Indictment Fever Is Back!

LAWMAKERS ONCE AGAIN COWER UNDER THE SHADOW OF “THE PROBE” || By FITSNEWS || Nine months ago, South Carolina lawmakers gathered in Columbia, S.C. for the beginning of the 121st session of the S.C. General Assembly. Tensions were high.  Nerves were frayed.  Rumors were flying. There was an atmosphere of…


|| By FITSNEWS || Nine months ago, South Carolina lawmakers gathered in Columbia, S.C. for the beginning of the 121st session of the S.C. General Assembly.

Tensions were high.  Nerves were frayed.  Rumors were flying.

There was an atmosphere of palpable fear related to an ongoing state-federal investigation into corruption at the S.C. State House – a probe which just a few months earlier had claimed the job one of the most powerful elected officials in state government, former S.C. Speaker of the House Bobby Harrell.

But then … nothing.

Despite rampant speculation and recrimination, no additional indictments were handed down.  In fact, after several months it appeared as though the entire investigation had ground to a halt.

It wasn’t until the beginning of August – about six weeks ago – when it became clear “the probe” was still actively underway (with or without the participation of S.C. attorney general Alan Wilson, the man who is supposed to be leading the charge).

Exclusively unearthed by this website last September, “the probe” has once again become the ultimate Palmetto political parlor game – with the names of alleged targets being bandied about and rumors once again running rampant.

Among state lawmakers, fear is back … in a big way.

Not only that, the “indictment fever” that has once again swept the state is compounded by the fact that every member of the S.C. General Assembly – all 124 Representatives and 46 Senators – must stand for reelection in 2016.  That process will begin in earnest in March when filing opens for partisan primary elections – scheduled for June.

Will there be indictments before then?  If so, how many?

And if not, will those over whom the cloud of suspicion hovers be able to survive the fallout?

We shall see …

All we know is this: Corruption in South Carolina is widely practiced, yet rarely punished.  Look no further than the infamous 2012 whitewash of ethics charges filed against S.C. governor Nikki Haley.

Will we see a similar whitewash from “the probe?”

Or will we see, at long last, blind justice in this state?  A falling hammer that holds those in power accountable for their misdeeds … not more selective prosecution on the basis of which political empire benefits or suffers?

South Carolina’s motto is Dum Spiro Spero, which is Latin for “while I breathe, I hope.”

Here’s the thing, though; We’re running out of breath …


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Haley Must Bo Bye Bye September 17, 2015 at 10:51 am

Statute of Limitation is 5 years.

The Buzzman September 17, 2015 at 12:38 pm

Yes. Mostly, that is true. BUT …
If new information comes to light, perhaps by a key witness changing their story, everything is back in play. That’s part of the reason for the on-again, off-again nature of these investigations.

650,000 $$$$$$'s later September 17, 2015 at 1:10 pm


According to local Myrtle Beach activist Boz Martin, Mayor Rhodes and his political clones believe that the costs associated with having bike rallies in the city are not worth the benefits. Below is part of an article Mr. Martin published about the biker rally, and the subsequent scandalous involvement of one Tom Rice, in the Myrtle Beach area.

“On November 2nd, I wonder how many voters in Horry County will think about Tom Rice and his connection to the scam/scheme/scandal that has come to be known as Chambergate?”

“Chambergate, as it is generally understood (by people who are paying attention), was based around an irrational and extremely wrong-headed war against bikers and bike rallies, waged by the City and its Chamber of Commerce on behalf of a corrupt cabal of crony capitalists greed-heads on the Grand Strand. It has been alleged that the main source for all of the checks was two individuals who dominate the hotel and restaurant industries in the area, and that a lot of funny business went on with the LLCs and the bankers who were involved. There is also the distinct possibility that Katon Dawson and Gresham Barrett were deeply involved, as was local political bigwig (and Dawson’s close associate) Mark Kelly.”

The FITSNews Stalker September 17, 2015 at 1:29 pm

One of these days we are going to hear about flip kidnapping Boz and tying him up in his basement.

The Buzzman September 17, 2015 at 6:56 pm

Welcome to my nightmare.

Actually, I think he’s harmless. Too much of a coward to do anything like that.

flip September 18, 2015 at 8:36 am

lol!!! Boz I couldn’t afford to feed your fat ass! :)

mamatiger92 September 17, 2015 at 1:49 pm


flip September 18, 2015 at 8:35 am

That is exactly what the locals in Horry County do when Boz creates one of his bizzaro conspiracy theories that proves to be false-100% of the time!

well-i-am into it September 17, 2015 at 12:09 pm

I am sure the citizens of South Carolina will remember how Mr.Alan Wilson is treating them, favoring corrupt legislators ahead of the interests of the public. I am sure we will vote with this in mind when Alan Wilson runs for a higher office.

