Nikki Haley Rips “Republicans” … Including Her Allies In Tax Fight

 GOVERNOR BLASTS MANY OF THE SAME LAWMAKERS SHE WAS PRAISING JUST 24 HOURS EARLIER …  || By FITSNEWS || S.C. governor Nikki Haley blistered the “Republican-controlled” S.C. General Assembly at the 2015 SCGOP State Convention on Saturday, accusing them of betraying the ideals the party was founded on.  In fact Haley…


|| By FITSNEWS || S.C. governor Nikki Haley blistered the “Republican-controlled” S.C. General Assembly at the 2015 SCGOP State Convention on Saturday, accusing them of betraying the ideals the party was founded on.  In fact Haley said of the 106 GOP members of the S.C. General Assembly – only seventeen had been consistent conservatives.

“If your representative and senator are not on this list, it is time to start having a serious conversation about whether or not they need to continue to represent you in Columbia,” Haley wrote on her Facebook page.

(To view Haley’s list for yourself, CLICK HERE).

Whoa, hold up … Haley is deciding who a “consistent conservative” is now?

That’s funny.  Remember, this is a governor who spent her first four years in office advancing a big government agenda on taxesspendingeducation and (most notably) government-subsidized health care.  She also approved a massive deficit spending bill – one even bigger than the borrowing proposal she threatened to veto this year.

Oh … and if that wasn’t sufficiently ironic, one of Haley’s “litmus test” votes in establishing her definition of “consistent conservatism” was opposing legislative pay increases.  That’s all well and good … but what about the huge pay increases she gave her own staff?

Hmmmm …

Don’t get us wrong, we’re glad Haley is finally summoning the courage to oppose a modest amount of unnecessary government … but our questions are as follows: 1) Why not more?  And 2) Why not four years ago? 

Ideological implications aside, Haley’s comments provoked strong condemnation from lawmakers.

“I have never heard such a negative speech,” one GOP House member told FITS.

“She was horrible,” one GOP Senator concurred, adding that Haley “even bashed those who voted against Leatherman last week.”

The Senator is referring to a failed effort by liberal S.C. Senate president Hugh Leatherman to move an $800 million gas tax increase into a coveted “special order” slot on the Senate calendar – guaranteeing it would receive a vote this session.

Just yesterday, Haley cheered lawmakers who blocked Leatherman’s bid as having “stood strong.”

Not strong enough, apparently …

One Senator who voted against advancing the gas tax hike said Haley’s assault on lawmakers was going to cost her.

“I voted with her twice last week and just got stabbed in the back for it,” the Senator told us.

The Senator added that lawmakers who support Haley’s position – which is a gas tax hike coupled with the promise of eventual income tax relief – are now far less inclined to fight for her proposals.

“She may have just guaranteed that we pass a gas tax hike with zero tax relief,” the Senator said.  “And I think it’s safe to say her veto is irrelevant.”

Wow …

Smooth move, governor.  Smooth move …


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a face in the crowd May 2, 2015 at 3:28 pm

Do people actually take her seriously?

gmartini May 2, 2015 at 3:55 pm

Not really…..just another GOP, token clown.

Bible Thumper May 2, 2015 at 9:56 pm

She has won every battle with the General Assembly since her reelection. As this article proves, they take her very seriously. They would be fools not to.

a face in the crowd May 2, 2015 at 10:18 pm

Every time she wins anything, the people of this state lose. Her latest idiotic rambling was probably an attempt to impress “the men.” Pathetic.

Bible Thumper May 2, 2015 at 10:22 pm

The General Assembly is what’s pathetic. Maybe they will pass that pet tattoo ban.

a face in the crowd May 2, 2015 at 10:33 pm

At least some of them understand that state roads are crumbling and that money to fix them does not grow on trees. Haley is a disaster for this state.

Bible Thumper May 2, 2015 at 10:47 pm

Every year since Haley has been in office tax receipts have increased. 165,000 more tax paying jobs. And they can’t find a way to include tax reduction with the gas tax increase.

Haley a disaster? What planet do you live on. South Carolina is one of the poorest in the nation and our tax rates are hired than our neighbors. Only our gas tax is lower.

Since taking office, South Carolina’s GDP, personal income and job growth has been greater than the national growth rates. No. We are far from catching up, but we are narrowing the gap and hire taxes is not the way to do it.

smells May 2, 2015 at 10:55 pm

Our personal taxes are only 0.29% higher than our lowest taxing neighbor (NC), but our corporate tax is a full 1% lower than our neighbors. I know you like to make excuses for Haley, but “high tax rates V. our neighbors” doesn’t pass the smell test.

