National Politics - 2016

Tennessee Delegates Unite Against GOP Establishment

VOLUNTEER STATE STANDS FIRM AGAINST “REPUBLICAN” ELITE This election cycle, anti-establishment candidates have received the lion’s share of “Republican” votes – and delegates.  Thus far, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have combined for 64 percent of the GOP popular vote – and an even larger percentage of the delegates awarded. Their success has…


This election cycle, anti-establishment candidates have received the lion’s share of “Republican” votes – and delegates.  Thus far, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have combined for 64 percent of the GOP popular vote – and an even larger percentage of the delegates awarded.

Their success has angered the status quo … greatly.

In fact there are all sorts of efforts currently afoot to disenfranchise GOP primary voters … and hand the “Republican” presidential nomination to a member of the Washington D.C. elite.

In Tennessee, Trump got 38.9 percent of the vote and 33 delegates – while Cruz received 24.7 percent of the vote and 16 delegates.  The top establishment finisher?  Marco Rubio, who won 21.2 percent of the vote (and nine delegates).

Rubio’s campaign has since collapsed … prompting him to drop out of the race.

Eager to ensure that their delegates don’t go to a status quo candidate who didn’t earn them, Tennessee supporters of Trump and Cruz have reportedly formed an alliance.  According to reporter Michael Patrick Leahy of Breitbart, “they plan on pledging that their votes at the Republican National Convention will be for one of the two anti-establishment candidates, Trump or Cruz, on every ballot cast after their legal obligation to vote for the candidate for whom they pledged their commitment.”

Tennessee requires its delegates to vote for the candidate to whom they are pledged on the first two ballots.  After that, they are free to support other candidates.  In most states – including South Carolina – delegates are only bound on the first ballot.

Why does this matter?  Well, if Trump doesn’t hit the 1,237-delegate threshold on the first ballot, this July’s GOP convention in Cleveland, Ohio could descend into chaos.

We wonder … will other states follow Tennessee’s lead?  Will South Carolina?


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Manray9 March 19, 2016 at 5:23 pm

Sic — you know words have meanings? No one has been disenfranchised. I suppose it’s a common misconception that the political parties are public institutions. They’re not. They are private organizations which make their own rules and are not bound by ethics or “sunshine” laws or voting rights laws. The parties exist to perpetuate the interests of the parties themselves — any benefit to the citizens is simply a byproduct.

CorruptionInColumbia March 19, 2016 at 5:49 pm

When I first began reading this article, I felt hope and pride for Tennessee and the direction it and our country are going in. THEN, I got to the part about Cruz not being part of the establishment, or words to that effect, and my heart sank.

Anyone who cannot see that Ted Cruz is part and parcel of the same establishment/NWO/globalist slime as any Bush, Clinton, or Obama, is a clueless idiot.

Manray9 March 19, 2016 at 6:00 pm

Glad to see you mention the fact Cruz is among the GOP’s greatest charlatans. Is he the cowboy boot-wearing, jean clad, TP idol, Man of the People? Look at him. He was educated in private schools and two Ivy League universities, worked as a Supreme Court clerk, a presidential campaign functionary, and as a partner with a prestigious “fat cat” law firm. His wife was, until recently, a managing director at Goldman Sachs. He is a sitting U.S. senator. Among his greatest contributors are lawyers, oil and gas interests, and financial services firms. Isn’t this the very elitism that Republicans detest in Obama?

CorruptionInColumbia March 19, 2016 at 6:04 pm

Hi Manray9! Thank You! The Goldman-Sachs connection should be more than enough to connect the dots, but as you noted, there are other clues.

Flip March 21, 2016 at 9:33 am

Unfortunately Goldman Sachs has their claws in Hillary too so if it ends up Cruz versus Hillary we are all screwed.

CorruptionInColumbia March 21, 2016 at 9:44 am

You are mighty right!

Bible Thumper March 19, 2016 at 6:59 pm

When I first began reading this article, I felt hope and pride for Tennessee and the direction it and our country are going in. THEN, I got to the part about Trump not being part of the establishment, or words to that effect, and my heart sank.

