Letter: Lancaster SC Bridge Fixed After FITS Report

WHISTLEBLOWERS KEPT PEOPLE FROM “GETTING HURT OR KILLED” Dear Editor, It must be a hard job trying to expose corruption and waste in South Carolina, so here’s a thank you note. Awhile back you ran a story on the S.C. 9 bridge at Wildcat Creek in Lancaster County that was…


Dear Editor,

It must be a hard job trying to expose corruption and waste in South Carolina, so here’s a thank you note. Awhile back you ran a story on the S.C. 9 bridge at Wildcat Creek in Lancaster County that was in real bad shape and about to fall in. The S.C. Department of Transportation (SCDOT) hadn’t done anything about it.

Well, your story forced them to fix the bridge at least so it isn’t dangerous for us to drive over anymore. Some pictures are attached.

They added some supports and even put rock on the bank where it was washing real bad.

The highway workers could get fired because they have to send you things like this just to get roads and bridges fixed. If not for you and them the bridge could have fallen in and people could get hurt or killed. Thanks for helping make our roads safer.

A Concerned Citizen
Lancaster County, S.C.

P.S. Please do not use my name.



“Concerned:” You know how FITS rolls. Sources are religiously protected here – and always will be.  Course I’m still not sure that’s a bridge I’d want to drive over! Regardless, I appreciate the kind note, though, and I agree with you: Courageous whistleblowers (like the ones who alerted us to this situation) truly are heroes – risking their jobs to pass along important information.  It’s a shame our government won’t just do its job, isn’t it?  Oh well.  For the latest on the whole roads/ gasoline tax debacle, click here.  In the meantime please continue to keep us in the loop … 


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CNSYD March 4, 2015 at 1:36 pm

Sic Willie, don’t hurt your arm patting yourself on the back. BTW, I have searched and searched on your site looking for your structural and/or geotechnical calculations and assessments that ascertained that the bridge not safe. Are they no longer on your site?

Jackie Chiles March 4, 2015 at 2:37 pm

Without the calculations, he’s got a 75-95% chance of being right that the bridge is not safe. Play the odds.

VoiceofReason March 4, 2015 at 4:29 pm

All much ado about nothing. Whistleblower full of hot air just like Fits!

Readers March 4, 2015 at 4:50 pm

Will needs to quit posting letters he writes to himself. The GrandTango stuff is bad enough.

pleez dont use my name March 4, 2015 at 9:28 pm

Now if only Lancaster would fix the Susan DeVenny problem….

FastEddy23 March 5, 2015 at 3:38 am

…. That’s the way it worked in Ben Franklin’s day … And it should work like that everywhere.

“Keep ’em flying!”

(This pugnacious, psydonominous, prickly poster knows the power of the whistleblower … having been run off of several politically corrected, propagandized, pundit and poor policy driven, pseudo-populist papers’ posting points … here in the states and abroad, I’m proud to say.)

Guest March 5, 2015 at 11:21 am No inspection reports since 2012…..Hmmmmm

LowcountryGmCock March 5, 2015 at 11:23 am Gives you all the info you need to know!

VoiceofReason March 5, 2015 at 7:12 pm

If you knew anything about bridge data you would know that data from the FHWA that all states submit is always 1 to 2 years behind what is actually current. This is where your data originated from. Quit throwing fuel on a non-fire. The bridge was ok before and is now. You peeps and so called whistleblowers are self serving attention seeking juveniles.


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