Justin Britt Files For Lexington County Sheriff

FIRST “REPUBLICAN” CANDIDATE ENTERS RACE || By FITSNEWS || Another candidate has announced his intention to run for sheriff of Lexington County … the office vacated earlier this month by corrupt cop James Metts. Justin Britt – a former congressional staffer to U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson – will seek the post Metts’…


|| By FITSNEWS || Another candidate has announced his intention to run for sheriff of Lexington County … the office vacated earlier this month by corrupt cop James Metts.

Justin Britt – a former congressional staffer to U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson – will seek the post Metts’ held for the last 42 years prior to resigning and pleading guilty to harboring illegal aliens.  Unlike Jim Crawford – a former Lexington County deputy who is running as an independent – Britt is seeking the “Republican” nomination for this post.

That means his name will appear alongside other GOP candidates on a March 3 primary ballot.  If necessary a runoff election would be held on March 17 with a general election held on April 21.

A member of the Richland County Sheriff’s office, Britt says he supports community-based policing – which he defines as “a collaborative partnership between a law enforcement agency and the individuals and organizations they serve.”

For more information on Britt, here’s his official website.

Britt will hold a press conference announcing his bid at 1:00 p.m. EST on Friday, January 2 outside the Lexington County Commission of Registration and Elections (605 West Main Street, Lexington S.C.).


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Tweedle Dum December 31, 2014 at 2:26 pm

Great! A former Joe Wilson staffer AND currently one of Leon’s boyz. What could possibly go wrong with him as Sheriff inLexCo? (sarcasm)

Batman December 31, 2014 at 2:28 pm

Reality Check to the voters. The first and foremost problems with Mr Britt is the connections to Joe Wilson. It’s not the point that his connection is to a sitting congressman that does absolutely nothing in congress for South Carolina, it is the connection to a congressman that has extremely close ties to Jake Knotts. For God sake, Wilson’s wife is the strongest supporter of Knotts and has worked with him in his office and to get him elected. The Wilson’s have even been co-owners in real estate with Jake Knotts and shared condo ownership with Knotts at the beach.

Now that was the connection to the Lexington Ring, now lets talk about experience. Worked as an aid for congressman-SRO at a school-SLED (desk job)-Fugitive task force (warrant division). During these position Mr. Britt has compiled about 7 years of law enforcement none of which is in an executive position of authority or any experience in working with budgets or controlling of a budget. This guy has been in two shootings during a seven year period in law enforcement and both are questionable. One shooting he was in with a female, when asked to take a polygraph-he refused to take the test. WHY? if its a clean shoot clear yourself- but this guy running for sheriff refused to take the polygraph. Also, his position at SLED was either leave or be terminated- WHY? To many questions about such a short period of time in law enforcement and a lack of experience.

Combine being backed by one of the biggest supporters of KNOTTS in the county, lack of experience, and questionable background you will find another young Jimmy Metts. Matter of time before it is back to where it is because the same Lexington Ring is supporting Britt.

NO WAY December 31, 2014 at 3:36 pm

10-4 too many connections to the former Metts, Frazier, Peeler, Cromer, Toal, James, Halfacre, Knotts, Amodio, Tindle, Owens, LaForce……yeah, just what we need more of the connections to the aforementioned Lexington Ring, Lexington Mafia,Lexington SIN-da-cat, drunken, immoral, adulterer, unethical, bunch who gave us all the problems and illegal activities, with which we currently are dealing.
We DO NOT need any more embarrassment from ANY of this bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wendy December 31, 2014 at 8:28 pm

J.K. is no girl scout either. How do you think Frazier was to keep his scheme going? It’s all bout family and political connections. I’m sure he or his wife is related to more then former magistrate S. Sons. The establishment has picked him to be the next sheriff.

Wendy January 2, 2015 at 9:02 pm

Politics at its worst. Koon is on loan to the sheriff’s office so he can run for sheriff and he doesn’t have to resign his current position. If he loses, he gets his old job back at the small town PD. Now that’s a great deal! And the puppet master is…….

