
American Troops Sent To Cameroon

MORE U.S. INTERVENTIONISM … U.S. president Barack Obama has deployed three hundred American trYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

MORE U.S. INTERVENTIONISM … U.S. president Barack Obama has deployed three hundred American tr
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Barack "GT's God" Obama October 15, 2015 at 1:05 pm

Well that’s odd, I guess I’m not in cahoots with these guys after all. Where are my worshipers GrandTango and Flip? Surely they can explain.

Speak D Truth October 15, 2015 at 1:09 pm

Where are the democrats? Why aren’t they screaming about an illegal war? When will Hillary and Bernie be asked about this?

TroubleBaby October 15, 2015 at 2:12 pm

“Why aren’t they screaming about an illegal war?”

Because it’s Barack doing it and it’s better PR than drone striking wedding parties or mini-gunning doctors tents.

Nölff October 15, 2015 at 1:25 pm

pffft… I’m publicly educated. We know what the fuck Cameroon is.

I’m sure I can find some home schooled Bob Jones graduates who don’t know their own armpits from assholes… let alone locate Cameroon on map.

CorruptionInColumbia October 15, 2015 at 1:38 pm

I’m kinda glad he clarified that. I always thought it was just a little bit south of Saskatoon.

Beau Geste October 15, 2015 at 2:01 pm

Where is the French Foreign Legion? They usually take care of such problems in Africa.

Bernadette Pinter October 16, 2015 at 1:24 am


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sparklecity October 16, 2015 at 9:59 am

Again, this just reinforces my thought that we need to have an American Foreign Legion.
Although if some country wanted to pay for the French Foreign Legion to kick ass I wouldn’t have any objection – you know that libertarian thing that FITS always has a hard on for
Hell, maybe then he can join himself and get his jollies off because he is so frustrated he missed out when he had a chance to. But back then he was too busy being Sanfraud’s “Hey Boy”
That’s why he bitches about the military so much.
I’ve seen the same thing over and over from 30ish-40ish year old dudes who’ve expressed “coulda/shoulda/woulda” since 9/11. It will grate on their asses till the day they die and I don’t feel much empathy for them.

Bob October 15, 2015 at 2:09 pm

I went to a public school in SC and a public university. I know where Cameroon is. I can even name the capitols of the countries that border the Mediterranean if you want. We studied geography. Not to mention history. I guess it was your school where they did not teach that. I would be interested to see if any of those private school brats from White Flight Christian Academy 22, could do as well.

Will Folks aka Sic October 15, 2015 at 2:15 pm

You are the exception to the rule ;)

AsianSuperfly October 15, 2015 at 2:35 pm

Well, “capitol” is for the actual building. Capital is for the city. I would say you reinforced Will’s point in an unexpected manner. As an aside, I am also a product of “government-run public schools”.

Bob October 15, 2015 at 2:42 pm

I confess I do not proof read when I am on my ipad. It proves nothing other than I do not have the time or do not want to take the time. Color me lazy.

Bob October 15, 2015 at 2:51 pm

There caught me again. I misspelled “proofread”. Dang what a waste of time this is.

Arcadian Myth October 15, 2015 at 8:21 pm

The Bobby E. Lee Bible Academy and Trailer Parts
(for parts use rear door)

Rakkasan October 16, 2015 at 5:11 am

At least those kids at WFCA 22 don’t have to eat gubmint shoved-down-your- throat USDA surplus food for lunch. They get Christian Filet. Yum!

TroubleBaby October 15, 2015 at 2:10 pm

I have a good friend in Cameroon, named “Nenge Mboko”. We have a shared friend- Dan Aykroyd:

Tazmaniac October 15, 2015 at 2:20 pm

Ah….. beautiful Cameroon, home of the Carolina and Colonial Cups! Had many wonderful times there. I’m a little shocked that Obama is bold enough to try and curb the local criminals. I always thought he was encouroging to them?

CorruptionInColumbia October 15, 2015 at 2:24 pm

LOL!!!! I guess Hollywood Jim was in over his head and needed reinforcements. That College Park crowd gets kinda rough, I hear.

Rocky Verdad October 15, 2015 at 2:50 pm

This is a smoke screen. They’re after the giant diamonds that are being guarded by silver / grey gorrilas. I saw a movie on it.

Tom October 15, 2015 at 2:56 pm

Yea, but if they take them the doors are going slam shut and the whole room will start filling up with gold. Have they never watched a Tarzan movie.

Rocky Verdad October 15, 2015 at 3:02 pm

It’s a cover for Indiana Jones, or Ohio Flip, to get in there and get the cyrstal skulls before Putin does.

sparklecity October 16, 2015 at 9:49 am

The book was better……….
Not one of Michael Crighton’s best though………………

Nae nae October 15, 2015 at 3:50 pm

Bush’s fault…obviously.

RogueElephant October 16, 2015 at 8:56 am

If Bush had invaded Cameroon like he did Iraq and Afghanistan there would have been another country free. ,At least till Obummer gave it all back. LOL

Cool Story Bro October 15, 2015 at 4:27 pm

How many times have I typed and google cameroon?

At least now there’s something to search for.

In other news, I went to college with the hottest blon I’ve ever met/seen/lusted after and her name was “Cameron”, and we always called her Cameroon.

Bible Thumper October 15, 2015 at 6:53 pm

Is your name Chad?

Bible Thumper October 15, 2015 at 6:51 pm

The guardsmen sent to the Pee Dee for the flood are probably hoping they will be sent to Cameroon.

TontoBubbaGoldstein October 15, 2015 at 10:28 pm

Boko Haram

Buck Farrack!

“A Whiter Shade of Pale” was a GREAT SONG.

CharlieChan October 16, 2015 at 9:28 am


Suddenly all the “Republicans” become peace-niks.

CharlieChan October 16, 2015 at 9:32 am

The knock on public schools reminds me of Todd Kincannon’s constant refrain of how smart he is because he has 3 degrees from Erskine and was homeschooled by Mommy. Whatever happened to that genius? Let me Google him to see what wonderful life his non-public school education led to… Oh dear.


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