CorruptionInColumbia September 17, 2015 at 12:20 pm

Don’t bet on it! Unfortunately, the electorate of this state seems to be made up of mostly brain-dead sheeple. The writing was on the wall regarding Wilson when he ran the first time for SCAG, and they either didn’t read it or failed to heed it. When Wilson ran the second time, that same writing was still on the wall and again, they either didn’t read it or they failed to heed it, even though this time it was in boldface italics. Alan has an “R” by his name and that is all these fucktards need or want to know.

All the above also applies to Nikki as well as countless other worthless, POS, professional politicians in this state.

Sic Semper Tyrannis September 17, 2015 at 1:12 pm

It is a sad issue but you have to get used to it to live here. Going to public school taught us to vote republican so them n______ wouldn’t get anything. 42 years latter nothing has changed or will.

flip September 17, 2015 at 1:18 pm

Check your TV Guide.Dr.Phil is on in most areas.

well-i-am into it September 17, 2015 at 5:58 pm

I am giving destiny a chance and hoping Donald Trump’s disgust for people in power who contribute to the downfall of our nation, such as the corrupt legislators and those that protect them, will rub off on our citizens in SC. Making domestic violence and human trafficking a priority for the AG’s office is absolutely necessary and must go on every single day to protect our women and children, but it is also equally important to root out corruption in the legislature so that all such priorities are properly pursued and do not end up becoming a political tool to get to a higher office or a way to siphon off tax payers money and slip into inaction, or just remain grandiloquent words in some moral superiority contest.

The Colonel September 17, 2015 at 12:38 pm

With apologies to the Sylvers:

Indictment fever, got to Indictment down
Indictment fever, I think it’s going around

I took my Speaker to the fund raiser show
He turned the microphone down
And he took money from to and fro
I watched him spend it on himself, passing it all around

We’ve got the Indictment fever
We like to send Indictments down
Indictment fever
I think it’s going around

I sent my Speaker too the courthouse square
To get a ruling from the judge
He put some money in the robed man’s chair
You know he’s dancing cause he saved his fudge

We’ve got the Indictment fever
We like to send Indictments down
Indictment fever
I think it’s going around

jimlewisowb September 17, 2015 at 1:06 pm

Dum Spiro Spero , Las Cucarachas Mantendrán Sus Pollas Fuera De Mi Culo

While I breathe I hope,

I have updated our motto- combination of a little Latin, a little Spanish and a lot of that’s the way it is

You're STILL SCREWED. September 17, 2015 at 1:45 pm

Indictment Fever = Democrats deemed unfit for office

Whatever the Republican is guilty of, it CAN’T be as bad as what Obama, and the Democrats, have done to our country, and our state.

You are the WORST. People are sick of you (See Hillary.)

GrandTango September 17, 2015 at 3:36 pm

Wow, I was so wrong about the Republican party, what a bunch of crooks. I should have voted for Sheheen.

GT still dominating September 17, 2015 at 4:08 pm

I have to laugh. They banned GT because he defined you so well and articulated who, and what you are, with expertise. But he still owns your mind. And I think GT – with his powerful writing style -intimidated the FITSNews staff.

If only the GOP can take the opportunity the failings of Obama and the Democrat Party have given them, and beat you the way GT has, we can fix this horrible mess the Democrats have made.

Let us all pray that happens.

The Buzzman September 18, 2015 at 2:13 am

He’s a crooked motherfucker, too. Totally in the pocket of the chamber of commerce.

nitrat September 17, 2015 at 5:57 pm

Why keep posting posts that contain NO information?

Lone Ranger September 17, 2015 at 6:40 pm

Ummmm…Kemosabe…tell Tonto again—which legislators welcomed
payday lending after BOTH NC and GA kicked them out?

That’s right—Tonto—South Carolina’s don’tcha know—ripping down
the flag and ripping off consumers is what they’re ALL about !!!

Soft Sigh from Hell September 17, 2015 at 7:45 pm

“Will there be indictments before then? If so, how many?”

Not enough.

capital bonehead September 19, 2015 at 4:41 pm

The corrupt Political Empire reads like a bunch of high school bullies who are above the law. They set up the deals they want and don’t think twice about whether its good for the state or ethical as long as they get their $$. That’s got Charleston’s go to guy in the Hot Seat. Peter McCoy has some splaining to do Lucy. Bet no one will be surprised when his indictment is handed down.
God help you if you get in their way. They don’t even bother hiding the harassment and intimidating way when you talk about their deals. Look at what McCoy’s crew says to another FitsNews blogger when McCoy is called out;

KK responding to Cola Kid • a month ago
Such Bullshit.
If you are going to accuse a man of wrong doing, post your real name. Otherwise, STFU. No one likes or trust a coward.
Sounds like their getting mad down there at The Beach Co… “I’ll SEE YOU AFTER SCHOOL!!!!!! WAAA WAAAAA WAAAAAAAA
Get It !!!! Ya’ll boys are in trouble……………………..


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