Wendy December 31, 2014 at 8:18 pm

Well said, Batman.

If you look at his FB page he’s standing in a boat with Leon Lott!

Scooter January 1, 2015 at 8:41 pm

That is enough to vote him down.

Mike at the Beach December 31, 2014 at 9:11 pm

You had me at Knotts and Wilson, but the other info is priceless- thanks. Hopefully his overdeveloped fondness for himself and sense of entitlement won’t translate into him getting elected…

Just Me January 1, 2015 at 8:50 am

Isn’t all this information the kind of stuff that FITS should have had in his article? I’m just saying if this is all true then it is news that people need to know and if FITS is a news site then it should be included.

Now Will may be working on getting this information together for an update and now that you brought it up I am sure he will be.

jimlewisowb January 1, 2015 at 9:32 am

OK, marked him off my Happy New Sheriff List

Scooter January 1, 2015 at 8:39 pm

I vote republican, most of the time, but I don’t like the looks of this. Wilson is build ing his little empire and and that is not good.

60's Child January 2, 2015 at 7:09 pm

Amen! The Jester who wants to be King!
To quote Robbie the Robot from Lost In Space,

“Danger, danger Will Robinson”!
To quote Gina Davis from the Fly,
“Be afraid, be very afraid”!

Lexington Voter January 2, 2015 at 5:34 pm

I can see this. I would find it easy to see the Wilson associates (the Lexington Ring AND Associates) supporting a Wilson anointed candidate. And if they are Wilson anointed, they will be tainted by Metts, Frazier, James, the Peelers, Halfacre, Owens Amodio,

Three words, NO THANK YOU!

justme January 2, 2015 at 8:13 pm

I see people always putting Owens name in this. From what I have seen and in talking to him he is in no way a part of this group at all.

West Col. January 3, 2015 at 1:35 pm

He hired Frazier in a do nothing job and paid him with TAX PAYER money!!!! He also campaigned for Frazier for County Council, Town Council and the House of Representatives.

Dennis Tindle is his Chief of Police!
He pushed Tim James for Lex. County Manager a nd Chief Deputy with Metts!
He is also butt buddies with Bob Peeler and his adulterous gal pal Donna!
Nough said!!!!!!!

justme January 3, 2015 at 5:14 pm

I can assure you Joe Owens cannot stand Dennis Tyndall and would fire him tomorrow if he could but Tyndall has made buddies with council and they protect him.

Nikki Smith January 5, 2015 at 6:38 pm

I can assure you if Owens can’t stand Tyndall, it’s because Owens can’t stand anyone who stands up against him when he is doing the wrong thing. Owens is “good ole boy” politics at its best, and Tyndall was having no part of that in his Department!! Council finally found out the truth and gave Tyndall back the power to run his Department & not have the Mayor run it for him!!!

justme January 6, 2015 at 6:47 am

How do you run a department and never show up before 11 am and leave a 3 everyday while making 150,000 plus a year with salary and retirement. Forgive Joe for asking that the chief of police actually work for a change.

Smith N January 6, 2015 at 10:00 am

You obviously don’t work there and have been misinformed. Chief Tyndall has always worked to make West Columbia a better place, and has some of the finest officers working for him.

Mike January 6, 2015 at 3:02 pm

The avovr is complete and utter bullshit. Justme’s post is 100% accurate and this comes from someone who has worked in the department for 12 years.

Mike January 6, 2015 at 3:38 pm


Intheknow January 6, 2015 at 4:38 pm

Is that so Mike, u obviously know someone who drinks the koolaid that they passed out at the w cola voice meetings. I can think of two people you may speak of but your time frame is a little off, one is willie and the other is a snake that is still at the department. Or maybe u r willie

?????? January 3, 2015 at 10:30 pm

Is he the one who made Frazier an auxiliary West Columbia police officer?

Wendy January 3, 2015 at 10:55 pm

No, he was a reserve officer way before Tyndall. I heard Boatwright gave him a badge in the late 80’s early 90’s and he carried it until…….not sure if it was ever taken away. A buddy said he loved flashing it.

