Black SC Superintendent Candidate Gets Huge Buyout

GOVERNMENT-RUN SCHOOL DISTRICT SHELLS OUT BIG BUCKS … || By FITSNEWS || A black candidate whoYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

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Elfego September 18, 2015 at 2:07 pm

Fleecing the Tax payer! Black Lies Matter!

Daniel Boome September 18, 2015 at 2:20 pm

White supremacy and white privilege is clearly holding them down. You’re just a subconscious racist blinded by your privilege and blind to the oppression that keeps others down.

Jack September 18, 2015 at 5:04 pm

Was Carly fleecing the shareholders of HP when HP paid her 21 million to go away and never come back.? No, it was just a business decision that keeping her on and letting her continue to screw up the company would cost more than giving her enough money to live comfortably for the rest of her life. Just reflects how bad she was screwing up.

How is this case any different?

Daniel Boome September 18, 2015 at 6:00 pm

A previously and privately agreed upon buyout based on negotiating leverage, which in turn is based on value. But that’s really beside the point. You are talking about a private agreement with a top level job versus taxpayer dollars for a shadow government job. I don’t begrudge her. I wish I was her, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s ridiculous that the system creates it for her.

The Colonel September 18, 2015 at 6:15 pm

Hmm, how is it different, let’s see if I can answer that in six words: They didn’t pay her with my tax dollars.

Nope, couldn’t do it, it took eight…

Jack September 18, 2015 at 6:31 pm

Are you saying she did not have a contract that they were trying to break? You take my tax dollars and I don’t get a say. At least now she is off the public dole, while you remain on the public dole.

The Colonel September 18, 2015 at 6:34 pm

No Jack, I’m saying Carly was paid off with corporate dollars, not my tax dollars like Ms. Herring was.

Jack September 18, 2015 at 6:40 pm

What is the difference? Are you saying the government can’t enter into contracts? Are you saying they should not have to pay when they want to break them? What about when we decide to fire a college football coach and pay him to go away?

The Colonel September 18, 2015 at 6:57 pm

What I’m saying is that when you fire someone for incompetence, they should clean out their desk and go away. Sadly they failed to manage Me. Herring appropriately and now they’re paying her hush money to go away quietly.

Tom September 18, 2015 at 6:43 pm

Actually, HP would have deducted that 21 million dollar payment on their income tax return, so if they were paying normal corporate rates that deal cost the taxpayers about 3 to 4 million. So actually we paid Carly a lot more than we paid this lady.

The Colonel September 18, 2015 at 6:55 pm

Only in your twisted little math.
4,000,000 dollars / 300,000,000 citizens = about a thirteenth of a cent
220,000 dollars / 4,000,000 South Carolinians = about five and a half cents

I realize not all Americans pay taxes but the population of Charleston is a lot less than the 4 million South Carolinians in the state…

Rakkasan September 19, 2015 at 12:50 pm

Please enlighten us. Who specifically doesn’t pay taxes?

The Colonel September 19, 2015 at 6:40 pm

Oh, I don’t know, my twelve year old?

Rakkasan September 19, 2015 at 10:26 am

Public dole? How so? How does a military person “take” you tax dollar? So, are you saying that any gov’t expenditure you don’t get a “say” in is not legit?

nitrat September 19, 2015 at 10:24 am

I wonder if HP or Compaq ever had a government contract that could have contributed to their revenue and her payout/payoff?

Bible Thumper September 18, 2015 at 2:55 pm

Did Will Folks explain the relevance of her being Black or is this just his usual racism?

SCBlues September 18, 2015 at 3:20 pm

The usual.

Bible Thumper September 18, 2015 at 3:14 pm

Other top stories at Fitsnews:






Nölff September 18, 2015 at 3:59 pm

You look like I need a drink. I could go for a White Russian right now.

Bible Thumper September 18, 2015 at 5:16 pm

I prefer to hold the cream.

Squishy123 September 18, 2015 at 10:28 pm

That sounds gay.

Bible Thumper September 18, 2015 at 10:46 pm

You seem interested. Hate to disappoint you though.

Jack September 18, 2015 at 5:00 pm

How do you know there were no Black Russians?

Bible Thumper September 18, 2015 at 5:18 pm

They all contained cream.

Slartibartfast September 18, 2015 at 5:47 pm


erneba September 18, 2015 at 3:20 pm

Whatever happened to the personnel manager sending out a simple letter stating she was not ‘selected’ for the position. These days a simple letter will not suffice, you need an apology, fifteen reasons, a lawyer, and a fat checking account to deny certain people of a position.

southmauldin September 18, 2015 at 3:51 pm

Nookie Haley didn’t show up for work at the Lexington Hospital, and when they tried to get rid of her, she lawyered up and got a big settlement. Guess this Charleston grafter took note.

jimlewisowb September 18, 2015 at 9:13 pm

These dumb sons of bitches have no idea how to prepare and implement a legally defensible termination

They put individuals on suspension, pay them their full salary to stay away and hope they will then fade away

After a year if they are still on the payroll they call them in, kiss their ass, kiss their lawyer’s ass, write both of them a big fat taxpayer’s check and give the employee a Praise God Letter of Recommendation where the employee can go to another school district and fuck over a new group of taxpayers

bfd September 18, 2015 at 4:10 pm

She had a contract that they wanted to end. She did not do anything wrong so they have to pay for breaking the contract.