Bible Thumper May 2, 2015 at 11:09 pm
Compare per capita tax revenue with Georgia and Florida. Both are states with hired personal income. SC collects less taxes. Florida is has much higher incomes and only collect 7 dollars more than SC per capita.

How May 2, 2015 at 11:24 pm

I notice you left out NC…wonder why? Could it be because they have a flat tax rate of 5.8% of income with no deductions and collect a shitload more tax than SC per capita? NC seems to be doing pretty good with their higher taxes…care to explain how?

Bible Thumper May 2, 2015 at 11:29 pm

The data is from 2012. North Carolina had a Democratic governor then and for the previous 19 years. That explains a lot.

Get It? May 2, 2015 at 11:41 pm

Dude this is not hard THE 5.8% I REFERENCED IS WITH HIS TAX CUT. However, it is a flat-tax with no exemptions at the bottom or top for income and does not include the shitload of exemptions and other loopholes our code allows.

Bible Thumper May 2, 2015 at 11:49 pm

Flat rate is great, but there is two elements how you tax and how you spend. What is NC per capita spending now?

??? May 3, 2015 at 12:13 am

“• North Carolina’s total state budget peaked in 2012, reaching more than $51 billion or $5,348 per capita.
• General Fund spending has decreased since 2009, but total state spending has increased. The shift of spending outside of the General Fund has created a lack of transparency in the state budget process.
• Federal spending continues to be a major part of North Carolina’s total budget spending, totaling 45 percent of total expenditures in 2012.”

Notice that General Fund spending is down but total spending is up. Also, the Feds are paying for upwards of 45% on NC’s bills. Why doesn’t McCory just send that money back?

Deep in the hole May 3, 2015 at 6:27 pm

If massive tax cuts were the answer, Brownback would have created a utopia in Kansas. As it is well….not so much

What? May 2, 2015 at 10:47 pm

Since you are the head Haley apologist on this site, please note for us one piece of serious legislation she passed (read “authored”) while she was in the House.

Bible Thumper May 2, 2015 at 10:58 pm

My god! She is totally responsible for getting them to record their votes and it happened before she was sworn in as Governor. She had low seniority. Their very few opportunities for such a legislator to sponsor legislation and get it voted on. Name any third term house member who is the main sponsor of any successful legislation.

The General Assembly is a dysfunctional institution. Most Republicans are only Republicans for convenience, not conscience.

Put it down May 2, 2015 at 11:08 pm

right……58 sponsors of the bill and support from the Governor (Sanford), Lt Gov, Senate President and Senate Majority Leader but your version is it does not pass but for Haley. Put down the Kool-Aid

Bible Thumper May 2, 2015 at 11:12 pm

You know darn well she tried to pass it earlier and the only reason they moved on it was because of her election to governor.

Buddy Miles May 3, 2015 at 5:46 am

At least my representative (Robert Brown) got his key piece of legislation passed… hair braiding.

Beachtiger0412 May 3, 2015 at 4:37 pm

Check the legislative record and see how many of Nikki Haley’s vetoes have been overridden – I would say close to 90% maybe 95%.

Bible Thumper May 3, 2015 at 4:47 pm

Ahh yes! But she stopped the $500 million bond bill and the House recorded their votes after first only having yeas and neas. Now Leatherman has become the minority leader instead of majority leader. That’s where his votes come from. What is the record since Haley’s reelection?

Beachtiger0412 May 5, 2015 at 12:33 pm

Bond Bill not dead yet – because prior to bond bill hypocrite Nikki Haley did same thing – only borrowed more money.

Bible Thumper May 5, 2015 at 12:49 pm

According to spokesman, those were not general obligation bonds to be paid by taxpayers, but University bonds to be paid with student tuition and fees. Besides you can be for debt at 10% unemployment and revenue is low and be against debt when unemployment is 6.7% and revenue is higher. People really like to over use the “H” word a lot.

GrandTango May 2, 2015 at 3:50 pm

Well…FITS NEVER rips his Democrat allies, no matter that they F*#k up over and over…so I guess you’d say Haley is more honest and credible than FITS…

southmauldin May 2, 2015 at 4:03 pm

Shouldn’t you be yelling at some kids to get off of your lawn?

