
What Happened To Tomi Lahren?

IS THERE MORE TO HER OUSTER THAN MEETS THE EYE? We rarely go in for talking head drama.  It’s just not on the list of stuff we care about.  But with an audience of political animals, sometimes we are compelled to report on it … Which brings us to Tomi Lahren, a conservative commentator…


We rarely go in for talking head drama.  It’s just not on the list of stuff we care about.  But with an audience of political animals, sometimes we are compelled to report on it …

Which brings us to Tomi Lahren, a conservative commentator with The Blaze (that’s the network launched in 2011 by social conservative radio host Glenn Beck).

This week, Lahren was suspended by the media outlet – ostensibly for comments she made in support of abortion.

“I can’t sit here and be a hypocrite and say I’m for limited government but I think the government should decide what women do with their bodies,” Lahren said on ABC’s ‘The View’ last week.

Hold up … what about female bodies being aborted?  Wouldn’t a true “limited government” advocate stridently oppose the legalization/ taxpayer subsidization of their murder?

Seriously … the first freedom is life.  Without that, the rest is just talk.

Last time we checked, it was life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness government was created to protect … right?

Anyway …

Lahren’s suspension has prompted all sorts of speculation – notably that she will soon be parting ways with The Blaze.

Is it all because of her abortion comments, though?  Or is there more to see here than meets the eye?

We’ve spoken with several sources close to the network who tell us Lahren’s imminent departure is less about her pro-choice comments and more about an unrelated scandal.

What’s that, you ask?

Stay tuned …

Banner via The Blaze


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