US Attorney Office: A New Sheriff In Town?

BILL NETTLES’ DEPARTURE SAID TO BE IMMINENT || By FITSNEWS ||  U.S. Attorney Bill Nettles is nearing the end of his tenure as the federal government’s “top cop” in South Carolina, sources close to his office tell FITS.  And an aspiring state solicitor is angling hard to replace him ……


|| By FITSNEWS ||  U.S. Attorney Bill Nettles is nearing the end of his tenure as the federal government’s “top cop” in South Carolina, sources close to his office tell FITS.  And an aspiring state solicitor is angling hard to replace him …

David Pascoe – who burst on the statewide scene last year upon inheriting the investigation of former S.C. Speaker Bobby Harrell from attorney general Alan Wilson‘s office – is reportedly the top candidate to replace Nettles.

The only question is whether Nettles’ departure is imminent … or whether he plans on hanging around for the conclusion of a joint federal-state probe into corruption at the S.C. State House.

Nettles hasn’t exactly lit up the scoreboard since being appointed by Barack Obama back in 2010.  In fact we ripped him two years ago for his failure to take on the Palmetto State’s widespread public corruption.

Now that he’s engaged, he still can’t seem to catch a break …

While Wilson – Nettles’ partner in the ongoing State House investigation – has been fitted for the role of conquering hero, Nettles has remained largely in the shadows.  And when his name has landed in the limelight, it hasn’t been good.  Specifically, he took a lot of heat last month for cutting a sweetheart plea deal with a corrupt local sheriff – an agreement a federal judge rejected as being too lenient.

Hardly the stuff of Ness’ “Untouchables …”

Of course Pascoe hasn’t had the best go of it since concluding the Harrell investigation – screwing the pooch badly on a racially charged shooting involving the white police chief of small-town Eutawville, S.C.

It’s doubtful his performance inspired much in the way of confidence in Obama’s Justice Department … which is dealing with its own transitionary headaches at the moment.

Oh well …

Frankly we don’t care who the U.S. Attorney is … all we care is that corruption in this state is exposed.  And that those responsible for it are held accountable.  And that effort … while off to a decent start … is far from over.


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Justus for all January 28, 2015 at 2:15 pm

As the cockroach world turns….

GrandTango January 28, 2015 at 2:22 pm

Nettles sure did blow the Metts case. Talk about wasting Taxpayer money…One count of harboring some illegal bloke who was busted for not wearing a seatbelt…and Obama has legalized him now anyway???

Massive Failure…considering all the Crap FTTS told us Metts was guilty of….

PS: Alan Wilson is SC’s Top Cop, not some Obama Carpet-Bagger.
Wilson’s beaten Obama on Voter Integrity; getting Boeing jobs for SC, not the Union and he stood tall against the political special interests trying to redefine marriage based on their bedroom habits…Bravo…

Wilson Ain't Done Shit January 28, 2015 at 3:05 pm

Ha ha! That’s a good one!

GrandTango January 28, 2015 at 3:44 pm

I love to P!$$ off you Dumb@$$ liberals w/ reality…LMAO…You’re not used to anything but your fantasies…fed to you by FITS and the Democrats…

9" January 28, 2015 at 4:18 pm

I say we deport you in exchange for 10,000 good Hispanic cooks,as part of the immigration exchange program.

Rocky January 28, 2015 at 2:25 pm

And forget this story. More pics of Taylor – yeah!!!!!

One of the guys January 28, 2015 at 2:51 pm

I’m unemployed, but don’t have a political affiliation. Can I still comment here?

Bible Thumper January 28, 2015 at 3:48 pm

You can comment, but no replies during your 90 day probation. As for political affiliation, GrandTango will contact you. IF YOU GET A JOB NO MORE COMMENTING ALLOWED.

FastEddy23 January 28, 2015 at 7:07 pm

Game Boy, X-Box or Apple TV?

jimlewisowb January 28, 2015 at 3:17 pm

Pascoe – the little Cockroach fucker who blew a .12 on the Police Chief Fiasco

Stop Lying January 28, 2015 at 7:51 pm

There is NO joint investigation … There are NO investigations, PERIOD.

Buz Martin January 28, 2015 at 8:06 pm

Sez you Flippy.

POPS January 28, 2015 at 10:14 pm

Pascoe is hands down one of the best trial attorneys in the state. He really is incredible to watch in court. He also deserves a medal for taking down Harrell.

Worthless Bill January 29, 2015 at 7:34 am

I dont give a flying fuck if he is the best trial lawyer in the history of trial lawyers. I’m more concerned that he hasn’t dont jack shit to force stool pigeon Harrell to disclose all of the dirty laundry in Columbia and indict and prosecute all of the trash under the dome. Bobby is just the tip of the iceberg. Where are the arrests? Why the fuck has NOTHING been done to stop theose crooks that are still running free and taking advantage of their government positions for personal gain? Who cares if Ard, Harrell, and Ford are gone if the same crimes continue to take place? The abuse of campaign accounts has been laid bare for all to see on numerous political websites. How much easier could it be for these prosecutors to follow the leads given to them? Do something about it or sit down, shut the fuck up, and pass the torch to someone that will take action. We don’t need some dipshit oompa loompa like Pascoe to grandstand and posture, the people need action. What about the Toal election? What about White, Sandifer, Alexander, Merrill, Hiott, Crawford, Bingham? Do they all get a pass? Nettles is useless. He had the opportunity during his tenure to clean up Columbia, instead he backed off so he wouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings.

About time January 28, 2015 at 10:34 pm

Thank you lord. A change needs to be made.

Old RC lawyer January 29, 2015 at 7:17 am

Nettles will not leave that office until he is sure Toal is completely protected. End of story.

Sam January 29, 2015 at 5:32 pm

His soul purpose is to help Leatherman. He took care of Harrell, which weakened the House. He blitzed SC State which Leatherman now controls, not for himself, but for Clyburn (in exchange for road help with I 73)
Nettles is Florence and Florence is the mob.


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