Jack September 18, 2015 at 4:57 pm

She should have let Carly negotiate for her. She managed to get 21 million out of HP when they fired her. Suffering when you lose your job for being a screw up is for little people, and common employees.

Diogenes September 18, 2015 at 8:40 pm

Your point is well-taken.

Elfego September 18, 2015 at 8:44 pm

Black on White Crime 2


Aug. 20, 2013 1:53pm Oliver Darcy

Authorities formally charged three teenagers Tuesday afternoon for mercilessly gunning down Australian student Chris Lane Friday night “for the fun of it.”

James Edwards, 15, and Chancey Luna, 16, were reportedly charged with first degree murder and face life in prison if convicted. They are being held without bond.

Michael Jones, 17, was reportedly charged with using a vehicle to facilitate the discharge of a weapon and accessory after the fact of murder in the first degree. He reportedly said in court “I pulled the trigger” but the judge told him to remain silent. The boy cried and his bond was set at $1 million.



Aug. 22, 2013 9:20am Mike Opelka

David Santucci

A young white male was walking to his car on a city street late at night on August 12 when he was confronted by a trio of black individuals. They shot him dead. Police have arrested three people and charged them with first degree murder. But some in the victim’s family can’t understand why the shooting is being called a failed robbery when they say the evidence suggests something possibly more sinister: a hate crime.

David Santucci, 27, had just started his new job as a nurse. According to his family, “he was an awesome guy…he wanted to be a missionary…he wanted to help people.”

The murder happened in Memphis, TN less than two weeks ago. Santucci was killed by a single 9mm shot through his heart. To its credit, the Memphis police department apprehended the suspects in less than fifteen minutes. Various reports say that all three suspects made statements that implicated them in Santucci’s murder. And they’re calling it a robbery gone wrong.

(Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.

Four black people are in jail in Detroit for robbing, stabbing, shooting, torturing and killing three white people. Then burning down their house and stealing their car.

Police arrested the suspects last week when they found the murder victim’s car at one of their homes, along with bloody clothing and ID from the victim. In addition to charges for murder and arson and robbery, at least one of the suspects was charged with possession of heroin.

“The nature of the wounds were horrific, all three victims were stabbed multiple times,” said Sgt. Michael Woody of the Detroit police. “In addition, the fire had been obviously set to cover up what turned out to be a brutal murder in an attempt to destroy potential evidence.”

Two of the victims, Larry and Nicholas Bowman, were father and son. Family friends sought out the comments section of local news stories to talk about the crime.

“These pieces of s–t killed my friend and his father,” said Jimi Dowling at the Detroit Free Press. “Larry Bowman has two more sons, one is autistic.”

Said another friend: “One of these men killed worked at an ice rink in Livonia, worked there 6 years, no police record, high school grad. His father also had no police record.”

Read Flaherty’s “See No Evil” commentary, about Google’s intolerance for one particular group that has been producing a lot of mayhem.

Matt Sparks lives 200 yards away from the scene of the murders. “These issues always bring out black vs. white,” Sparks said. “We all know it. But whatever the situation I’m sure a 51-year old man who had a stroke and couldn’t do much. He didn’t deserve multiple stab wounds and a bullet to the head. If that was a white kid killing a black guy like that there would be a bunch of jobless blacks ready to lynch him.”

Photos from at least one of the suspect’s Facebook page are depressingly similar to the social media postings of others involved in black mob violence. Nineteen-year-old Keeshon Lake considered himself quite the “player.” At least if photos of Lake holding handguns, flashing cash, bragging on his baby and displaying gang signs are an indication.

“Search Keeshon Lake on Facebook,” said Karen Larson at the Fox website. “He made his profile picture a collage of himself with a pistol 2 days after the murder.”

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”

While friends and family try to take some larger lesson from the hyper-violence, many Detroit residents pegged this for a case of racial violence right away. More than 100 commenters to local news sites talked about black-on-white violence, how normal it is, and how it does not seem to get the same attention as white-on-black violence.

Some of the black commentators were unimpressed. Damon Warren wanted to take the race card off the table.

“And for the ‘those people in Detroit’ crowd, let me be VERY clear: It’s not ‘black people’ out here doing this nonsense,” Warren said in the Detroit Free Press. “I’m black and this is beyond my comprehension; beyond anything I would think to try even in my darkest hour and at my lowest point. This is a twisted, idiotic, mindless, directionless, and consequently depraved, lot who have lost all sense of morality, self-worth and value for human life. That is not Detroit, and that is not ‘black people,’ but it is one heck of a growing problem.”

