Coastal SC House Race Goes To Runoff

UNINSPIRING “REPUBLICANS” SEEK TO REPLACE LAWMAKER WHO RESIGNED AMID SCANDAL || By FITSNEWS || Remember Nelson Hardwick?  He’s the former state lawmaker from Horry County who resigned his seat in the S.C. House of Representatives earlier this year amid multiple allegations of sexual harassment. Hardwick swears he didn’t do it…


|| By FITSNEWS || Remember Nelson Hardwick?  He’s the former state lawmaker from Horry County who resigned his seat in the S.C. House of Representatives earlier this year amid multiple allegations of sexual harassment.

Hardwick swears he didn’t do it … and even tried to rescind his resignation after the fact.  But it was too late, and lawmakers made clear they wouldn’t seat him in the event he tried to reclaim the House District 106 seat via a special election.

Anyway … that election was held this week (without Hardwick’s participation).

Four candidates did participate, though, and two of them – local attorney and GOP executive committeeman Russell Fry and Horry County councilman Tyler Servant – have advanced to the “Republican” runoff election, scheduled for August 11.

With no Democrat filing for the vacant seat, the winner of the runoff election will be a virtual lock to represent the district – which includes Surfside Beach and Garden City.

Fry took 45 percent of the votes to Servant’s 33 percent in this week’s primary.  Two other candidates combined to take 22 percent.

We’ve written previously on these two aspiring officeholders … in less-than-glowing terms.  Frankly, neither one of them strikes us as all that impressive.

Maybe they’ll debate at some point between now and August 11 and one of them will prove us wrong …

We were hoping local news columnist Mande Wilkes – who gave Hardwick a run for his money in 2010 – might seek the seat, but she opted against it.

That’s probably smart …

After watching the contentious, factually challenged debate over the Confederate flag earlier this summer, it takes a special kind of crazy to want to be elected to that chamber.


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flip July 28, 2015 at 10:26 pm

Thank God.It will be a Republican.

vicupstate July 29, 2015 at 8:05 am

If it has to be a Republican, hopefully it will be one in the mold of Lindsey Graham.

flip July 29, 2015 at 8:13 am

Just as long as the representative doesn’t hate America and work to destroy it like a Democrat or Ayatollah ‘3 term’ Obummer.

Rabid Dog July 29, 2015 at 9:12 am

Woah kids, don’t get close, you don’t want this thing to snap at you.

Mike at the Beach July 28, 2015 at 11:28 pm

I’m still in shock that Servant (or more accurately, his daddy) wasn’t able to simply buy this race like he did the Horry County Council seat he just purchased a year ago. The volume of mail from his camp was pretty impressive, even if they did have to fudge a bit on all of his “experience.” Of course, it’s not over just yet…who knows how much cash they’ll dump in the runoff.

Ryan P. Curtis July 29, 2015 at 2:27 am Reply
Bible Thumper July 29, 2015 at 12:03 am

It’s a difficult choice. Both candidates are direct decedents of Jefferson Davis.

No Hope for SC July 29, 2015 at 2:45 am

Since Haley has been in office, DSS has had to pay the feds about 120 million in fines over a failed child support system. Post and Courier has the story. More incompetent public employees. Imagine the number of roads that could have been repaired with that amount. Instead, Mrs Bleached White Teeth PISSED IT AWAY.

The Buzzman July 29, 2015 at 9:02 am

Tyler Servant is being run by his dad to serve the Chamber of Commerce. The US Chamber of Commerce is putting untold millions of dollars into unseating conservative Republicans who go against their agenda of crony corporatism and picking winners and losers in the marketplace. The Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce is a 5-Star Affiliate of US Chamber of Commerce.

No true conservative should vote for Tyler Servant.

flip July 29, 2015 at 9:33 am

LMAO!!!! That coming from a guy that calls himself ‘a very liberal Democrat’ my entire life!Supported and campaigned for marxist Green Peace candidate Gloria Tinabu who was run out of Atlanta for being to radical!

Carry on Buzz.Bernie Sanders and the Ayatollah Khemeni need your help. :)

The Buzzman July 29, 2015 at 11:49 am

I was a very liberal Democrat for my entire life, up until Clinton’s second run, and I bailed on the party at that time. I have not voted for a Democrat for POTUS since then.

As for Gloria, she was not too liberal for Atlanta, and she chose to return to South Carolina herself — she was not “run out.” She was not too liberal for the extremely liberal government of that city — she was simply not on board with their particular liberal agenda, especially in regard to education.

I supported her, primary, because Tom Rice is a criminal with a maniac for a wife.