Anyone who cannot see that Trump is part and parcel of the same establishment/NWO/globalist slime as any Bush, Clinton, or Obama, is a clueless idiot.


rdj March 19, 2016 at 7:25 pm

He was working for Trump development then, once elected he’ll be working for the people, he has nothing to gain business wise from being president, anyone who cant see that making illegals share the standard expenses of working middle class people, anyone who thinks allowing free trade to rape American workers of good jobs, anyone who can’t see that unemployment would be eliminated by eliminating illegal workers, anyone who thinks raising the minimum wage want raise the price of goods and totally offset anything good you just did, why would people on wellfare want the illegals to leave so they have more job opportunities even if it just susidizes their wellfare, why would the illegals care if workers comp, insurance and taxes are killing the same laborers whose jobs so many of them take or worry about the expenses of wellfare and social security when they dont pay taxes, but still benefit from free health care and eventually will be allowed to collect social security, hell I wanna be an illegal immigrant, but no where in the world ive been will let me stay longer than ninety days period.

Bible Thumper March 19, 2016 at 8:09 pm

He was working for Trump development then, once elected he’ll be working for the people, he has nothing to gain business wise from being president, 
Can’t that be said about anyone. Couldn’t that be said about Romney or Cruz.
Before Trump started his campaign, it wwould’ve been a joke to call Trump anti-establishment, not Cruz.
The only way Trump can possibly be a good president is if he breaks all his promises, but that is a possibility. We have to get immigration under control, but you’re foolish if you think deportation is going to help the working poor or blue collar workers and any raising of trade barrier is just another form of crony capitalism that will only have temporary benefits. American industry will just become fat and lazy and won’t be able to compete internationally. We will pay more for lower quality products.

rdj March 19, 2016 at 10:18 pm

Romney made his money borrowing money against businesses to pay himself a consulting fee knowing it would bankrupt the business, but hey who gives a shit, Trump sold his 282 ft yacht to pay off his debt aquired by Casinos going bust, did his best to save the businesses and jobs. Cruz jas never done anything to create a job, and doesnt have the moderate vision that the silent majority shares. Im not an economist supply and demand and inflation statistics arent my strong suit, but I know running all the people in the construction industry out of business with illegal immigrants is bullshit, no matter how you twist it.

Nat March 20, 2016 at 12:15 pm

Trump sold his 282 ft yacht to pay off his debt aquired by Casinos going bust

He didn’t sell it – he was behind on the payments and was forced to hand it over to creditors, along with interest in other assets. Just as if the normal Joe didn’t make their car payments, the bank repossesses it and then goes after them for any owed monies on it.

rdj March 20, 2016 at 1:50 pm

You must believe everything Stop Trump feeds you

Nat March 20, 2016 at 4:12 pm

I believe in public records, newspaper articles and Donald’s own words. Don’t subscribe to the Donald Trump platform of who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes.

rdj March 20, 2016 at 5:20 pm

What public record do you quote, you must only read articles written by the anti trump campaign oh yeah, thats all of them, theres a reason why the mainstream media is hated as much as congress, bedfellows one and all, but hey your never gonna change the mind of a government employee

Nat March 20, 2016 at 6:34 pm

I know how to use newspaper archives, wayback machine and search engines and youtube. Just because I don’t think this man is Presidential material doesn’t mean I’m working for a Stop Trump group or for the government. Wish I did have a government job.

rdj March 20, 2016 at 3:10 pm

Breaking news Obama has agreed to bring in 11 million Syrian refugees to take over the DOT, they’ve agreed to work for half wage as long as they dont have to pay any taxes, have insurance or workers comp., they want no benefits at all except to be able to use the hospitals and collect Social Security once they’ve been here ten years, also in there doing the same with the teacher’s union, bringing in 11 million chinese women to teach our children. Its always amazing to me how rich people have no problem breaking the law if it benefits them financially and government employees will back any candidate that promises nothing will change for them even if it means breaking the bank of middle class America,
I wonder how the major housing developers get away with having nothing and I mean nothing but Hispa

rdj March 20, 2016 at 3:12 pm

Again someone is after my keyboard, so nothing but Hispanics working , could it possibly be a w.rawl type situation, only way its possible

Nat March 20, 2016 at 4:09 pm

Have no idea what any of this is about. I suppose alien creatures from another galaxy could invade too.

