SC House Majority Leader’s Job In Jeopardy
BUDGET BATTLE PUTS “REPUBLICAN” LEADER ON THE HOT SEAT || By FITSNEWS || The majority lYou must Subscribe or log in to read the rest of this content.
|| By FITSNEWS || The majority l
The voters certainly do not back this insane borrowing and spending trek these vomits want to do. And get this, ”
Americans Say Number One Problem In The Country Is Government”
“Three times as many people believe government is a bigger problem than terrorism”
“…$25.7 billion (a new record) on the state budget…”
In the name of transparency and honesty, how much of that is SC funding and how much is federal money?
Transparency and honesty…what a novel concept that would be for a Libertarian.
With an $18 TRILLION Federal deficit…it D@*n well BETTER be a lot of F*#king Federal money…
You in DC have F*#ked up the nation’s economy, and you rule unilaterally…Your Stupid @$$ BETTER send us our money back…you Filthy Thieves…
You’re getting our protectors shot down in the streets, because of Federal Institutional RACISM, you side w/ Terrorists over Christians…and there are no jobs, w/ little ability to produce. You’re COSTING us a lot w/ your incompetence….
Get off your @$$ and pay us, @$$hole…You stole if from us…
Yes sir, the economy sucks. Last week, 80,000 Americans got jobs. That’s the same as the population of Orangeburg County. That was last week. The economy is horrible. Oh my goodness. Wages are starting to rise again, people are out at the malls, you have to wait to get a seat in most downtown restaurants in Charleston, people. The House and Senate got their briefing yesterday – all they have to do is cut $500 billion from the budget and we have a balanced budget. They’re plan, cut $125 billion. And I guess that’s Obama’s fault too? RINOs are in charge, you put them there, you like them, you’re no different than a liberal – you just hide behind the R.
How many times are you counting each temp assignment? How many FT jobs were broken into 2, to avoid the punishment of Obamacare???
There is just no fire in the economy, that is evident, to believe there is anything fundamental changing. The numbers are proven to be fudged, and other than a government-spiked stock market, there is not much good to report on the economy, or anywhere else.
I get sick of your BS lies. You think you sit around and watch Fox and read Breitfart and that you are a holder of the truth. Economy grows and you say it contracts. Jobs increase, you say they don’t. Look nitwit – either have some factual support for your positions, or just shut up. All you do is spout the same old, tired Fox News talking points. No reseach, no facts, no imperical data. What data is out there you call false, you attack it. You add nothing to the debate but hot air, and summer is around the corner and we’ll have all the hot air we need. So please, do us all a favor, and go study up on some facts and reality and the meet us in the real world. That’s were we live. Not some retired slum-lord living attached to his laptop at the kitchen table bitching about the world after having his two over easy and three sausage links for breakfast. Gotta go now. Work to be done.
Again: there is just no juice in the economy. There is just malaise.
No one is buying the hype and lies anymore. We’re all just biding our time to dump the Bull-S#!t peddler – w/ the media – who duped the foolish and the cheaters into electing him, twice…
I don’t think the Black Community would give the Democrats 110% of their vote right now. No one likes struggling and suffering, especially when it’s been going on 6 years…
And people LIVE it…so the spin cannot extract you from the F*#king Disaster you are…You are a FAILURE, with a capital EFF…
Earth to Tango, Earth to Tango – are you there Tango. Tango, come in. Earth to Tango.
This is Major T to ground control – I’m looking out the door – and I just don’t think it’s really safe – today – I think it’s 2008 and will always staaaaay –
Ground control to Maj T – life is good, come out you’ll see, can you hear us Maj. T, can you hear us Maj T –
For me——- I am floating in a Fox world, far, above the world. Planet Earth is blue, and there’s nothing I can do…….
Home ownership is at its lowest point in decades. Food Stamp recipients have increased by 20 million, to 50 million in 6 years of Obama. More grown children live w/ their parents than ever…
Millennials cannot get jobs and household incomes have declined by $5,000 annually, while healthcare, food and energy costs have SPIKED…Home sellers are losing $40K on the sale of an avg. single-family home.
You’re just a F*#king (and willing) idiot and/or a F*#king lair…
Looks like you’d learn to STFU, after I’ve slapped the S#!t out of your stupid @$$ so much…
Again: are you just a F*#king brain-dead idiot…???…or is some paying you to make a complete @$$ of yourself…????
Food stamp recipients have fallen to like 42 million. They began their increase in 2001 and steadily increased through 2012 and have been falling since. So either of the 11 years, that would be your bbf who oversaw that spike. America is sick and tired of having to clean up after the candidates you support. Please, get some real facts, you can find them easy enough. A good start is a place called Google. See you enter in the facts your looking for, and you get them. And often they have things called research and writings that clarify and explain it to you. Then you can make informed decisions. I know it’s hard, but once you do it a few times you get quicker at it. But since you like calling people names, which is all you can do (I’m assuming you’re heritage is French given your propensity for it) – please have a Blessed weekend, and Bless Your Heart.
You’re a F*#king LIAR!!!!..and an idiot for thinking anyone, except a Dumb@$$ would believe you…
So I guess you live in Allendale – eh?
Now, if we could just rid ourselves of our skirt chasing, amoral, RINO Senate Majority leader.
Ten little Cockroaches standing in a line
One got executed then there were nine
Nine little Cockroaches haven’t long to wait
One got syphilis and then there were eight
Eight little Cockroaches trying to get to heaven
One found Jesus and then there were seven
Seven little Cockroaches playing pick up sticks
One got burned real bad and then there were six
Six little Cockroaches trying to stay alive
One didn’t do so well and then there were five
Five little Cockroaches banging on the door
One got in and then there were four
Four little Cockroaches hiding in a tree
One passed out drunk and then there were three
Three little Cockroaches not much left to do
One left for Mexico and then there were two
Two little Cockroaches playing with a gun
One got shot and then there was one.
One little Cockroach nothing to be done
He went and hanged himself and then there were none
What number of cock-roach are you Dumb@$$??..
Liberal-Tarians are good at shooting w/ both barrels. But if you had the job, you’d be about as big a F*#k-up as Obama, and the Democrats….
It’s easy to attack, when you spend your life drunk, and have to use a blue-bib to eat at a beer joint…but you accomplish nothing, except electing MORE Democrats…and adding to the problem…
Foxtrot- Uniform- Charlie- Kilo
Yankee- Oscar- Uniform
Nice one.
He’s posting nothing more irrelevant or unrelated than you do most of the time.
“But if you had the job”
I wouldn’t go all apeshit on someone about having “a job” and what not there hoss.
Something about glass houses, yada, yada, yada
Not surprising that Bannister’s position is in jeopardy this early in the new session. Bannister’s close association with Stephen Goldfinch, a guy who is facing federal criminal charges involving duping of ALS patients, is disturbing to many to say the least. Bannister went all out supporting Goldfinch’s re-election campaign and showed up in Murrells inlet to campaign for Goldfinch. Many thought he should have distanced himself from Goldfinch, at least out of abundance of caution. Its crazy to even think that GOP leadership went all out to support the re-election of a guy under federal criminal charges. Says volumes about the current standards in politics these days. It just casts a negative shadow on Bannister and his personal judgement, IMO. I wouldnt want my leader or representative supporting the re-election of a guy charged with federal crimes of that nature to our legislature.
If he’s Bruce Bannister, all he has to do is turn into The Hulk, and lay waste to all of ’em.
No wait. It’s not “Banner.”
Never mind.
Republicans are “railing” against Bannister. I’m sorry.