Nikki Haley’s Desperate Need To Be Relevant

EXPLORING THE GOVERNOR’S “LOW-PROFILE” AT GOP CONVENTION During the 2016 presidential campaign, S.C. governor Nikki Haley wagered all her chips on the “Republican” establishment … and lost. Bigly. Then she doubled-down … and lost again. Her national ambitions extinguished, Haley decided to dive back into state-level politics – where she also got her ass handed to…


During the 2016 presidential campaign, S.C. governor Nikki Haley wagered all her chips on the “Republican” establishment … and lost.


Then she doubled-down … and lost again.

Her national ambitions extinguished, Haley decided to dive back into state-level politics – where she also got her ass handed to her.

Again … bigly.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the increasingly-liberal Haley is looking somewhere … anywhere … for some love.  Lucky for her, the Palmetto state’s gullible mainstream media is always obliging.

According to reporter Jamie Self of The (Columbia, S.C.) State newspaper, Haley will be keeping a “low-profile” at the 2016 “Republican” National Convention – which the status quo scribe observed as being a “change of pace” for her.

“Low-profile?” “Change of pace?”  That’s putting it politely …

Haley spent months attacking Donald Trump – the presumptive GOP nominee.  When her efforts failed, like a spoiled brat she claimed she was “undecided” about attending the Cleveland convention where Trump is expected to be nominated.

To hear The State tell the story, though, Haley’s imprimatur remains as coveted as ever.  In fact, according to the governor’s office she is “declining the opportunity” to speak at the convention.


“Haley’s name was not on a list released Thursday of dozens of speakers slated for the convention stage,” The State reported.  “But that’s not because she was not asked to speak, Haley’s office says.”

According to Haley’s spokesman, Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Reince Priebus asked Haley to address the convention “several weeks ago” – and she demurred.

Who does this woman think she is fooling?

Remember: This is the same stunt Haley pulled a few months ago when she “took herself out of the running” for vice presidential consideration.

South Carolina should be grateful though.  The last time Haley “earned” a coveted prime time speaking slot at the GOP convention, the Palmetto State paid a hefty price.

In fact we’re still paying it …

Seriously … anyone who thinks Haley has done good things for South Carolina needs to read this.  Or this.  And anyone who thinks she is a “conservative” needs to read this.  Or this.  Or this.  Or … this.

Haley is a failure.  A fabrication.  And the saddest part of it is she seems to be a “stage five clinger” when it comes to trying to stay relevant.

Why haven’t more people figured it out?  Well, she’s a minority.  And a female.  And she governs a state that (bless its heart) doesn’t know any better … thanks in no small part to conflicted news outlets like The State that continue to fluff her.

Enough.  Let’s call this “low-profile” what it is … the final flameout of Nikki Haley’s once-promising national star.


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