I aint no crook January 2, 2015 at 9:12 pm

And who is Wilson’s law partner? Another POS !

Jewels December 31, 2014 at 2:51 pm

Randy Scott, Dan Johnson, and Ruben Santiago. All three of these came out of the Richland County Sheriff’s department and were all praised by Leon in an effort to control areas of the county. All three have been a joke and have blown up in Leon’s face. Richland County is not what Lexington County needs right now. This kid has nothing to offer and no experience. We need more than someone who knows someone.

Let's Elect Another Damn Crook December 31, 2014 at 3:03 pm

Nothing to offer? How dare you? He’ll dance to whatever tunes the establishment Republicans/Lexington Crime Ring or the Lott Crime Family choose. That is quite a lot for the powerful and corrupt to have offered to them.

TSIB December 31, 2014 at 3:09 pm

Which one is Justin?

Pattern or Knitted Tit Cover December 31, 2014 at 3:39 pm

The one most likely to go to jail. Ever notice how many Justins, Jasons, and Joshes, wind up in police blotter stories as suspects?

Squishy123 January 2, 2015 at 3:33 pm

Probably the one with the shifty eyes.

concernedaboutlexington December 31, 2014 at 4:15 pm

Hmmm… I think we do need a youngish sheriff. But, this guy seems to be too connected to the old crooks. We need someone who is not from Lexington and cannot be controlled by the old crooks.

NO WAY NO HOW!!!!!! December 31, 2014 at 5:43 pm

Amen to that!
The corruption has been rampant in Lexington for far too long!
I’m a long time resident, since 1972 and I’ve watched the Town and County go down this path of illegal activities, immorality and general decline for a long time. The voters over here amaze me. The Town and County were bad enough with the Fraziers (know him from Woodcreek), Metts from West Columbia, Owens has always been a reprobate, Joe the joke Wilson, then came Blob (no pants) Peeler with his Gaffney style immorality and corruption and stuck his head up Frazier’s fat but!
We DO NOT need ANY of these people in ANY position of influence, nor ANY of their LAP DOGS elected to ANY office, to continue the moral decline of this Town, or County!

Soft Sigh from Hell January 2, 2015 at 5:00 pm

“Joe the joke Wilson” “Blob (no pants) Peeler with his Gaffney style immorality and corruption” “LAP DOGS”

I do enjoy seeing some writing style and color.

Ms Fisher December 31, 2014 at 6:11 pm

So, will anybody ever run for a contested office in Lexington county that isn’t a Richland county employee? No wonder we end up with a bunch of crooks!

Squishy123 December 31, 2014 at 6:22 pm

So what exactly does a Republican sheriff do that an Independent or Democrat sheriff won’t do? Why does it require being affiliated with a political party to be a cop?

Matt January 1, 2015 at 12:25 am

very very good question but sadly I am sure many folks will just vote party lines and not do any other type of analysis on candidates credentials or connections

GrandTango January 2, 2015 at 3:30 pm

Democrat = Obama = FAILURE

Hope that clears it up for you….After 6 years of the Obama disaster, we cannot afford any more of that…

justme December 31, 2014 at 7:06 pm

Sounds like a lot of spin machines at work here. Justin is about as good of a choice as we are going to get.

We Are So Fucked December 31, 2014 at 7:27 pm

Then we are so fucked!

Wendy December 31, 2014 at 8:16 pm

Holly shit! Aren’t you a dumb ass!

justme December 31, 2014 at 9:05 pm

Let me guess a Tyndall women?

