
WSJ To Consumers: Hey! There’s A Recovery Here!

SPEND! SPEND! SPEND! || By FITSNEWS || There’s a letter in The Wall Street Journal this week raising eyebrows … Written by reporter Jon Hilsenrath (long viewed as a mouthpiece for the Federal Reserve), it addresses the American consumer with a simple question: Why aren’t you participating in the recovery?  “The…


|| By FITSNEWS || There’s a letter in The Wall Street Journal this week raising eyebrows …

Written by reporter Jon Hilsenrath (long viewed as a mouthpiece for the Federal Reserve), it addresses the American consumer with a simple question: Why aren’t you participating in the recovery? 

“The sun shined in April and you didn’t spend much money,” Hilsenrath wrote. “The Commerce Department here in Washington says your spending didn’t increase at all adjusted for inflation last month compared to March. You appear to have mostly stayed home and watched television in December, January and February as well. We thought you would be out of your winter doldrums by now, but we don’t see much evidence that this is the case.”

“Do you know the American economy is counting on you?” he added.

Indeed it is … but a country’s economy can’t grow so long as it is being suffocated by its government.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Until America’s leaders embrace the free market and put a stop to entitlement perpetuationwealth redistributioncrony capitalism, welfare statism, socialized medicine and global interventionism – things aren’t going to get better.

Listen to us now, hear us later …

Anyway, props to A.F. Branco of Americans for Limited Government for the excellent cartoon (which was featured on the website Zero Hedge)!  At least somebody is doing their job, right?


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Slartibartfast June 2, 2015 at 3:07 pm

I think, maybe, Hilsenrath was being sarcastic. In any case, if you’re not reading every day, you’re missing the economic news.

FastEddy23 June 2, 2015 at 3:30 pm

The real news is out there. Even reading lefty loosey EuroTrash rags like the [g’ment handout spewing] Economist can shed light.

Day to day, CNBC is way short sighted and caters to the pump ‘n’ dump paper hangers, but occasionally, has interest. Watch Larry Kudlow (the smartest man on broadcast television) and Rick Santini (inventor of the modern Tea Party) for the real stuff.

0hedge is not the best, not even close. If one were serious about long term bonds, then, it has its place.

How to make a small fortune in the markets? Start with a large fortune and listen to the daily pundits.

How to make a small fortune in business? Put all your eggs in one basket and watch that basket real close.

euwe max June 2, 2015 at 4:28 pm

How to lose a small fortune?
One dollar at a time.

How to lose a huge fortune?
vote Republican

FastEddy23 June 9, 2015 at 1:22 pm

… or just vote ?

Slartibartfast June 3, 2015 at 1:30 am

Dear Fastus,

Really can’t disagree with much of what you said except about ZH. He isn’t always right in his opinions, but he has lotsa facts in one place, which makes it easy for me to check. For that amalgamation, alone, I read the Hedge everyday.

FastEddy23 June 6, 2015 at 6:35 pm

Yes, yes and yes.

But, no one is perfect. We are all Bozos on the bus.

When asked about a failure of a prediction about markets, the author replied: “I have changed my mind. What did you do?”

Slartibartfast June 6, 2015 at 9:29 pm

Love it! And, THANK YOU for the Firesign Theatre reference. You get 100+ ups.

FastEddy23 June 9, 2015 at 1:22 pm

Never ceases to amaze how many folks remember the Fire Sign Theater … they only sold a few hundred albums, yet, those must have been played a million times :>)

Torch June 2, 2015 at 3:37 pm

He needs to tell the 1% to get out and spend money. All of them could use a new car, refrigerator, and washing machine. Not to mention new jeans and shirts.

FastEddy23 June 2, 2015 at 3:46 pm

The 1% don’t listen to him or anyone else in main stream media or the second string financials. The 1% do buy new cars all of the time.

I know a guy who bought a car for each airport He planned on visiting. And He kept three extra cars in His home town airplane hangers for the use of His friends. (The Rajah of Jobfor flew over to play polo on His polo fields and the Rajah brought His four favorite wives … Those extra cars came in handy.) … And it’s all deductible don’t you know.

euwe max June 2, 2015 at 4:27 pm

I hope he hides his profits in off shore accounts like Romney! I’d sure hate to see the rich waste their money on taxes!

FastEddy23 June 3, 2015 at 4:35 pm

You know, it never stops amazing me that just because someone is “rich”, He or She must be doing a dirty to get there and keep it.

