National Politics - 2016

Liberal Ex-Republican Eyes Dems’ “First In The South”

LABELS CHANGE … BIG GOVERNMENT IDEOLOGY REMAINS || By FITSNEWS || A liberal Democrat who used You must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.

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Gvegasstr April 20, 2015 at 12:11 pm

David Saunders and Jim Webb… potential actual problem for Republican’s.

GrandTango April 20, 2015 at 12:59 pm

If the GOP plays it right…the Democrat, no matter who it is…should have NO chance…

But that means ramming Obama down your throats, and making you either Attack him, and his disaster…or defend him…either way, you get the S#!t kicked out of you because you have F*#ked up the country…

And it’s why you all are begging for Jeb or Christie…you know a Moderate FITS-like “Republican” will try to hold hands w/ the corrupt Democrat…so the voters will choose the Democrat…

Tango Blows Head Off '16 April 20, 2015 at 4:30 pm

Jesus, another 19 mnths of your horseshit?

GrandTango April 20, 2015 at 4:38 pm

I’ve lived 6-plus years of MISERY because you’re a F*#king IDIOT…

So STFU, and take your medicine..or I’ll Stuff it down your throat, you F*#king imbecile…

Or you can just GTFO of my country…if you don’t like me taking it back…LMAO…

Actually, I’d prefer you stupid Mother-F*#k#rs secede…that would be best for all of us…and Take Obama and Hillary w/ you…to one of the countries you admire instead of ours…(until they put you out of your miserable F*#king lives, that is)….LMAO…

Tango Blows Head Off '16 April 20, 2015 at 5:46 pm

Hahaha!! Did I rub a nerve, Boo? I already have you grabbing your blood presure meds…

GrandTango April 20, 2015 at 7:50 pm

No, I’m just expressing the opinion of most Americans…(See Nov 4, 2014)…LMAO…You have no idea of who, and what, you are…and how people see you…

And I’m not angry. Just stating fact…I do mean EVERY word of it…and a lot of Americans feel the same about you…

Bush '16 Lol... April 20, 2015 at 8:27 pm

See Nov. 4… Lol!! Voting at a 72 year all time low with 36% of voters? You got very lucky, but Mid-Term elections rarely reflect to the national stage, Buttercup.

GrandTango April 20, 2015 at 10:00 pm

It’s looks like I got lucky again for 2016, too… You’re running Hillary…you F*#king Dumb@$$…LMAO…She couldn’t even get hired at a Chipotle …Hahahahaha…

Ain’t nobody gonna cheat for that privileged, lily-white and condescending skank…especially after 8 years of lies and misery under Democrat Obama…Even Dumb@$$#$ at least want the chance to work…



Ivy Leaguers trash…

‘Blood on her hands’…

Bakery employees at campaign stop refuse to meet…

Roseanne: Hillary s ‘the same old s—‘…

EVEN FITS is beginning to bail out on Hill’….Sucks to be YOU!!!!…Hahahaha…

RogueElephant April 20, 2015 at 12:15 pm

Love to see a bunch of Dims try to out liberal one another. Really good comedy. “I’ll give everybody ice cream, No I’ll put a cherry on top. I’ll add chocolate syrup. ” Never a mention of how it will be paid for. Just “tax the rich.” Tax the rich, tax the rich. ROFLAO

GrandTango April 20, 2015 at 12:53 pm

R.E. I think they are drunk on the idea the people are screaming for extreme liberalism, because Obama has gotten away with ramming it down our throats.

But Chaffee, Hillary or any of them would be more successful at emulating LeBron James than they will be at Obama 2. They lack the pigment to get immunity from the media…and the gaggle of fools who elected Obama…

The Tax Man Cometh April 20, 2015 at 2:38 pm

Almost as bad as a bunch of conservatives babbling

“Tax cut,tax cut tax cut.”

GrandTango April 20, 2015 at 12:50 pm

FITS is becoming the MSNBC of SC Websites w/ each post.

There may be nothing more irrelevant than Lincoln Chafee coming to SC to “explore” a possible presidential bid.”

PS: Chafee is the epitome of FITS political ideology. Stay in the middle to make everyone think you are like them…when in reality all you really are is: repulsive.

The Charmin of SC Websites April 20, 2015 at 1:53 pm

Still better than your failed blog.

Shell April 20, 2015 at 1:29 pm

Linc and Lindsey will definitely have a close contest for lowest IQ.

snickering April 20, 2015 at 3:57 pm

Lincoln Chafe says and does very stupid things. All the time and in public.


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