Aaron Hernandez Guilty, Gets Life In Prison
ONE MURDER RAP DOWN, TWO TO GO … || By FITSNEWS || Former New England Patriots tight end AarYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
|| By FITSNEWS || Former New England Patriots tight end Aar
Life in prison,OK. How long before he can play football again?
perhaps with real balls…..
Just start up a Prison Football League, each federal prison has its own team. Televise it for the rest of us to watch in the comfort of our own home. Since it is prison, fights, even using homemade weapons, does not get you expelled from the game, but it will result in a 15-yard penalty. The best players will probably be traded by the wardens to the supermax prisons where they have a good shot of winning the championship.
Life with the possibility of cornhole.
Certified Gangster a la Jong Gotti
Was he in the Asian mafia?
Jong Gotti
Wasn’t he the Dutch mafioso with the fear of flying?
just another thug…..
You can’t fix stupid.
Longest Yard sequel?
Why work for $40 million when you can sit back and have people provide for you for free.
Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez…
Soon he’ll be a wide receiver!!!
After his first few prison showers, he realized why they
call a prison term a ’stretch’.
Why won’t prison life be much different from playing for the Patriots?
He will still have big guys opening holes for him.
Well if nobody else is going to state the obvious… “You can take the boy out of the hood…”