It is true that the IRS’s single mission is to steal from everyone but the current administration’s

euwe max June 3, 2015 at 5:00 pm

You know, it never stops amazing me that just because someone is “rich”, He or She must be doing a dirty to get there and keep it.

naivete is like stupidity – there’s nothing to be done about it.

FastEddy23 June 9, 2015 at 1:24 pm

… so you always want to be poor?

Elfego June 2, 2015 at 4:23 pm


Jack June 2, 2015 at 4:18 pm

The sky is falling, the sky is falling, and the only thing that will save you is to give rich people more money. Only they can save you. Cut taxes on the Koch Brothers and give up your Social Security and Medicare. You will immediately feel a new found since of freedom. You will no longer need to worry about whether you will live in poverty in your old age, it will become a certainty, and there is comfort in certainty.
On the bright side, without health insurance you aren’t likely to live to be that old.

Elfego June 2, 2015 at 4:23 pm

You are a sick,demented,liberal Democrat and or stupid! The Koch brothers put their money to work in the economy. Soros and the rest of the rich Democrats spend theirs on agitators and folks like Sharpton and the Unions!

euwe max June 2, 2015 at 4:26 pm least he’s not a fucking Republican!

FastEddy23 June 9, 2015 at 1:29 pm

One thing that differentiates democrats from republicans: republicans stay bought.

Jack June 2, 2015 at 5:36 pm

Koch sucker. Keep drinking the Koch aid. They love you. They want to help you. Give them money and they will take care of you. They should be running the government, because they know what is good for America. Sounds just like a cult.

You don’t know crap about Soros. I have never met a Repugnut who has any facts. You sit around all day watching Fox News and getting dumber and dumber by the hour. Can you name one thing he has supported without going to some right wing fake information site; which is most likely controlled by Koch and affiliates or Rupert Murdoch anyway. Nah.

FastEddy23 June 3, 2015 at 12:20 am

* don’t get out much?
* hiding the Soros connection to media?

Jack June 3, 2015 at 9:58 am

Why do I care where Soros was born? And who is hiding anything? Exactly what policies has Soros advocated your find objectionable, and what is the source of your information?
As for Ted Cruz, of course he is a puppet, he supports passing a law that would allow the Koch Brothers to give him as much money as they want directly.
What the right wing nuts of this country are too blind to see is that certain very wealth very powerful interest are trying to take over the country for their personal gain, and they will throw the average American under the bus to do it. There is already more wealth disparity in this country than during the Gilded Age. That is a direct result of government polices, including tax policies, designed to benefit the wealthy at the expense of everyone else.
It is very hard to be corrupt when you are advocating policies that don’t benefit rich people. Any politician who supports overturning Citizens United, is not going to get a lot of money from corrupt billionaires. Maybe from billionaires who are not corrupt, but not from the ones who want to run the country. They think they have a right to buy government.
When money is speech the Middle Class is mute.

FastEddy23 June 9, 2015 at 1:28 pm

“… Exactly what policies has Soros advocated your find objectionable, and what is the source of your information? …”

Actually I have a grudging admiration for a financial genius mathematician who can also sway public opinion to further his wealth accumulation.

“… As for Ted Cruz, of course he is a puppet, he supports passing a law that would allow the Koch Brothers to give him as much money as they want directly. …”

Actually I have a grudging admiration for those financial genius mathematicians who can also sway public opinion to further their wealth accumulation.

Marie Barf June 3, 2015 at 9:12 am

Dang Jack. You live in a world of ignorance and misinformation…that sucks for you. You must be like poor ole one-eyed Harry Reid: walking around all day muttering to yourself “Koch brothers, Fox News, etc.” LOL

Just FYI but you don’t know crap about George Soros either. George Soros gave/gives money to, either directly or through others who gave money, the Tides Foundation, Democracy Alliance,, the Center for American Progress and Media Matters for America. If you seriously think he doesn’t heavily influence wacky leftist politics and media in this country you are the textbook definition of ignorant.

Jack June 3, 2015 at 9:37 am

Ok and exactly what wacky leftist politics are those, and what is the source of your information. Specifics not talking points.
The Koch’s have vowed to spend 1 billion dollars electing a President who will do what they want done. That is direct involvement in running the country. Has Soros or any other group threatened to do that? No, and I am betting you get your information from a wacky right wing source.

Robbed in Broad Daylight June 3, 2015 at 9:04 am

The moment they dismantle Social Security and Medicare is the moment the rich will have perpetrated the greatest robbery in history against the American people. They will not face jail time, but I personally hope they are strung up by a bunch of pissed off old folks and left to rot.


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