Wendy January 1, 2015 at 1:15 am

No, lol…..Im Danny’s ex. Not a Tyndall woman. Tyndall is in the middle of the lockdown, as Danny said. Hell, less then two blocks away Danny had his high school pal running a video poker room right under Tyndall’s nose. Not one person who is or is rumoured to run is qualified, to include your boy-wonder.

justme January 1, 2015 at 10:07 am

Listen I am not going to say any of these guys are the best. I am not sure we can find the prefect candidate. Seeing what is running right now I will take Justin over the others. I have spoken to Justin and like the ideas he has. Now I am willing to listen to others and their ideas. Hopefully some debates or forums will happen. I will say this about Tyndall the person running his campaign is pure evil.

jimlewisowb January 1, 2015 at 10:35 am

OK, marked him off my Happy New Sheriff List

Wendy January 1, 2015 at 11:28 am

I can assure you as there are 24 hours in a day. EVERYTHING Batman stated is the gospel. Apparently he is in the know. Britt is no more qualified as Koon, Crawford, and Spence.

justme January 2, 2015 at 7:30 am

But see by that post you think Tyndall is. All we have to do is look at his poor service in West Columbia to show what type of Sheriff he will be. He has already retired and is getting paid a nice salary but only works a few hours a week. Any decent officer will tell you this if they know he will not find out. One other thing he is forcing officer’s to campaign for him or else. And the sad thing is city council,mainly Miles, Unthank, Parlour, Harley, and Jones support this. Really no reason to complain or expect anyone will stop the practice from occurring.

Wendy January 2, 2015 at 10:16 am

You have this fascination with Tyndall. Look, regardless of who is running his “campaign” he still doesn’t have a snowball’s chance. Let it go. He’s mudd. His name is and has been associated with Frazier. Hell, Danny and his fat ass exwife worked for him. He will always be associated with Frazier.

Squishy123 January 2, 2015 at 9:29 am

Don’t forget that Danny’s hand was in that video poker room, his HS buddy was just the person in the room, Danny was behind it double-skimming the profits.

Wendy January 2, 2015 at 10:07 am

Your correct!

truthmonger January 1, 2015 at 1:30 pm

Again, his connection to Leon is the kiss of death. It’s like getting an endorsement from Jake Knotts, only worse….

Rhoid Rogers January 1, 2015 at 3:37 pm

One would hope. Except there are still plenty of idiots who believe Lott is an honest and competent Sheriff.

Guido Sarducci December 31, 2014 at 9:32 pm

elected sheriffs and coroners should go the way of the dinosaur…..both create more problems than they solve.

EREY December 31, 2014 at 11:55 pm

Another Wilson and Knotts disciple! Shit. . .when is the madness going to stop in Lexington County?? This guy is nothing but a puppet being put forth by the Wilson-Knotts-Frazier “machine”, as well as shady other operatives in the trash disposal and home building businesses to continue running the LCSD since their boy Metts got caught. That’s reason enough not to support this guy, besides the fact that his tenure at RCSD has been highly questionable being involved in several shootings already and he has NO administrative experience whatsoever. Elect this guy and the Lex good old boys are back in action.

Earl Britt January 1, 2015 at 12:05 pm

All of these comments are ludicrous and certainly not true. As Justin Britt’s father, if you knew our family or Justin, you would know without a shadow of a doubt how ridiculous they are. It’s a shame that these comments are coming from “anonymous” people, aka Batman. If you stand behind these lies, then you should have no problem identifying yourself. For anyone who would like to speak with Justin and discuss any issues, he would love to talk to you. Feel free to call him at 803-960-5529.

Horse Puckey January 1, 2015 at 3:32 pm

By golly that cinches it. Justin’s dad thinks he’s a good boy and would vote for him! That means he will be the best Sheriff ever. Certainly I will have to vote for him because his dad says he will do us a good job.
Trayvon Martin was a good kid and so was Mike Brown. Their parents told us so, therefore it must be true.

Batman January 2, 2015 at 4:05 am

Mr Britt I’m glad you are supporting your son, but the reality is he isn’t or hasn’t prepared himself to be sheriff. I know you have your blinders on because he is your son, but the company he keeps and the ones that are supporting him is not what Lexington needs. Have him grow a little more and get some experience, hell talk to Leon and have him promoted to Chief Deputy for experience in a position that will offer him something down the road instead of warrant division and desk jockey for Wilson. I’m sure he is a good kid, but a kid none the less. And as for being anonymous–Let it Daddy

justme January 2, 2015 at 7:25 am

The problem with post like yours is it sounds like dirty politics. Even makes me wonder is it one of the of the other candidates political machines at work. You can tell Koon is using someone to run his campaign and I know there is a women running Tyndalls. Knowing what she is capable of doing the time we vote Tyndall will have been the greatest human being to ever walk the earth. And the rest will pure scum of the earth.