rdj March 20, 2016 at 4:36 pm

Im growing bored with this and believe you are being intentionally bigoted,…
So Im gonna try and simplify it for you, unless your occupation had been taken over by illegal immigrants, you dont care as long as you can get something done cheap.
Im a college educated home builder, there are 86 houses being built around the corner from my home, none by me, everyone by illegal immigrants.
If it doesnt bother you that every job I price I’m 50 percent behind the eight ball because of taxes, wc and gl than well theres nothing i can do to change that, it means your probably the same kinda person who hates southern republicans because of our traditional Christian values but jumps at the chance to stand up for someone who practices sharia law and chops the heads off of gays, women who wanna vote, Christians, Jews etc etc
Play by the rules, whether locally or internationally there has to be fair trade, where if you play you pay, the biggest obstacle I have in life is trying to be honest, hard working, tax paying citizen, this my friend is a crock of shit

Nat March 20, 2016 at 6:25 pm

You would be surprised that I do feel for you and what you’re experiencing. My job was outsourced over a decade ago and I was pissed off about it for a long, long time. But I woke up and realized life marches on and I needed to retrain and get on with it. And since I hadn’t been screwed enough, Congress recently passed a law that my pension from that time period can be cut in half.
If illegals are building houses, report it. I don’t understand the complaining if you can prove it.
And the last part of your comment about sharia law and chopping heads off – Big Eye Roll. ISIS is not going to be knocking down my door to chop my head off or the legal system forcing me to live by sharia law.

rdj March 20, 2016 at 5:25 pm

Find me a quote that states anything other than in 1991 Trump ran into some financial problems and “sold” his yacht to a Saudi Prince for 20 million, do you get paid to spin, or just to sit.

Nat March 20, 2016 at 6:15 pm

1992 Bloomberg & La Times
Privately admitting they were suckers for Trump’s ebullient prognostications in the 1980s, the lenders were anxious not to give Trump too many breaks. In addition to the shuttle, they made off with his Regency Hotel in Atlantic City, his Trump Princess yacht, his Palm Beach condo project, his 28% share of Alexander’s Inc. department stores, and two of his mid-Manhattan apartment complexes. Trump’s long-standing half-ownership of New York’s Grand Hyatt Hotel, his first big real estate score, is scheduled to go to the banks after snags are worked out with the Pritzker family of Chicago, holders of the other 50%.


Faced with massive debts and increasing cash-flow problems, Trump has been forced to get rid of large chunks of his empire to stay afloat.

Among properties he is ceding to creditors are his 282-foot Trump Princess yacht, a 49% stake in New York’s Grand Hyatt Hotel, the Trump Shuttle airline and his 27% stake in Alexanders Inc., a department store chain.

rdj March 20, 2016 at 6:23 pm

Yes he sold it, to pay off creditors, its what people do when they get in financial trouble I can get you the name of the Saudi he sold it to for 20 million which was the remainder of the mortgage note if you’d like, or we could look into how much money Romney made in ventures where the company’s he restructured went bankrupt after he borrowed them into insurmountable debt and made off with a fortune, at least Trump had the balls to give personal guarantees on his mistakes which where all eventually settled.

Nat March 20, 2016 at 6:31 pm

He didn’t sell it – they took it as part of what he owed the bank. The bank in turn sold it to the Prince. He tried to spin it as an amicable arrangement that they took it back. And he also tried to convince the Boston Herald that he agreed to the arrangement because he was tired of it. The man constantly lies and always has.

rdj March 20, 2016 at 6:37 pm

Well the article i read must have been written by the only media source who likes trump or yours must have been written by one of the many who hate him, I’m sure you can understand how I have my doubts believing the likes of Romney who want his support when it looks good for them, but them hes a liar when he starts bucking the system, sorry but your not gonna change my mind on Trump, I dont give.a.shit if he lies everyday as long as he tries to fuck the establishment.

Nat March 20, 2016 at 7:21 pm

I don’t know what Romney had to say about it, if anything. I’m not trying to change your mind about Trump, just calling out what I see as inaccurate. Use the below link if you want to search old news articles, found lots of reports from the 80s-2000s that dispute a lot of Trump’s claims. Click on search archives.
Personally, a don’t want a lying, uninformed, shallow person as President.

rdj March 20, 2016 at 7:26 pm

You must not be voting ?
Or please tell us the angel the establishment has sent that i overlooked.

CorruptionInColumbia March 20, 2016 at 10:04 pm

“Personally, a don’t want a lying, uninformed, shallow person as President.”

Too late!!!!

Tazmaniac March 21, 2016 at 9:23 am

Isn’t that the damn sad truth?

