first victim – did he have time to run to, say, the house get the other gun then return to shoot the other victim… then have time to get back into house change clothes, clean up, grab blue rain jacket get back to crime scene, grab guns and depart given the time lines that are known. Only one person really knows and hopefully he will come clean as to how this all played out.

      Debra Morse Top fan February 15, 2023 at 8:00 pm

      Ask yourself this: why did the vigilantes wait until 3 days before Murdaugh was to appear in court to answer for Mallory’s death in Beach lawsuit? Why kill Paul before he’d stood trial for his crimes. Plenty of opportunities to achieve vigilante justice if he was acquitted or given a slap on the wrist sentence. Vengeance is a dish best served cold.

      Sam February 15, 2023 at 8:08 pm

      Why doesn’t the press report on how the legislature “hires the Judges and this is how Murdaugh felt protected. No one is focused on the story behind the story you need to hire a legislature lawyer and then the courts will find in your favor. That is what kept people like Murdaugh do what he is doing.

      Sam February 15, 2023 at 8:08 pm

      Why doesn’t the press report on how the legislature “hires the Judges and this is how Murdaugh felt protected. No one is focused on the story behind the story you need to hire a legislature lawyer and then the courts will find in your favor. That is what kept people like Murdaugh do what he is doing.

      L February 15, 2023 at 8:44 pm

      All the missing evidence khaki pants, polo etc are buried with his daddy?????

      Anna_Nimmitty February 15, 2023 at 9:32 pm

      Fits has previously addressed the flaws within the South Carolina legislature and the very rules within which they function. To expect the largest 3 papers/press within this fine state to do such is to expect them to actually function without playing the same game!! Does Fitts not participate in the slightest of the same game?? I do believe such could be argued either way to be honest!! But hey, at least he’s done what he’s done! I personally certainly hope THE RULES can and will be adjusted accordingly by the very rules Fitts has argued FWIW.

      Debra Morse Top fan February 15, 2023 at 10:51 pm

      Ask yourself why did the vigilantes wait until 3 days before Murdaugh was to appear in court to answer for Mallory’s death in Beach lawsuit.

      charlie yup February 16, 2023 at 12:29 am

      Fitsnews commented about surprise about the discrepancies between his daily poll and todays live poll. Well, they are two different questions. The daily poll asks if people think he’s guilty and the replies are naturally in the mid to upper 80’s. The live poll today asked if people think he will be convicted. Those are tow different answers entirely.

      Anonymous February 16, 2023 at 10:18 am

      Where was Buster at the time of the murders? Not heard how he was excluded. Just curious.


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