Deandre Jones took a lot of flack for saying at the Fox website what others call Critical Race Theory: “White people have been killing us for years so I don’t feel bad for ‘em,” he said. “Crackas DID start our problems. … Still do. You people are the biggest savages on the planet. We can have a little history lesson if you want. Maybe if you people would never have oppressed our people or would hire us for jobs we wouldn’t have to sell drugs. White people = commit evil crimes everywhere they go in the world.”

Lots of other commentators said if the victims were robbed, stabbed, tortured, killed and set on fire, it had to be their own fault. Perhaps in a drug deal gone bad. Because in Detroit, black mob violence is not visited on innocent people, black or white.

Police say they have not determined a motive for the slaying.

Marlin Newburn lived in Detroit and graduated from Wayne State University there. He spent the next 30 years seeing Detroit criminals up close and personal in different parts of the criminal justice system.

Newburn is not surprised at the “whites deserved it” kind of rhetoric. He saw a ton of it while a prison psychologist:

“Since Detroit’s first black mayor ‘King’ Coleman Young was elected, the destruction of Detroit began in earnest,” said Newburn. “He began bellowing (seriously) a constant stream of anti-white resentment as he blamed whites as the one and only reason for black failure and their ongoing social suffering.

“Any reason for corruption or incompetence found in his and subsequent black administrations was always angrily labeled a demonstration of white racism. Black people in that now third world shooting gallery continue to believe it without question. The result is that Detroit has become more dangerous to white people than Fallujah at midnight.”

Newburn’s comments echo a popular theme of black talk show host Jesse Lee Peterson, who warns his white audiences to beware black resentment and hostility. Peterson says white people are often afraid to acknowledge that because they do not want anyone to think they are racist.

This racial resentment and hostility has been building a long time, says Newburn. Many noted the resemblance between this crime and a similar one several years ago in Knoxville, Tenn. In 2007, five black people kidnapped, beat, sexually assaulted, tortured and murdered college sweethearts Chris Newsom and Channon Christian.

Then they burned Newsom and doused Christian in bleach.

The chickens are coming home to roost, Newburn said: “A generation of black people have been conditioned to have a knee-jerk, instant hatred for whites, and thus it’s open season and fair game on those who dare venture into the ghetto. The type of sadism as demonstrated by these killers is commonplace now partly because in the preadolescent mind of the black attacker, they are not just robbing someone, they’re ‘getting even and righteously administering payback.’”

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.”

See a trailer for “White Girl Bleed a Lot”:


The altercation began in Fountain Square on Saturday night at around 11pm shortly after a music concert and 4th of July fireworks.

The video shows several black teens punching and choking 27-year-old Christopher McKnight, while another individual wearing a red t-shirt appears to be attempting to deter the attackers.

McKnight suffered serious internal injuries and was taken to hospital. Riot police later arrived on the scene and arrested seven young men. Two officers and a bystander were injured during the unrest.

A police report initially stated that the incident was being treated as an “anti-white” racial attack, but Capt. Mike Neville subsequently backed off that explanation, asserting that the beating was not a racial attack.

Another video of the incident appears to show bystanders laughing at and taunting the victim as he lay on the ground unconscious and bleeding.

21-year-old Jy Quynn Britten was also arrested for punching a police officer, despite claims of mistaken identity by his defense attorney.

An eyewitness called Louis asserted that Britten was responsible for attacking the officer, stating, “The guy hit the police officer, his lip busted. Everybody started running, there were fireworks thrown toward the police officers. It was really wild. I don’t know why it was like this, but it was crazy.”

Many are citing the incident as another example of black on white violent crime that has largely been ignored by the mass media, arguing that if the roles were reversed and it was a white mob beating up a black man, the story would be a national issue.

nitrat September 20, 2015 at 9:54 am

I think you’re looking for Dylann Roof. But, he’s in the Charleston county jail.

jimlewisowb September 18, 2015 at 9:03 pm

When it ain’t your money you are spending what the hell, write the check

Fucking Cockroaches

Squishy123 September 18, 2015 at 10:28 pm

Had she been white she would have just been shown the fucking door.

Rakkasan September 19, 2015 at 9:49 am

I KNOW for-profit, I mean, free-market schools would never make a pay-off settlement or settle out of court. Oh no. Because they are pure, Patriotic, the American Way. And oh so profitable.

nitrat September 19, 2015 at 10:20 am

This is nothing compared to WHITE Beaufort County superintendent Jeff Moss changing the nepotism rules when no one was looking so his wife could get a $90,000 a year job with the district…after working as a ‘consultant’ to the district for months. This one WHITE family is making over $300,000 from that school district.
Of course, this guy left not one, but two, NC districts since 2009 and was YouTubed throwing a fit and cursing at citizens 2 months before Ray and Associates of Cedar Rapids, Iowa found him the job in Beaufort, SC without stumbling across all the local news media and blog information easily accessible by searching the internets.
If I were the Beaufort County school district, I would want my money back and find out if entities like Ray and Associates are paid by the superintendents they are finding new jobs for, too.
‘Nationwide search’ for a school superintendent = racket…that usually explodes 2-4 years after the district hires the people these search companies ‘find’. All you need to do is read the papers to see how they work out…across the state and across the country.


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