Hugh Leatherman Replenishing His War Chest

COUGH IT UP, CHOPPERS … Corrupt S.C. Senate president Hugh Leatherman handily defeated a credible challenger in this year’s “Republican” primary elections – dealing a major blow to the influence of governor Nikki Haley, who tried to take him out. Leatherman’s victory didn’t come cheap, though. According to campaign finance documents,…


Corrupt S.C. Senate president Hugh Leatherman handily defeated a credible challenger in this year’s “Republican” primary elections – dealing a major blow to the influence of governor Nikki Haley, who tried to take him out.

Leatherman’s victory didn’t come cheap, though.

According to campaign finance documents, he spent a whopping $1.8 million on his most recent reelection bid – including $1.2 million in the most recent quarter.

Serious cheddar, huh?

Yes … but we’re talking about the most liberal, most powerful (and arguably the most corrupt) politician in the state.

Especially now …

Leatherman raised more than $550,000 this cycle – and benefitted from a $750,000 loan.  Based on the money already in his campaign account, he was loaded for bear.

Now?  The 85-year-old legislative leader – who has battled health problems in recent years – is looking to replenish his depleted war chest.

According to the latest S.C. State Ethics Commission (SCSEC) filings, Leatherman currently has “only” $123,372 on hand.

In other words, its time to shake the trees …

(Click to enlarge)

leatherman fundraiser

(Pic provided)

As you can see from the above invite (which features a not-so-subtle reminder of Leatherman’s position as Senate finance committee chairman), the diminutive liberal is looking to rake in some serious cash next month.

And those looking for favors/ funding from state government will undoubtedly provide him with it when they descend upon the swanky Palmetto Club in downtown Columbia, S.C. on Monday September 12, 2016.

And while these solicitations are supposed to be “disregarded” by registered lobbyists, it’s no secret this invite was sent to virtually every registered lobbyist in the state – with the unstated expectation that they collect checks from their clients and mail them in prior to the date of the event (it’s considered uncouth to show up at such gatherings with an envelope in one’s pocket).

You just gotta love the etiquette of the Columbia, S.C. favor factory, don’t you?

Anyway … Leatherman (who is unopposed on the ballot this November) won’t stand for reelection again until 2020, at which point he would be 89 years old.


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