
War On Drugs: Taxpayer-Subsidized Sexual Assault

WOMAN WINS $475,000 AFTER HARROWING BORDER ORDEAL … A 54-year-old American woman has won a $475,000 judgment against the federal government after border agents engaged in a dehumanizing series of cavity searches against her – and then sent her the bill. Simon Black of The Sovereign Man has the story…


A 54-year-old American woman has won a $475,000 judgment against the federal government after border agents engaged in a dehumanizing series of cavity searches against her – and then sent her the bill.

Simon Black of The Sovereign Man has the story of the woman – who was returning to the United States from Mexico several years ago via the Cordova Bridge in El Paso.

Upon her reentry, the woman was singled out for “extra special screening” by agents of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) division of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

From Black’s report, here’s what happened next …

According to the published case files, she was frisked, and then ordered to squat so that a drug-sniffing dog could check out her nether regions.

Apparently the dog liked what he smelled, because Ms. (Jane) Doe was then taken to yet another room, ordered to pull down her pants, and crouch.

At that point an agent from Customs and Border Protection “inspected her anus with a flashlight.”

She was then ordered to lean backwards in a crouched position, after which another agent inserted a speculum into her vagina to search for drugs.

Another agent then “parted Ms. Doe’s vulva with her hand, pressed her fingers into Ms. Doe’s vagina, and visually examined her genitalia with a flashlight.”

They then took her to a hospital for a further 6 hours of involuntary testing, which included forcing her to have a bowel movement as they all watched, plus X-rays, CT scans, and more.

I know what you’re thinking– they probably found a treasure trove of cocaine and methamphetamine shoved deep inside Ms. Doe’s womanhood.

Except they didn’t.

Ready for the real indignity?  After subjecting this woman to such a degrading ordeal (all for nothing), she was told to sign a consent form essentially granting the government retroactive permission to molest her.

If she failed to sign, she would have to pay for all of the medical tests that were conducted on her – against her will.

The woman refused – at which point the federal government sent her a bill for $5,000.

The woman sued – and won.  Of course the government insisted on noting that the settlement with the woman should “not be taken as an admission of liability or fault.”

“I guess it’s Ms. Doe’s fault,” Black observed sarcastically.  “She must have been asking for it.”

“But just think about what this means,” Black added. “Gun-toting government thugs are running around committing sexual assault on U.S. citizens so they can continue waging a costly and utterly ridiculous war on plants.”

Indeed … plants that have proven medical benefits, at that.

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again: America’s “War on Drugs” has been an unmitigatedcostly (and deadly) failure – flushing more than $1 trillion down the drain at last count.

Enough …


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