Wendy January 2, 2015 at 10:22 am

Dirty politics? Try factual politics. Everything he said was true…Other than his name. Answer this- Who has “Barman” endorsed in his post? Mister, this is biggger than the fish bowl you live in.

9" January 2, 2015 at 8:43 am

Does that mean I can have phone-sex with him?

Squishy123 January 2, 2015 at 9:24 am

Okay that seals it for me, his daddy say’s he’s a good boy. That’s good enough for me. Now if any of the other candidate’s fathers say their sons are good boys then it’s going to mess it all up.

Being sheriff is more than what you’ll get to write in next year’s Christmas letter.

GrandTango January 2, 2015 at 3:27 pm

Why don’t you give him your address and say that to his FACE?

Squishy123 January 2, 2015 at 3:30 pm

Says the person who uses multiple aliases on this blog.

If Daddy has thin skin now, if his son does get elected he’ll have a stroke within the first year his son is in office.

GrandTango January 2, 2015 at 3:50 pm

Paranoid/Stalker idiot much?

Squishy123 January 2, 2015 at 6:44 pm

Says the person who uses multiple aliases on this blog.

The line starts here January 2, 2015 at 5:34 pm

We’d all beg for you to do the same.

GrandTango January 2, 2015 at 6:58 pm

When I make specific assaults toward people FITS identifies…you may have a point. Until then you are generalizing incorrectly, as usual. That is a characteristic of those w/ a dearth of intellect.

GrandTango January 2, 2015 at 3:26 pm

Mr. Britt, it may be a good idea to ask FITS NOT to post your son’s announcements on this site. It is likely to do a lot more harm than good.
Most of the types that frequent the site are not very respectable people. In fact, the word “trashy” would not be too harsh.

Any chances a promising young Nancy Mace had as a candidate were seriously damaged by her association w/ FITS.

FITS will never help an office-seeker. He was also a strong proponent of Thomas Ravenel and Tom Ervin…Both heavily invested in FITS for help and both of their efforts were abysmal failures.

Most of FITS’ followers are Takers, not givers. They are the kind of people who sanction corruption in government on the level of Barack Obama or the Bill Clinton Family.

From what I know of your son, if he had to win on the heels of low-life voters, he would just as soon not. He is much too good for the FITS site.

Squishy123 January 2, 2015 at 3:32 pm

Holy cow is this the pot calling the kettle black.

GrandTango January 2, 2015 at 3:49 pm

Cliche much?

Squishy123 January 2, 2015 at 6:45 pm

So you agree with me.

GrandTango January 2, 2015 at 7:18 pm

I agree that you are a hateful person who personally attacks me because I care about my home, my state and my country….

You care about your own personal greed and perpetuating the motives of corrupt and America-hating people..

To me it’s about a political movement and healing my community. You are a very rotten soul, who wants to damage people who are wise to your destruction and selfishness.

There is a BIG difference between me and you. I am the sort who believes in working to make this country its best. You thrive when we suffer as a nation. Thank God that I see as I do. While Satan cheers your blindness and deceit.

Squishy123 January 2, 2015 at 7:24 pm

Ahh, and to think I might give a fuck if it came from someone who wasn’t a giant douche.

You need to work on your patriotic speeches, this one sucked.

GrandTango January 2, 2015 at 7:27 pm

I was basically prodding you so Mr. Britt could see what he was dealing with here. You took the bit, and then some.
I am an expert at reading y’all. You are excellent for my ego.

Squishy123 January 2, 2015 at 7:46 pm

So you’re a troll, got it.

Maybe Mr. Britt can explain to us how his 30 year old son who has been a cop for less than a decade is suddenly qualified to lead one of the largest sheriff’s departments in the state. Maybe we can hear how much management, supervisory, budget and leadership experience he has. Maybe they think he can learn on the job. Maybe he should spend a few more years as Leon’s go’fer boy and come back in about 10 years.