I’m not like you, thank the sweet Lord Jesus! You’d vote for Hannibal Lecter if he had an “R” by his name.

pOgO July 29, 2015 at 12:30 pm

Oh.Clinton ran for a second term in 2009?….this is from November 22,2009….

‘As a life-long liberal Democrat’-Boz Martin

Boz you lie so much you can’t keep up with em! LMAO!!!!

The Buzzman July 29, 2015 at 1:23 pm

You play too loose with the facts in general, pogo, to try to be a stickler on this. I did not vote for Clinton for his second term. Obviously, I was speaking of the past, and losing my self-identification as a Democrat by degrees.

The Buzzman July 29, 2015 at 1:24 pm

At least I’ve been registered to vote for at least 90% of my adult life. Tom Rice did not register until 2009, and comes from a family of Democrats. Still has Democrats on his staff as a matter of fact. You are almost alone in defending him, among conservatives.

TSIB July 29, 2015 at 11:21 am

Just curious, why would they replace Tom Rice? He’s a very serviceable tool for the MB Chamber, and he doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon.

The Buzzman July 29, 2015 at 11:43 am

Tom is a tool, of that there is no doubt. And I’m sure he and his drunken loon of a wife dearly love the “power trip” they’re on, plus the fact that they are pretty much set for life, now that my middle-class former “Pine Lakes Annex” neighbor Tommy Boy has “moved on up” into the corridors of power.

Tom, though, remains a mush-mouth Goober, and does not distinguish himself in any way. He is mainly just holding a place for them. Wrenzie remains a bat-shit crazy lush who is liable to go off again at any time and once again threaten bloggers and social media commentators who have offended them, with the Secret Service, the Capital PD and the Sargent-At-Arms of the House coming down here to clean our clocks.(The perceived offence, btw, was daring to talk about the fact that Wrenzie had been “outed” for posting diatribes aimed at a certain local blogger, from her IP address — as revealed by the info on the blogger’s “dashboard” for the blogging platform.

For all of the above reasons, the “Biggs” have a certain degree of buyer’s remorse over selecting Tom and propping him up in DC to be their guy. Young Tyler is well-spoken and intelligent, plus he is a fresh face. Looks like Opie, for God’s sake. Another plus: He does not have a controlling, unstable wife.

Mike at the Beach July 29, 2015 at 10:59 pm

I dunno, his girlfriend may be able to compete. What about the rumor that the house daddy bought him to be eligible for the Horry County seat (and, of course, the House seat in question) was just a sham? Heard anything about that? I was told just this morning by one of the prototypical Horry County politics “guys in the know” that there was opposition research video of that house being rented out as a weekly rental. Sounds a little over the top, but in Horry County you just never know. That would be a neat little scandal for the Servant machine, that!

The Buzzman July 30, 2015 at 3:57 am


You know, now that I think about it, I might know some opposition research types that have an interest in such things. I wouldn’t sully my good name with such, myself, of course.
Heh. I will pass that along, though.

TroubleBaby July 29, 2015 at 9:46 am

It’s quite clear that the politics is the place for the dregs in society that can’t find a way to be productive without stealing from others.

Liars, cheaters, sociopaths, those unable to produce in the private sector,& those of low moral character….there is no doubt that these people could easily represent the cross section of characters in your average county jail.

Street bums are better people than your average politician. We are ruled by our inferiors because they are the only ones with the ability to do/say what it takes to get elected without it bothering their conscience.(because most of them lack one or have buried it so deep that years of therapy wouldn’t unearth it)

TSIB July 29, 2015 at 11:20 am

All of the candidates were hacks.

Oh hell July 29, 2015 at 1:00 pm

From what I’ve heard, the ‘who’s who’ of Myrtle Beach are jumping ship on Tyler Servant. He hasn’t shown up for one debate and his campaign consultant, neo-Confederate Robert Cahaly with his Bonnie Blue Public Relations is allegedly pulling Tyler’s strings. These fools plan to get Tyler elected as Governor in 10 years. Sorry, boy wonder. It’s not meant to be. You can’t have your daddy bully everyone in the state into supporting you.

Mike at the Beach July 29, 2015 at 10:55 pm

That crowd has said openly that Servant will be governor before he’s 40. They are freaking delusional.

Lone Ranger July 29, 2015 at 6:47 pm

Yo…Will–think the legislative flag debate got your panties in a wad–you’d do well to remember
That Karma is a witch and every legislator SOB will get his and hers come next year in November !!!

Not a Fan July 30, 2015 at 12:46 pm

Was a KA at USC with Tyler Servant. Not sure if he made any lasting relationships… Hope Myrtle Beach is smarter than to elect him.


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