Soft Sigh from Hell May 2, 2015 at 4:08 pm

Or to “come inside for a minute.”

Dan Ruck May 2, 2015 at 4:08 pm


Photo Finish May 2, 2015 at 5:19 pm

Trikki Nikki *wants the General Assembly to pass the gas tax with no income tax cut, and then override her veto. All the while, she can fundraise against it. Then continue bashing them for years to come, while spending their new revenue on roads/interstates/bridges that she knowst the state needs. It is all about her, she is money hungry just like Hillary Clinton.

vicupstate May 2, 2015 at 7:02 pm

Either one of two things is happening. Either she is sincere, and her comments can be taken at face value, or she is doing as you say and actually WANTS the legislature to oppose and override her veto.

If it it the former, she is petty, childish and politically very stupid. If it is the latter, she is being Machiavellian in order to promote herself, while ignoring her current responsibilities.

Either way, it shows her true selfish colors.

Bible Thumper May 2, 2015 at 10:00 pm

Makes sense. No matter what she does, She’s BADDDD!!!

TroubleBaby May 2, 2015 at 6:41 pm

This whole write up confirms that the state is being run by a bunch of sociopaths that are stuck at “high school” level intellectually.

So some Senator had his wittle fweelings hurt because Nimrata said bad things?

Big deal. Grow up douchebag.

If there was anyone worth a damn they’d say something like this, “Yea, she’s a cunt, we all know that…but the bottom line is I believe is X principle(liimited gov’t or more gov’t, take your pick) so it doesn’t matter what she says about me.

I vote by principle, not based on who I like or how they treat me.”

Yeah that’s right “principle”, a word none of those douchebags running the show know anything about.

vicupstate May 2, 2015 at 7:08 pm

I agree with your post completely. However, this sort of behavior is common and is to be expected, even if it shows their lack of principle.

Haley should know better than to attack the legislature so publicly, personally and directly. She just recently did so to Leatherman and it totally backfired. Not sure what she expects to get from the second kick of the mule. To do this at a GOP convention is especially unusual and uncalled for, so I expect her to pay a big price. Of course, she may WANT that to happen (see Photo Finish’s post below).

fc May 3, 2015 at 10:17 am

LMAO!!! Takes a lot of nerve to give political advice and analysis after the ass whipping you took in 2014-particularly as it relates to Haley.

fc May 3, 2015 at 10:16 am

‘principle’…RINO’s like you support the perversion and hate of left. Principle’s? ha ha

TroubleBaby May 3, 2015 at 10:31 am

Thank you for your insightful commentary.

Rakkasan May 3, 2015 at 10:38 am

I wish the principle they would base their actions on was the principle that they were sent there to DO SOMETHING to make this state better. Their principles (ideology) seem to make it OK to define productive as “do a lot of SOMETHING”

Mike at the Beach May 2, 2015 at 8:22 pm

Tactical considerations notwithstanding, I grow weary of the outrage and indignation (feigned or genuine) from the the lame-ass Republicans in the GA. The hypocrisy is almost too much to bear without just pimp-slapping someone. I’ve attended a handful of events over the past month or so where a couple of our elected state house clowns were working the rooms and spewing their woefully un-self aware anti-intellectual BS. In every case, these Republicans were crying about Haley, talking boatloads of shit about her, and ridiculing her generally. At least she throws a few of her barbs in public, which in my book gives her the biggest balls on Assembly Street.

???????????????????? May 2, 2015 at 10:49 pm

“At least she throws a few of her barbs in public, which in my book gives her the biggest balls on Assembly Street”

Of course she that she is done with SC in a couple of years she needs to set herself up for that next government job.

Where was her “calling out” of politicians by name during her first term?

Bible Thumper May 2, 2015 at 10:58 pm

Be thankful. Let’s call it “make up sex”.

Saul May 3, 2015 at 12:38 pm

You cyberbullies ought to read:

So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed is Ronson’s tour through a not-necessarily-brave new world where faceless commenters wield the power to destroy lives and careers, where the punishments often outweigh the crimes, and where there is no self-control and (ironically) no consequences. On one hand, part of what makes this book (again, ironically) so fun to read is a certain schadenfreude; it’s fun to read about others’ misfortunes, especially if we think they “had it coming.” Jonah Lehrer, whose admitted plagiarism and falsifications probably earned him his fall, stalks these pages. But so does Justine Sacco, whose ill-conceived tweet probably didn’t merit hers; as it turns out, the internet doesn’t always differentiate the misdemeanors from the felonies. But the best reason to read this is Ronson’s style, which is funny and brisk, yet informative and never condescending. So You’ve Been Publicly Shamedis not a scholarly book, nor is it a workbook about navigating ignominy. It’s an entertaining investigation into a growing–and often disturbing–demimonde of uncharitable impulses run amok.