Maybe you can get him to come over to your blog, if you haven’t already given it up.

Leeches for me January 2, 2015 at 8:11 pm

He’s integrating his blog into the comment section here.

He gets more traffic that way.

Yeh January 2, 2015 at 9:58 pm

You’re the dumbest fuck that’s ever logged on the internet. Seriously. And I’m a VERY conservative voter. You’re a fucking embarrassment to those of us on the right.

GrandTango January 3, 2015 at 7:39 am

LMAO…..Squishy, I KNOW I busted you in the face when you change names and start claiming to be a Conservative. That’s the first time I’ve seen that done….NOT…Hahahaha…

You people are so transparent. Do you think we’re as stupid as you are?

lulz January 2, 2015 at 5:36 pm

“Most of the types that frequent the site are not very respectable people.”

lulz…you’re here more than anyone else, including Smirks.

“He is much too good for the FITS site.”

Which explains why you are here.

nitrat January 2, 2015 at 9:39 pm

If your son is going into the noble field of politics – that’s what a sheriff is, a politician, you and he need to develop thick skins.

Dave McRoberts January 1, 2015 at 12:53 pm

If your talking trash about Justin Britt, then you don’t know him. If you would like to know more about him then please call me at 803-513-4753. I’ve known Justin for the past ten years personally and professionally and I will be more than happy to fill you in on the kind of hard working, Christian family man he really is.

truthmonger January 1, 2015 at 1:27 pm

The simple fact that he’s Leon’s boy means he has to prove he wouldn’t be anything like Leon….

Horse Puckey January 1, 2015 at 3:26 pm

That is where a big part of the problem lies with these crooks getting into office as Sheriff and staying there for life. Why should it matter that he is a “good Christian”. Seriously, I don’t care if he is a good athiest, a good jew, a good Pagan, a good Sikh, or whatever, so long as he is honest, competent, and trustworthy. Still, these crooks frequently get into office and stay by being members of the First Baptist church or other large membership church in their counties. This is guaranteed to generate a few hundred or thousand votes for no other reason than he attends the same church as the sheeple at that church.

I bet there are easily a couple of hundred or more fools to be found in Lexington County right now who will tell you what a “good Christian man” Jimmy Metts is and how this somehow qualifies him to stay in that office.

Justin’s ties to the dubious ethics of Leon Lott are more than enough reason to avoid him as LexCo’s next Sheriff.

Squishy123 January 2, 2015 at 9:22 am

Guess who gets the first good ol’ boy job if he’s elected… this guy.

Soft Sigh from Hell January 3, 2015 at 2:25 pm

The new “Danny Frazier?”

Soft Sigh from Hell January 2, 2015 at 5:04 pm

Someone please give a few specifics underlying the widespread criticism of Lott. Beyond Scott and Santiago. Thanks.

truthmonger January 3, 2015 at 12:39 pm

Remember how he handled the cops arresting one of his deputies for beating that female soldier? Or the deputy who was attacked by his dog while checking the sheriff’s house and had to shoot it (fired him -ok, but claimed he was incompetent and tried to get his certification permanently revoked by his underling at the Academy -and the deputy had just been awarded Deputy of the Quarter prior to the incident). Notice how press coverage of the tax fraud arrests ended almost as soon as they happened? The media actually hides a lot of what happens there.

Soft Sigh from Hell January 3, 2015 at 2:24 pm

Interesting. Thanks. I’ll have to pay closer attention, as I had missed several of those.

Squishy123 January 2, 2015 at 7:36 pm

The guy is 30 years old. How much law enforcement experience does he have considering the fact that he also spent time working for Joe Wilson… 6-7 years tops? The guy probably just got permission to take a patrol car home with him.

You wanna play ball Spike? January 2, 2015 at 10:32 pm

If puppet strings were a qualification, he’d be over qualified.

He’s Chester to Leon/Knott’s spike:

Saluda Guest January 3, 2015 at 4:40 am

Looks like Jason Boothe.