CorruptionInColumbia March 19, 2016 at 9:47 pm

Thank You, rdj!!!! You responded with points I had planned to make and then some!

Nat March 20, 2016 at 11:47 am

once elected he’ll be working for the people, he has nothing to gain business wise from being president, –

Yes, he does his billionaire legacy and his children, their children and their children. Sheesh, you think he isn’t still going to be concerned about being a billionaire (and I contend he isn’t worth as much as he claims)? It is all the blowhard talks about. Or how much wealth he leaves behind for his children after he dies?

anyone who thinks allowing free trade to rape American workers of good jobs

If (which will never happen, Trump wouldn’t be king, he has to contend with a Congress too) he was able to toss trade agreements and slap tariffs on imports – hope you’ve saved up a lot of money to pay 45%-35% more for goods you’re buying now.

anyone who can’t see that unemployment would be eliminated by eliminating illegal workers

The majority of US citizens aspire to be more than a maid, farm worker, yard worker or construction helper. If anything killed blue collar jobs it is the death of unions, automation and innovation. Face it, progress marches on – there isn’t a big calling for blacksmiths anymore.

why would people on wellfare want the illegals to leave so they have more job opportunities even if it just susidizes their welfare

The able bodied with no children will not be receiving benefits for long. This argument is akin to the myth of the welfare Cadillac queen.

but still benefit from free health care and eventually will be allowed to collect social security

The only health care they are receiving is the same as citizens who use the emergency room. I guess they could repeal that law and let everyone die unless they have insurance or can pay – would save me a ton of money in premiums. I’ve been the ER a couple of times in the last couple of years and it is usually filled with white people. As long as undocumented are that, they will not be receiving SS. Legal permanent residents have to have 10 years qualifying work history to be eligible.

rdj March 20, 2016 at 1:11 pm

Just curious, you don’t have to be specific, what do you do for a living ? 67% of African Americans are on some type of wellfare, and no Im not racist , i voted for Obama, mistake I know, hope and pray Trump can get lobbyist and special interest out of politics, maybe then this 45% tariff wi ll bring down corporate Americas greed, if they don’t adjust how much shit can i live without, alot Bring back American jobs get people off wellfare, someone is trying really hard to hijack my keyboard, funny

Nat March 20, 2016 at 4:07 pm

67% seems a tad high. I have a few black neighbors and they all have jobs. If the percentage was that high, it seems like one of them should be mooching off the govt.
Bringing jobs back isn’t going to happen unless it benefits corporations- no matter what Trump says. If they do bring jobs back, today’s workers need new high tech skills.

sparklecity March 20, 2016 at 9:22 pm

Do you really think that Caucasians are going to do the shit jobs for minimum wage or even less “under the table”
You are a fucking idiot if you do…………
Are you prepared to pay 30-50% more for a Ford if tariffs are imposed?????
How about 1000 bucks for a smart phone built in America?????
When’s the last time you’ve bought a TV,stereo, or other electronic device made in the USA?????
the 1950’s are over dipshit………..

rdj March 21, 2016 at 5:48 am

You are beneath me, son, go suck a dick

mamatiger92 March 21, 2016 at 9:22 am

“He was working for Trump development then, once elected he’ll be working for the people”
Please tell me that you are not that naïve.

rdj March 21, 2016 at 9:36 am

Hope is all I have, …
I guess we could just go with Hilary or Jeb, there you go …
Hilary, Jeb ….2016, theres a winner

Sic Semper Tyrannis March 19, 2016 at 8:22 pm

Get use to it. We have to control global economy. Our masters have spoken. Many more CEO’s need the 300 million. Each year to be able to live their lifestyle s.

erneba March 20, 2016 at 1:53 pm

“We wonder … will other states follow Tennessee’s lead? Will South Carolina?”
The Republican establishment must be controlled and not allowed to exert their influence to the point of controlling who is nominated for the Presidential ticket.
The only way to that is for the states to unite. That’s no small tasks given the difference in region appeal and demographics. The unifying factor may be everyone’s dislike of the Republican elites, ie, the Washington establishment.

Michael March 21, 2016 at 9:55 am

Are those flags at the Nathan Bedford Forrest memorial?

TN71 March 21, 2016 at 10:52 am

At least we got that half right with Trump. If we could only lose our turncoat, RINO Senators, Lamar Alexander and Obama’s golfing buddy, Bob Corker.


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