Bible Thumper May 3, 2015 at 1:49 pm

Who’s the most (unreservedly) publicly shamed person in history?


Rakkasan May 3, 2015 at 1:57 pm

GT. Wait, he hasn’t been shamed nearly enough

Bible Thumper May 3, 2015 at 2:04 pm

Not “shamed”, but “publicly shamed”.
For GT the value of publicity outweighs the shame.

Rakkasan May 3, 2015 at 6:27 pm

True that

Mike at the Beach May 2, 2015 at 11:36 pm

Point taken, but my intended emphasis was really more about the whiny, bitch-ass folks in the GA and their abject hypocrisy. They shouldn’t be cutting her ass and crying about all of the mean things she says (please read in Tweety Bird voice) if they don’t want her cutting their asses back. Cola’s a weird town, to be sure…

Bible Thumper May 2, 2015 at 10:17 pm

I have much more respect for the Democrats than the Republicans. They vote their conscience; it matches their campaign rhetoric and their party platform.

I have never seen such a joke. The Republican leaders who are only in power because of Democratic support. Hugh Leatherman gets support from all the Democrats, but only a third of the Republicans.

I agree with Haley, but you may question the timing. Fits could use some advise. What is true with spouse and children is also true with politicians. When you praise someone, you don’t bring up everything in the past that they did wrong. Your wife and children will hate your praise as much as your criticism. You just praise them.

nitrat May 3, 2015 at 4:20 pm

Or, one could say the “Republican leaders” are simply following more in the footsteps of our Founding Fathers who compromised and compromised to come up with the US Constitution rather than toeing the line and passing the litmus tests of the pathologically, rigidly, ideologically dogmatic principled purists, i. e. the lunatic fringe.

Bible Thumper May 3, 2015 at 5:17 pm

What compromise? Leatherman offers a gas tax higher than Haley asked for; no tax cut; no DOT elimination of political influence.

Scooter May 2, 2015 at 11:45 pm

Call them out Haley.

Cindy May 3, 2015 at 9:58 am

Haley is a fucking idiot and the people that voted to put her back in office are bigger fucking idiots.

Saul May 3, 2015 at 12:37 pm

You cyberbullies ought to read:

So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed is Ronson’s tour through a not-necessarily-brave new world where faceless commenters wield the power to destroy lives and careers, where the punishments often outweigh the crimes, and where there is no self-control and (ironically) no consequences. On one hand, part of what makes this book (again, ironically) so fun to read is a certain schadenfreude; it’s fun to read about others’ misfortunes, especially if we think they “had it coming.” Jonah Lehrer, whose admitted plagiarism and falsifications probably earned him his fall, stalks these pages. But so does Justine Sacco, whose ill-conceived tweet probably didn’t merit hers; as it turns out, the internet doesn’t always differentiate the misdemeanors from the felonies. But the best reason to read this is Ronson’s style, which is funny and brisk, yet informative and never condescending. So You’ve Been Publicly Shamedis not a scholarly book, nor is it a workbook about navigating ignominy. It’s an entertaining investigation into a growing–and often disturbing–demimonde of uncharitable impulses run amok. –J

easterndumbfuckistan May 3, 2015 at 1:19 pm

“Any sufficiently advanced troll is indistinguishable from a genuine kook.” We have our fair share of both around these parts.

jimlewisowb May 3, 2015 at 3:01 pm

I like this photo of the Gypsy Queen

She has that Come Hither look as in ……

Come Hither and I shall light the candle of understanding for you and if you fail to follow my wishes I will shove the burning stick of wax up your ass

Bold move May 3, 2015 at 7:15 pm

I think what she did was to issue an ultimatum. Conservatives, follow me or Senator Leatherman. It is your choice, and you are all up for election next year.

I think, despite the bitching by the general assembly, they will listen and follow her. Otherwise, many of them will be out of a job.

ted May 4, 2015 at 11:53 am

She has a middle schooler mentality. Apparently never grew up.


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