Lexvegas January 3, 2015 at 9:39 am

No experience what so ever. This is a no brainer. Crawford appears to be the best choice at this point. We won’t get anyone who doesn’t have ties with at least a few good old boys, it’s just the fact of the reality, whoever is elected MUST be held accountable and be transparent.

reality January 3, 2015 at 10:53 am

All of the candidates are terrible for this position but since this is an article about Britt I will post the truth on this particular candidate. He has made deals with some of the most corrupt people in Lexington. He is way to young and doesn’t come close to the experience that is needed. He will be directed what to do and who to do it for as he already has. Poor boy needs to be careful. Never know who is hedging their bets and recording you smh. My advice don’t put your family through this. These people pushing this have nothing to lose. They can just turn around and pretend they don’t know you when things start to get bad. It is great to have goals but now is not the time and not the way to do it either.

Brian Horton January 4, 2015 at 1:05 am

Is anyone here actually old enough to remember what Leon was like as a RCSD deputy, before he became accountable only to an all to easy to manipulate voter base? He was never a good idea for sheriff. He first won on machismo and LEO backscratching.
On a related note, the reason folks like Dear Daddy Britt don’t like your anonymity is because they can’t bully an alias. But don’t think for a moment that if you reveal yourself to him he won’t try to track you down and retaliate. Hell Santiago as much as said it out loud,… “If you use social media in a way we don’t like we will find you and F$&k you, bank on it.”… So I signed in with my Facebook account just to cut down on your leg work.

jimlewisowb January 4, 2015 at 1:44 am

Like your style

Even better like the shot of you, well not you as much as the shot of the puppy

Personally I don’t buy into the anonymity bit but I do understand why others are reluctant to hang their shingle out in the open

In the past I have invited anyone who wants to get personal to do it over wings, ying ling and curly fries at BOB’s off Highway 6 on any Friday around 4:30 PM

That invitation includes you and the puppy, Neon Leon, the whole Britt clan, willie folks, even GT and his new sidekick Flip Off

Guest January 6, 2015 at 2:54 am

Thanks, In all honesty and full disclosure, I live out of state now. But I think my point still stands.

Brian Horton January 6, 2015 at 2:55 am

In full disclosure I live out of state now. But I think my point still stands. And thanks for the invite, I catch up with you ext time I’m in town.

Guest January 6, 2015 at 3:16 am

Not sure what I did to make it post twice but before you ask, the reason I still pay attention is because I still pay property taxes in Richland County.

Jim hit me up on Facebook is you use it. I always love to hear from folks back home. And thanks for the kind words about the beagle. The reason the photo is up is he died last week. I should be down to pickup another soon.

Brian Horton January 6, 2015 at 3:18 am

Not sure what I did to make it post twice but before you ask, the
reason I still pay attention is because I still pay property taxes in
Richland County.

Jim hit me up on Facebook is you use it. I always
love to hear from folks back home. And thanks for the kind words about
the beagle. The reason the photo is up is he died last week at age 12. I should be
down to pickup my new one real soon.

Brian Horton January 4, 2015 at 1:07 am

And being Leon’s boy should be the kiss of death in Lexington County, with good reason. Have you been to Richland County lately, do you really want what they got going on?

Bruce Wayne January 5, 2015 at 1:30 pm

Batman, the “facts” that you are attempting to slander Britt with are hugely untrue, you need to check your sources. Britt has not been in TWO shootings, he has been in ONE. Your story about “backing out of a poly” is a complete fabrication, no idea where you developed that one. The ONE shoot that he was involved in is a very clear cut case, and a justifiable use of force.
Also, your assumption that working on a fugitive task force is best categorized as “warrant division,” shows that you clearly have an ignorant and limited view on what the job entails. Maybe you should clarify your baseless accusations.
Also, I hope that your other lemmings will not continue to blindly accept the bs that you are spitting out as “facts,” or if you decide to continue, please point us in the direction of where you are obtaining these “facts”.

Jay January 5, 2015 at 10:11 pm

Ummmm okay. You really straighten that out for us. Thanks for the clarification.


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